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  Cusp v0.5.0 provides support for CUDA 7.0RC and Thrust 1.8. This release
  reflects a major refactoring of the dispatch system and provides closer
  integration with the internal structure of Thrust. This release also
  marks a substantial improvement in the overall documentation of Cusp.

New Features
  Gauss-Seidel and SOR relaxation methods for CSR matrices
  Implementation of robust Lanczos and LOBPCG eigensolvers (experimental)
  Native implementation of BFS, imported from back40computing
  Policy based interface to control execution and memory allocation of algorithms
  Support for generalized SpMV operations sparse matrices in any format
  Unified verbose_monitor and convergence_monitor functionality into the default monitor class
  New IO routines to read graphs or matrices stored in DIMACS or binary format
  counting_sort implementation to improve the performance of host sorting routines
  join_iterator used to combine separate iterators in an arbitrary order
  random_iterator used to generate random numbers


Bug Fixes
  Resolved issues related to Thrust 1.7 & Thrust 1.8
  Resolved issues related to CUDA 6.5 & CUDA 7.0
  Silenced warnings concerning Thrust OMP backend