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Commit 28921fe1 authored by Paul McCarthy's avatar Paul McCarthy :mountain_bicyclist:
Browse files

ENH,RF: Image.resample separated out into a new module (in a new

package). Refactored, cleaned up, and enhanced to accept an arbitrary affine
transform - can be used to resample an image into any other space.
parent a5073f9d
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......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ and file names:
import os
import os.path as op
import as abc
import string
import logging
import tempfile
......@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ import warnings
import six
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import nibabel as nib
import nibabel.fileslice as fileslice
......@@ -1167,140 +1165,14 @@ class Image(Nifti):
def resample(self,
def resample(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a copy of the data in this ``Image``, resampled to the
specified ``newShape``.
See the ``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`` function for more details,
particularly on the ``order`` and ``offset`` arguments.
:arg newShape: Desired shape. May containg floating point values,
in which case the resampled image will have shape
``round(newShape)``, but the voxel sizes will
have scales ``self.shape / newShape``.
:arg sliceobj: Slice into this ``Image``. If ``None``, the whole
image is resampled, and it is assumed that it has the
same number of dimensions as ``newShape``. A
:exc:`ValueError` is raised if this is not the case.
:arg dtype: ``numpy`` data type of the resampled data. If ``None``,
the :meth:`dtype` of this ``Image`` is used.
:arg order: Spline interpolation order, passed through to the
``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`` function - ``0``
corresponds to nearest neighbour interpolation, ``1``
(the default) to linear interpolation, and ``3`` to
cubic interpolation.
:arg smooth: If ``True`` (the default), the data is smoothed before
being resampled, but only along axes which are being
down-sampled (i.e. where
``newShape[i] < self.shape[i]``).
:arg offset: Offset (in voxel coordinates) into this image to
apply when retrieving values during the resampling. May
be a scalar value, or a sequence of three values.
Default value is determined by the ``origin`` argument.
:arg origin: ``'centre'`` (the default) or ``'corner'``. ``'centre'``
resamples the image such that the centre of the corner
voxels of this image and the resampled data are
aligned. ``'corner'`` resamples the image such that
the corner of the corner voxels are aligned (and
therefore the voxel grids are aligned).
Ignored if ``offset`` is specified.
:returns: A tuple containing:
- A ``numpy`` array of shape ``newShape``, containing
an interpolated copy of the data in this ``Image``.
- A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(4, 4)``, containing the
adjusted voxel-to-world transformation for the spatial
dimensions of the resampled data.
See the :mod:`.image.resample` module for more details.
if sliceobj is None: sliceobj = slice(None)
if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype
if origin == 'center': origin = 'centre'
if origin not in ('centre', 'corner'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for origin: {}'.format(origin))
data = self[sliceobj]
data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=False)
oldShape = np.array(data.shape, dtype=np.float)
newShape = np.array(newShape, dtype=np.float)
if len(oldShape) != len(newShape):
raise ValueError('Shapes don\'t match')
if not np.all(np.isclose(oldShape, newShape)):
ratio = oldShape / newShape
newShape = np.array(np.round(newShape),
scale = np.diag(ratio)
# If an offest hasn't been provided,
# calculate it from the origin -
# the default behaviour (centre)
# causes the corner voxel of the
# output to have the same centre
# as the corner voxel of the input.
# If the origin is 'corner', we
# apply an offset which effectively
# causes the voxel grids of the
# input and output to be aligned.
if offset is None:
if origin == 'centre': offset = 0
elif origin == 'corner': offset = list((ratio - 1) / 2)
if not isinstance(offset, abc.Sequence):
offset = [offset] * 3
if len(offset) < len(newShape):
offset = list(offset) + [0] * (len(newShape) - len(offset))
# If interpolating and smoothing, we apply a
# gaussian filter along axes with a resampling
# ratio greater than 1.1. We do this so that
# interpolation has an effect when down-sampling
# to a resolution where the voxel centres are
# aligned (as otherwise any interpolation regime
# will be equivalent to nearest neighbour). This
# more-or-less mimics the behaviour of FLIRT.
if order > 0 and smooth:
sigma = np.array(ratio)
sigma[ratio < 1.1] = 0
sigma[ratio >= 1.1] *= 0.425
data = ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, sigma)
data = ndimage.affine_transform(data,
# Construct an affine transform which
# puts the resampled image into the
# same world coordinate system as this
# image.
scale = transform.scaleOffsetXform(ratio[:3], offset)
xform = transform.concat(self.voxToWorldMat, scale)
xform = self.voxToWorldMat
return data, xform
from fsl.utils.image.resample import resample
return resample(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, sliceobj):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - The resample functino
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module defines the :func:`resample` function, which can be used
to resample an :class:`.Image` object to a different resolution.
The :func:`applySmoothing` and :func:`calculateMatrix` functions are
sub-functions of :func:`resample`.
import as abc
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import fsl.utils.transform as transform
def resample(image,
"""Returns a copy of the data in the ``image``, resampled to the specified
The space that the image is resampled into can be defined in one of the
following ways, in decreasing order of precedence:
1. If a ``matrix`` is provided, it is applied to the voxel coordinates
when retrieving values from the ``image``
2. Otherwise the image is simply scaled according to the ratio calculated
by ``image.shape / newShape``. In this case the ``origin`` argument
may be used to adjust the alignemnt of the original and resampled
voxel grids.
See the ``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`` function for more details,
particularly on the ``order``, ``matrix``, ``mode`` and
``cval`` arguments.
:arg newShape: Desired shape. May containg floating point values, in which
case the resampled image will have shape
``round(newShape)``, but the voxel sizes will have scales
``self.shape / newShape`` (unless ``matrix`` is specified).
