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Fix fsl_gen_3D hanging on fsleyes

Tom Nichols requested to merge nichols/fsl_deface:fsl_gen_3D-bash-fix into master

At least on MacOS Ventura, fsl_gen_3D hangs when fsleyes is launched to do the actual rendering. With help from @paulmc, we figured out that the hanging could be avoided if the call to fsleyes wasn't launched via bash (see fsl_gen_3D#L89-122).

This MR impliments that change, which now works on MacOS, though someone should probably make sure it works on Linux or other platforms.

It can be tested like

fsl_gen_3D $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz out

and confirming that out_{1,2}.png are created.

CC: @falmagro

Merge request reports