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FSL / funpack
Apache License 2.0The FMRIB UKBioBank Normalisation, Parsing And Cleaning Kit
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UK Biobank imaging pipeline adaptations for use in a real-world memory clinic sample at the Oxford Brain Health Clinic
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WIN Information Retrieval Engine
Download open access data sets from popular online repos. Part of WIN's open science initiative.
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Code used for the analyses presented in the paper "White matter hyperintensities classified according to intensity and spatial location reveal specific associations with cognitive performance" by Melazzini et al.,
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Collection of pipelines for T2w, DWI and QSM imaging for Merima's studies.
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THIS REPOSITORY IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED - Docker images for FSLeyes testing are now stored in the fsl/fsleyes/fsleyes repository.
Archived 0Updated -
Diffusion models implemented in the cudimot framework. See https://users.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~moisesf/cudimot/ for more details.
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preclinical-imaging / Bruker_7T_QSM_R2s_Pipeline_ExVivo_OpenSource
Apache License 2.0Updated -
preclinical-imaging / Bruker_7T_DMRI_Pipeline_ExVivo_OpenSource
Apache License 2.0Updated -
FSL / funpack-fmrib-config
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Nicole Eichert / project_larynx
MIT LicenseThis repository contains processing code for the following publication:
Eichert N, Papp D, Mars RB & Watkins KE (2020) Mapping human laryngeal motor cortex during vocalization. Cerebral Cortex (accepted).