:arg sliceobj: Slice into this ``Image``. If ``None``, the whole
image is resampled, and it is assumed that it has the
same number of dimensions as ``newShape``. A
:exc:`ValueError` is raised if this is not the case.
:arg dtype: ``numpy`` data type of the resampled data. If ``None``,
the :meth:`dtype` of this ``Image`` is used.
:arg order: Spline interpolation order, passed through to the
``scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`` function - ``0``
corresponds to nearest neighbour interpolation, ``1``
(the default) to linear interpolation, and ``3`` to
cubic interpolation.
:arg smooth: If ``True`` (the default), the data is smoothed before
being resampled, but only along axes which are being
down-sampled (i.e. where ``newShape[i] < self.shape[i]``).
:arg origin: ``'centre'`` (the default) or ``'corner'``. ``'centre'``
resamples the image such that the centre of the corner
voxels of this image and the resampled data are
aligned. ``'corner'`` resamples the image such that
the corner of the corner voxels are aligned (and
therefore the voxel grids are aligned).
Ignored if ``offset`` or ``matrix`` is specified.
:arg matrix: Arbitrary affine transformation matrix to apply to the
voxel coordinates of ``image`` when resampling.
:arg mode: How to handle regions which are outside of the image FOV.
Defaults to `''nearest'``.
:arg cval: Constant value to use when ``mode='constant'``.
:returns: A tuple containing:
- A ``numpy`` array of shape ``newShape``, containing
an interpolated copy of the data in this ``Image``.
- A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(4, 4)``, containing the
adjusted voxel-to-world transformation for the spatial
dimensions of the resampled data.
if sliceobj is None: sliceobj = slice(None)
if dtype is None: dtype = image.dtype
if origin == 'center': origin = 'centre'
if origin not in ('centre', 'corner'):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for origin: {}'.format(origin))
data = np.array(image[sliceobj], dtype=dtype, copy=False)
if len(data.shape) != len(newShape):
raise ValueError('Data dimensions do not match new shape: '
'len({}) != len({})'.format(data.shape, newShape))
# If matrix not provided, calculate
# a scaling/offset matrix from the
# old/new shape ratio and the origin
# setting.
if matrix is None:
matrix = calculateMatrix(data.shape, newShape, origin)
# calculateMatrix will return None
# if it decides that the image
# doesn't need to be resampled
if matrix is None:
return data, image.voxToWorldMat
newShape = np.array(np.round(newShape),
# Apply smoothing if requested,
# and if not using nn interp
if order > 0 and smooth:
data = applySmoothing(data, matrix, newShape)
# Do the resample thing
data = ndimage.affine_transform(data,
# Construct an affine transform which
# puts the resampled image into the
# same world coordinate system as this
# image. The calculateMatrix function
# might not return a 4x4 matrix, so we
# make sure it is valid.
if matrix.shape != (4, 4):
matrix = np.vstack((matrix[:3, :4], [0, 0, 0, 1]))
matrix = transform.concat(image.voxToWorldMat, matrix)
return data, matrix
def applySmoothing(data, matrix, newShape):
"""Called by the :func:`resample` function.
If interpolating and smoothing, we apply a gaussian filter along axes with
a resampling ratio greater than 1.1. We do this so that interpolation has
an effect when down-sampling to a resolution where the voxel centres are
aligned (as otherwise any interpolation regime will be equivalent to
nearest neighbour). This more-or-less mimics the behaviour of FLIRT.
See the ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter`` function for more details.
:arg data: Data to be smoothed.
:arg matrix: Affine matrix to be used during resampling. The voxel
scaling factors are extracted from this.
:arg newShape: Shape the data is to be resampled into.
:returns: A smoothed copy of ``data``.
ratio = transform.decompose(matrix[:3, :3])[0]
if len(newShape) > 3:
ratio = np.concatenate((
[float(o) / float(s)
for o, s in zip(data.shape[3:], newShape[3:])]))
sigma = np.array(ratio)
sigma[ratio < 1.1] = 0
sigma[ratio >= 1.1] *= 0.425
return ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, sigma)
def calculateMatrix(oldShape, newShape, origin):
"""Calculates an affine matrix to use for resampling.
Called by :func:`resample`. The matrix will contain scaling factors
determined from the ``oldShape / newShape`` ratio, and an offset
determined from the ``origin``.
:arg oldShape: Shape of input data
:arg newShape: Shape to resample data to
:arg origin: Voxel grid alignment - either ``'centre'`` or ``'corner'``
:returns: An affine matrix that can be passed to
oldShape = np.array(oldShape, dtype=np.float)
newShape = np.array(newShape, dtype=np.float)
if np.all(np.isclose(oldShape, newShape)):
return None
# Otherwise we calculate a
# scaling matrix from the
# old/new shape ratio, and
# specify an offset
# according to the origin
ratio = oldShape / newShape
scale = np.diag(ratio)
# Calculate an offset from the
# origin - the default behaviour
# (centre) causes the corner voxel
# of the output to have the same
# centre as the corner voxel of
# the input. If the origin is
# 'corner', we apply an offset
# which effectively causes the
# voxel grids of the input and
# output to be aligned.
if origin == 'centre': offset = 0
elif origin == 'corner': offset = list((ratio - 1) / 2)
if not isinstance(offset, abc.Sequence):
offset = [offset] * len(newShape)
# ndimage.affine_transform will accept
# a matrix of shape (ndim, ndim + 1)
matrix = np.hstack((scale, np.atleast_2d(offset).T))
return matrix
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