Explore projects
get a real dataset location from a dataset_loc.txt file in a zenodo repository. Useful for WIN DigitalBrainBank
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X-species automated tractography tool - development is now at https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/xtract
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Code for "Harmonising large-scale imaging databases to provide integrated assessments of the role of white matter hyperintensities in cognitive aging." Discovery Award Project
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WIN Information Retrieval Engine
Download open access data sets from popular online repos. Part of WIN's open science initiative.
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Computational modelling course taught as part of the WIN graduate programme.
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open-science / education / win-fmrib-tutorial-2024
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
MRS basis spectra for WIN sequences generated using FSL-MRS's simulator.
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Hossein Rafipoor / WHIM
MIT LicenseThis is a project for hierarchical modelling of white matter tract useful for fixel based analysis.
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A repo of folders containing Vagrant files that define useful Virtualbox recipes
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FSL / ukbparse
Apache License 2.0The FMRIB UK BioBank data processing library. ukbparse is no longer being developed - it has been superseded by funpack - https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/funpack/
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Tom Nichols / UKB_UNCONFOUND_v2
Apache License 2.0Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Fidel Alfaro Almagro / UKB_UNCONFOUND_v2
Apache License 2.0Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Exploring, adapting, modifying the UK biobank imaging pipeline codes for the implementation on DPUK cohorts data
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Scripts for QSM processing of the UK Biobank swMRI data