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Jupyter notebook-based practicals for the 2018 WIN PyTreat
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Jupyter notebook-based practicals for the 2018 WIN PyTreat
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Matteo Bastiani / aFOD
Apache License 2.0Python-based asymmetric fibre orientation distributions (aFODs) estimation library
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Pandas tutorial for the analysis group meeting on November 21
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Exploring machine learning methods, with special focus on the deep learning methods in order to attempt Neuroimage segmentation and analysis
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Compare cloudflare zlib implementation to the reference zlib (version included in FSL 6.0.1)
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FSL / ukbparse
Apache License 2.0The FMRIB UK BioBank data processing library. ukbparse is no longer being developed - it has been superseded by funpack - https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/funpack/
Archived 0Updated -
Code and pipeline for the extraction of fibre dispersion from MDE data
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Talks and Jupyter notebook-based practicals for the 2018 WIN PyTreat
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Talks, practicals, and other materials for the 2020 WIN PyTreat
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Talks, practicals, and other materials for the 2020 WIN PyTreat
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Talks, practicals, and other materials for the 2020 WIN PyTreat
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Nicole Eichert / project_variability
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
FSL Tools for MR Spectroscopy - Fitting/Plotting/Simulations/etc.