<b>Input directory:</b> Use the browse button to select an input directory. That directory must contain the following files:
<li><b>data</b>: A 4D series of data volumes. This will include diffusion-weighted volumes and volume(s) with no diffusion weighting.</li>
<li><b>nodif</b>: 3D volume with no diffusion weighting.</li>
<li><b>nodif_brain_mask</b>: 3D binary brain mask volume derived from running <ahref="../bet2/index.html"target="_top">bet</a> on nodif.</li>
<li><b>nodif_brain_mask</b>: 3D binary brain mask volume derived from running <ahref="../bet2/index.html"target="_top">bet</a> on nodif (i.e. on a volume with no diffusion weighting).</li>
<li><b>bvecs</b>: A text file containing a list of gradient directions applied during diffusion weighted volumes. The order of entries in this file must match the order of volumes in <b>data</b>.
The format is<pre>
@@ -59,8 +58,6 @@ anisotropy </li>
<ul><li>Note that in each voxel, fibres are ordered according to a decreasing mean f-value</li></ul>
<li><b>dyads<i></b> - Mean of PDD distribution in vector form.
Note that this file can be loaded into fslview for easy <ahref="fdt_display.html">viewing of diffusion directions</a></li>
<li><b>nodif</b> - Single volume with no diffusion weighting -
copied from input directory </li>
<li><b>nodif_brain</b> - brain extracted version of nodif - copied
from input directory</li>
<li><b>nodif_brain_mask</b> - binary mask created from nodif_brain -