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ENH: Update from 28/12/2012 release

Matthew Webster requested to merge enh/JHU into master

This is an update of the JHU white matter labels using the 28/12/2012 update downloaded from:

The header-implied orientation of the source files is incorrect as reported by

and verified by direct email from Susumu Mori.

The new atlas image was oriented to the existing version via the following:

fslswapdim ICBM_DTI_81_WMPM -x -y z ICBM_NIFTI_swap
flirt -in ICBM_NIFTI_swap -applyxfm -init $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat -ref $FSLDIR/data/atlases/JHU/JHU-ICBM-labels-1mm  -out ICBM_NIFTI_1mm   -interp nearestneighbour
flirt -in ICBM_NIFTI_1mm -applyxfm -init $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat -ref $FSLDIR/data/atlases/JHU-ICBM-labels-2mm -out ICBM_NIFTI_2mm -interp nearestneighbour

The only real difference in the update should be a region of voxels being relabelled from External Capsule (L/R) to Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (L/R). Note that the Uncinate fasciculus and Tapetum have different numerical designations, due to the addition of the Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus labels.

Anatomical relabelling was additionally verified by Saad Jbabdi.

Edited by Matthew Webster

Merge request reports