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diffmodels.cuh 5.89 KiB
/*  diffmodels.cuh

    Tim Behrens, Saad Jbabdi, Stam Sotiropoulos, Moises Hernandez  - FMRIB Image Analysis Group

    Copyright (C) 2005 University of Oxford  */


#include <device_vector.h>

void fit_PVM_single(	//INPUT
			const vector<ColumnVector> 	datam_vec, 
			const vector<Matrix> 		bvecs_vec,
			const vector<Matrix> 		bvals_vec,
			thrust::device_vector<float> 	datam_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvecs_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvals_gpu,
			int				ndirections,
			int 				nfib,	
			bool 				m_include_f0,
			bool				gradnonlin,
			string 				output_file,		
			thrust::device_vector<float>&	params_gpu);

void fit_PVM_single_c(	//INPUT
			const vector<ColumnVector> 	datam_vec, 
			const vector<Matrix> 		bvecs_vec,
			const vector<Matrix> 		bvals_vec,
			thrust::device_vector<float> 	datam_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvecs_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvals_gpu,
			int				ndirections,
			int 				nfib,		
			bool 				m_include_f0,
			bool				gradnonlin,
			string 				output_file,		
			thrust::device_vector<float>&	params_gpu);

void fit_PVM_multi(	//INPUT
			thrust::device_vector<float> 	datam_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvecs_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvals_gpu,	
			int 				nvox,		
			int				ndirections,	
			int				nfib,
			bool 				m_include_f0,
			bool				gradnonlin,
			string 				output_file,
			thrust::device_vector<float>&	params_gpu);

void calculate_tau(	//INPUT
			thrust::device_vector<float> 	datam_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	params_gpu,
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvecs_gpu, 
			thrust::device_vector<float>	bvals_gpu,
			thrust::host_vector<int>	vox_repeat,
			int				nrepeat,
			int				ndirections,
			int				nfib,
			int 				model,
			bool 				m_include_f0,
			bool 				nonlin,
			bool				gradnonlin,
			string 				output_file,				
			thrust::host_vector<float>&	tau);

__device__ void cf_PVM_single(		//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,	
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams, 
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float*				_d,
					float*				sumf,
					double* 			cfv);

__device__ void grad_PVM_single(	//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_d,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				grad);

__device__ void hess_PVM_single(	//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_d,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				hess);

__device__ void cf_PVM_single_c(	//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams, 
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				reduction,
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_d,
					float* 				sumf,
					double* 			cfv);

__device__ void grad_PVM_single_c(	//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float* 				f_deriv,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_d,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				grad);

__device__ void hess_PVM_single_c(	//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float* 				f_deriv,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_d,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				hess);

__device__ void cf_PVM_multi(		//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams, 
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_a,
					float* 				_b,
					float* 				sumf,
					double*				cfv);

__device__ void grad_PVM_multi(		//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			data,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_a,
					float* 				_b,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				grad);

__device__ void hess_PVM_multi(		//INPUT
					const float*			params,
					const float*			bvecs, 
					const float*			bvals,
					const int			ndirections,
					const int			nfib,
					const int 			nparams,
					const bool 			m_include_f0,
					const int			idSubVOX,
					float*				J,
					float*				reduction,					
					float* 				fs,
					float*				x,
					float* 				_a,
					float*				_b,
					float* 				sumf,
					float*				hess);