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Nicole Eichert / project_larynx
MIT LicenseThis repository contains processing code for the following publication:
Eichert N, Papp D, Mars RB & Watkins KE (2020) Mapping human laryngeal motor cortex during vocalization. Cerebral Cortex (accepted).
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Matteo Bastiani / dHCP_neo_dMRI_pipeline_release
Apache License 2.0Neonatal diffusion MRI (dMRI) data analysis pipeline
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open-science / analysis / print_partial_datasets
Apache License 2.0Command line tool to scan a dataset and print a table highlighting gaps.
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Evan Edmond / print_partial_datasets
Apache License 2.0Command line tool to scan a structured directory and print a table highlighting gaps.
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Nicole Eichert / project_variability
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
FSL Tools for MR Spectroscopy - Fitting/Plotting/Simulations/etc.
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Remove stupidly high intensities from MRI images which might negatively affect registration.
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Fidel Alfaro Almagro / UKB_UNCONFOUND_v2
Apache License 2.0Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Fits gyral white matter fibre configuration with a continuous vector field
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FileTrees provide a way to define the content of a structured directory. This can be very handy when defining input/output files for a pipeline.
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Tom Nichols / UKB_UNCONFOUND_v2
Apache License 2.0Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Talks, practicals, and other materials for the 2020 WIN PyTreat
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William Clarke / Low Rank Denoising Tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseTools for low rank denoising of MRSI.
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Saad Jbabdi / fsl_mrs
OtherFSL Tools for MR Spectroscopy - Fitting/Plotting/Simulations/etc.
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Analysis pipeline used in the ‘Capturing MultiORgan Effects of COVID-19’ (C-MORE) study.