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Nicole Eichert / project_hipmac
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
FSL / tirl
Apache License 2.0FSL releases of ihuszar/tirl - new changes are to be manually added to the main branch. All other branches are for historical purposes only.
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Michiel Cottaar / MRIBuilder.jl
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
FSL / pydr
Apache License 2.0Cluster-aware python implementation of dual-regression for CIFTI images.
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FSL-pipe has been moved to https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fsl-pipe
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File-tree has been moved to https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/file-tree
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Hossein Rafipoor / UK_biobank_pipeline_v_1
Apache License 2.0Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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Paul McCarthy / tirl
Apache License 2.0Tensor Image Registration Library - a modular general-purpose image registration framework for Python with prebaked scripts for histology-to-MRI registration.
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Paul McCarthy / file-tree
MIT LicenseFileTrees provide a way to define the content of a structured directory. This can be very handy when defining input/output files for a pipeline.
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