Explore projects
get a real dataset location from a dataset_loc.txt file in a zenodo repository. Useful for WIN DigitalBrainBank
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Code for "Harmonising large-scale imaging databases to provide integrated assessments of the role of white matter hyperintensities in cognitive aging." Discovery Award Project
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WIN Information Retrieval Engine
Download open access data sets from popular online repos. Part of WIN's open science initiative.
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Computational modelling course taught as part of the WIN graduate programme.
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MRS basis spectra for WIN sequences generated using FSL-MRS's simulator.
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This is a project for hierarchical modelling of white matter tract useful for fixel based analysis.
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A repo of folders containing Vagrant files that define useful Virtualbox recipes
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Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Code for the generation, processing, and analysis of imaging confounds in UKB Biobank.
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Exploring, adapting, modifying the UK biobank imaging pipeline codes for the implementation on DPUK cohorts data
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Scripts for QSM processing of the UK Biobank swMRI data
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Version 1.5 of the Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.
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Pipeline for brain imaging processing of UK Biobank.
Pipeline developed by Fidel Alfaro Almagro, Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson.
Contributions by FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford.