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  • Paul McCarthy's avatar
    Commit manually constructed from: · c536f718
    Paul McCarthy authored
    eb02d452  (ihuszar/master, ihuszar/HEAD, master) Bugfix to DummyLogger
    91202a5f  Adding print_fn to Optimiser
    a0907eb4  Removed deprecated numba compilation from transformations
    d85e35e4  Moved srchash from the archived tirlscripts module to TIRL
    bb790fc7  Replaced with pip in the installation instructions
    1b87a622  Fixed tirlscript registration routine.
    3544c446  Fixed tirlscript registration routine.
    31c706d7  Moved cli and scripting utils to tirlscripts.
    c55b5929  Changed TIRLSCRIPTS --> TSREGISTRY
    74bb6029  Implemented the new tirlscripts management system
    cd8e5cbd  Merge branch 'master' of /Users/inhuszar/apps/tirl-cliutils Merging CLI utilities into the main TIRL repository.
    7d6dd030  Module structure is ready to be merged into TIRL
    c5099f13  Merge branch 'master' of /Users/inhuszar/apps/tirl-scriptutils Merging scriptutils into main TIRL repository.
    1537f71b  Module structure update 2.
    ff336b92  Fixed module structure.
    725dd3f6  Scriptutils are ready to be merged into TIRL
    4cfac73d  v31: MND Stage 4 bugfix log; updated (C) information
    80e85081  v31: MND Stage 4 bugfix log; updated (C) information
    4b00c663  Updated copyright information.
    551fa598  Change from FSL licence to Apache v2
    2e34ec58  v3.6: new tirlenv w/py310 + amended (C) dates
    61b5c19c  v3.5 - Fortran-to-C conversion on import from NIfTI
    fb15e8a2  Accidental version update to v3.5 after reverting rotation changes.
    6f15c661  Monkey project 2 stage 1 registration commit.
    f67a45d5  Version 3.4.1 update - TImage masking bugfix
    47ce7619  Gitignore update
    7cf80982  Version 3.4 update - finalising file I/O changes
    2d3694d0  v3.4 updates - no more overuse of file handles
    6f86fe98  Version 24 update -- cliutils extension
    b98daf10  Version 24 -- BigMac: configurable sapshot resolution
    51f3d7d8  Version 3.2 update - added method: TImage.resample()
    4dc90eba  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    3ff97cff  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    5f484880  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    39538ef2  v3.2 updates - string update
    06fe4db8  Version 21 update -- versioning changes, bugfixes in BigMac
    341ebeb1  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
    27e9a20b  v3.2 updates - minor code reformatting
    30de277c  Version 1.2.1 update - project-specific version control, bigmac bugfixes.
    f121e637  Bugfix in TiffTileLoader, removed all test instructions.
    dac1b0e4  v3.1.5 updates - added TIRLLoader class
    5be15300  v3.1.5 updates - TField and TImage instance name assignment
    36496776  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    a2b1d632  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    806479b4  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    dd88a411  Version 1.1 update.
    9800106a  v3.1.4 updates - added "affine" option for loading NIfTI files.
    f29d27c8  v3.1.4 updates - auto-install SimpleITK to the tirl environment
    9ce8c050  v3.1.4 updates - MINC support, CostPoints, and bugfix.
    3eeacdf4  v3.1.3 updates - added VIPS-generated pyramidal TIFF support to TiffTileLoader
    2492a79e  v3.1.2 updates - bugfix for large Domain objects that occasionally returned invalid voxel coordinates due to integer-type overflow
    4ce3248f  v3.1.1 updates
    b7507511  Initial commit v1.0.0
    357ea452  Restructuring the tirl repository for FSL release
    6e083b9a  Fixed git merge error.
    f1b717a0  Partial bugfix for TIRLFile object ID redundancy problem.
    38a47398  Partial bugfix for TIRLFile object ID redundancy problem.
