Duncan Mortimer authored
UNUSUABLE_PASSWORD has been replaced with UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX and UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_SUFFIX, however, neither of these needs to be used as by not passing a password to the user create method you get an unusable password by default.
Duncan Mortimer authoredUNUSUABLE_PASSWORD has been replaced with UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX and UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_SUFFIX, however, neither of these needs to be used as by not passing a password to the user create method you get an unusable password by default.
webauth_ldap.py 2.73 KiB
import ldap
import ldap.sasl
import logging
import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebauthLDAPBackend(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ldap_endpoint = getattr(settings, 'WEBAUTH_LDAP_ENDPOINT',
def authenticate(self, username):
user, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(username=username)
auth = ldap.sasl.gssapi('')
oakldap = ldap.initialize(self.ldap_endpoint)
oakldap.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', auth)
results = oakldap.search_s('ou=people,dc=oak,dc=ox,dc=ac,dc=uk',
'(oakPrincipal=krbPrincipalName=%s@OX.AC.UK,cn=OX.AC.UK,cn=KerberosRealms,dc=oak,dc=ox,dc=ac,dc=uk)' % username)
if not results:
return None
person = results[0][1]
for name, key in (('first_name', 'givenName'),
('last_name', 'sn'),
('email', 'mail')):
setattr(user, name, person[key][0])
except KeyError, e:
setattr(user, name, '')
logger.warning("User %s doesn't have a %s", username, key)
oakgroups = self.get_groups(user, person)
user.groups = set(user.groups.all()).union(oakgroups)
user.backend = 'django_webauth.backends.webauth_ldap.WebauthLDAPBackend'
return user
def get_groups(self, user, person):
groups = set('status:%s' % s for s in person['oakStatus'])
for g in person.get('oakITSSFor', ()):
match = re.match(r'oakGN=ITSS,oakUnitCode=(\w+),ou=units,dc=oak,dc=ox,dc=ac,dc=uk', g)
if match:
groups.add('itss:%s' % match.group(1))
elif g == 'oakGN=ITSS,ou=oucscentral,dc=oak,dc=ox,dc=ac,dc=uk':
for u in person.get('eduPersonOrgUnitDN', ()):
match = re.match(r'oakUnitCode=(\w+),ou=units,dc=oak,dc=ox,dc=ac,dc=uk', u)
if match:
groups.add('affiliation:%s' % match.group(1))
# As per http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/services/oak/sp/ldap/index.xml?ID=recommendations
# if someone has an eduPersonAffiliation of 'member', they are a member
# of the University
if 'member' in person.get('eduPersonAffiliation'):
return set(Group.objects.get_or_create(name=name)[0] for name in groups)
def get_user(self, user_id):
return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None