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RF: Migrate the distancemap tool from tbss to avwutils

Paul McCarthy requested to merge rf/move-distancemap into master

This MR proposes that the distancemap tool be migrated from fsl/tbss> to fsl/avwutils. distancemap is a simple tool which, for each voxel in an image, calculates the distance to the nearest non-zero voxel.

The problem is that distancemap is used by several other FSL tools, which means that several FSL projects have a dependency on the tbss project. For other reasons (namely the vecreg command), tbss is dependent on fdt. Ultimately this means that feat is dependent on fdt, which is an ugly aspect of the current dependency hierarchy.

Simply moving distancemap from tbss into avwutils would remove all of these dependencies on tbss, and would simplify the dependency hierarchy.

The source in this MR is identical to the current version in the master branch of fsl/tbss>

Merge request reports