    5e6edf7e  Bugfix: eliminate NaNs from interpolated mask (wasteful)
    Commit manually constructed from:
    Paul McCarthy authored
    eb02d452  (ihuszar/master, ihuszar/HEAD, master) Bugfix to DummyLogger
    91202a5f  Adding print_fn to Optimiser
    a0907eb4  Removed deprecated numba compilation from transformations
    d85e35e4  Moved srchash from the archived tirlscripts module to TIRL
    bb790fc7  Replaced with pip in the installation instructions
    1b87a622  Fixed tirlscript registration routine.
    3544c446  Fixed tirlscript registration routine.
    31c706d7  Moved cli and scripting utils to tirlscripts.
    c55b5929  Changed TIRLSCRIPTS --> TSREGISTRY
    74bb6029  Implemented the new tirlscripts management system
    cd8e5cbd  Merge branch 'master' of /Users/inhuszar/apps/tirl-cliutils Merging CLI utilities into the main TIRL repository.
    7d6dd030  Module structure is ready to be merged into TIRL
    c5099f13  Merge branch 'master' of /Users/inhuszar/apps/tirl-scriptutils Merging scriptutils into main TIRL repository.
    1537f71b  Module structure update 2.
    ff336b92  Fixed module structure.
    725dd3f6  Scriptutils are ready to be merged into TIRL
    4cfac73d  v31: MND Stage 4 bugfix log; updated (C) information
    80e85081  v31: MND Stage 4 bugfix log; updated (C) information
    4b00c663  Updated copyright information.
    551fa598  Change from FSL licence to Apache v2
    2e34ec58  v3.6: new tirlenv w/py310 + amended (C) dates
    61b5c19c  v3.5 - Fortran-to-C conversion on import from NIfTI
    fb15e8a2  Accidental version update to v3.5 after reverting rotation changes.
    6f15c661  Monkey project 2 stage 1 registration commit.
    f67a45d5  Version 3.4.1 update - TImage masking bugfix
    47ce7619  Gitignore update
    7cf80982  Version 3.4 update - finalising file I/O changes
    2d3694d0  v3.4 updates - no more overuse of file handles
    6f86fe98  Version 24 update -- cliutils extension
    b98daf10  Version 24 -- BigMac: configurable sapshot resolution
    51f3d7d8  Version 3.2 update - added method: TImage.resample()
    4dc90eba  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    3ff97cff  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    5f484880  v3.2.1 updates - resolved multi-user conflict on TWD
    39538ef2  v3.2 updates - string update
    06fe4db8  Version 21 update -- versioning changes, bugfixes in BigMac
    341ebeb1  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
    27e9a20b  v3.2 updates - minor code reformatting
    30de277c  Version 1.2.1 update - project-specific version control, bigmac bugfixes.
    f121e637  Bugfix in TiffTileLoader, removed all test instructions.
    dac1b0e4  v3.1.5 updates - added TIRLLoader class
    5be15300  v3.1.5 updates - TField and TImage instance name assignment
    36496776  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    a2b1d632  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    806479b4  v3.1.5 updates - bugfixes
    dd88a411  Version 1.1 update.
    9800106a  v3.1.4 updates - added "affine" option for loading NIfTI files.
    f29d27c8  v3.1.4 updates - auto-install SimpleITK to the tirl environment
    9ce8c050  v3.1.4 updates - MINC support, CostPoints, and bugfix.
    3eeacdf4  v3.1.3 updates - added VIPS-generated pyramidal TIFF support to TiffTileLoader
    2492a79e  v3.1.2 updates - bugfix for large Domain objects that occasionally returned invalid voxel coordinates due to integer-type overflow
    4ce3248f  v3.1.1 updates
    b7507511  Initial commit v1.0.0
    357ea452  Restructuring the tirl repository for FSL release
    6e083b9a  Fixed git merge error.
    f1b717a0  Partial bugfix for TIRLFile object ID redundancy problem.
    38a47398  Partial bugfix for TIRLFile object ID redundancy problem.
    5e6edf7e  Bugfix: eliminate NaNs from interpolated mask (wasteful)
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.