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FSL / pyfeeds
Apache License 2.0The FSL Evaluation and Example Data Suite (FEEDS), now in Python!
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FSL / file-tree
MIT LicenseFileTrees provide a way to define the content of a structured directory. This can be very handy when defining input/output files for a pipeline.
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Taylor Hanayik / pheweb
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
stochastic PROFUMO (sPROFUMO), to be integrated within PROFUMO
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open-science / education / win task sharing workshop
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalWIN Tasks Sharing Workshop. Served at https://open.win.ox.ac.uk/pages/open-science/education/win-task-sharing-workshop
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The main startup interface that appears when you launch the FSL application. The dashboard shows FSL apps and recent files
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open-science / community / Beautiful Jekyll
MIT LicenseJekyll template: Beautiful Jekyll theme
Served at https://open.win.ox.ac.uk/pages/open-science/community/beautiful-jekyll
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Michiel Cottaar / fsl-pipe-gui
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Paul McCarthy / file-tree
MIT LicenseFileTrees provide a way to define the content of a structured directory. This can be very handy when defining input/output files for a pipeline.
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