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Fork of https://github.com/ox-it/django-webauth with updates for modern Django
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The legacy FSL installer script, used to install FSL versions and older.
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FSL MELODIC results viewer. Specifically intended for use with training the FIX tool.
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Code for inferring PRObabilistic FUnctional MOdes. See DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.01.013 and DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117226.
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FSL MELODIC results viewer. Specifically intended for use with training the FIX tool.
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computes a gyral coordinate system (as well as many utilities to work with meshes)
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Fits gyral white matter fibre configuration with a continuous vector field
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Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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A collection of custom wx widgets and utilities used by FSLeyes.
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