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Commit 7bef97b2 authored by Matthew Webster's avatar Matthew Webster
Browse files

less tix, more fix

parent b903acde
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# MEDx interface for LoadVarian
# Copyright (c) Stuart Clare, FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford.
# Copyright (c) Stuart Clare and Matthew Webster FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford.
# This program should be considered a beta test version
# and must not be used for any clinical purposes.
# Uses loadvarian_proc.tcl for processing
source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/lvstart.tcl
source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/fslstart.tcl
set TCLPATH [file dirname [ info script ] ]
regsub tcl $TCLPATH bin BINPATH
regsub tcl $TCLPATH doc/load_varian HTMLPATH
......@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ regsub tcl $TCLPATH doc/load_varian HTMLPATH
set VERSION [exec $BINPATH/load_varian -version]
# FMRIB TCL functions
source $TCLPATH/FidFolderBox.tcl
source $TCLPATH/FidFolderDlg.tcl
source $TCLPATH/FidFolderInfoBox.tcl
source $TCLPATH/FidFolderInfoDlg.tcl
source $TCLPATH/loadvarian_proc.tcl
proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
......@@ -34,84 +30,34 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Load Varian Data $VERSION"
wm iconname $w "Load Varian"
wm iconbitmap $w @$FSLDIR/tcl/fmrib.xbm
#-------- File Browsers --------
tixFidFolderInfoSelectDialog $w.browser \
-title "Select a Varian FID file..." \
-command "load_varian:setfile $w"
tixFidFolderSelectDialog $w.rbrowser \
-title "Select a Varian FID file..." \
-command "load_varian:rsetfile $w"
FSLFileDirSelectDialog $w.abrowser \
-title "Select an AVW file..." \
-command "set variables(SELECTION)"
$w.abrowser subwidget fsbox config -pattern "IMAGE"
FSLFileDirSelectDialog $w.obrowser \
-title "Select an AVW file..." \
-command "set variables(OUTFILE)"
$w.obrowser subwidget fsbox config -pattern "IMAGE"
load_varian:setinput $w
#-------- Filename --------
#-------- Filename input/output--------output only used outside of MEDx
frame $w.file
frame $w.filef
frame $w.ifile
label $w.ifile.fnamelbl -text "Input filename: " -width 14
entry $w.ifile.filename -textvariable variables(SELECTION) -width 50
button $w.ifile.browse -text "Browse" -command "$w.browser popup"
pack $w.ifile.fnamelbl \
-in $w.ifile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
pack $w.ifile.filename -expand yes -fill x \
-in $w.ifile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
pack $w.ifile.browse\
-in $w.ifile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
#----- Output filename ----
# Only used outside of MEDx
frame $w.ofile
label $w.ofile.fnamelbl -text "Output filename: " -width 14
entry $w.ofile.filename -textvariable variables(OUTFILE) -width 50
button $w.ofile.browse -text "Browse" -command "$w.obrowser popup"
pack $w.ofile.fnamelbl \
-in $w.ofile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
pack $w.ofile.filename -expand yes -fill x \
-in $w.ofile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
pack $w.ofile.browse \
-in $w.ofile -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -anchor nw
pack $w.ifile -in $w.filef -side top -anchor nw -expand yes -fill x
pack $w.ofile -in $w.filef -side top -anchor nw -expand yes -fill x
pack $w.filef -in $w.file -pady 7 -expand yes -fill x
FileEntry $w.file.ifile -textvariable variables(SELECTION) -label "Input filename: " -title "Select a Varian FID file" -width 45 -filedialog 3panel -filetypes * -command "load_varian:setfile $w" -dirasfile fid
FileEntry $w.file.ofile -textvariable variables(OUTFILE) -label "Output filename:" -title "Select an AVW file" -width 45 -filetypes IMAGE
pack $w.file.ifile $w.file.ofile -side top -anchor nw -expand yes -fill x
#-------- Options --------
collapsible frame $w.opts -title "Options"
#-------- Notebook --------
tixNoteBook $w.nb -ipadx 5 -ipady 5
$w.nb add load -label " Load "
$w.nb add multi -label "Process"
$w.nb add epi -label " EPI "
$w.nb add par -label "Procpar"
$w.nb add save -label "Save"
$w.nb add adv -label "Advanced" -raisecmd "load_varian:setadv $w"
NoteBook $w.nb -side top -bd 2 -tabpady {5 10} -arcradius 3
$w.nb insert 0 load -text " Load "
$w.nb insert 1 multi -text "Process"
$w.nb insert 2 epi -text " EPI "
$w.nb insert 3 par -text "Procpar"
$w.nb insert 4 save -text "Save"
$w.nb insert 5 adv -text "Advanced" -raisecmd "load_varian:setadv $w"
$w.nb raise load
#-------- Load Options --------
set loadf [$w.nb subwidget load]
set loadf [$w.nb getframe load]
frame $w.load
label $w.load.label -text "Load volumes:"
......@@ -208,7 +154,7 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
pack $w.load -in $loadf -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
#-------- General Options --------
set msf [$w.nb subwidget multi]
set msf [$w.nb getframe multi]
frame $
......@@ -351,7 +297,7 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
pack $ -in $msf -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
#-------- EPI Options --------
set epif [$w.nb subwidget epi]
set epif [$w.nb getframe epi]
frame $w.epi
......@@ -411,18 +357,14 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
grid $w.epi.entropy -row 3 -column 2 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
grid $w.epi.entropyi -row 3 -column 3 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
label $w.epi.label -text "Reference scan:"
entry $w.epi.filename -textvariable variables(REFNAME) -width 50
button $w.epi.browse -text "Browse" -command "$w.rbrowser popup"
FileEntry $w.epi.rfile -textvariable variables(REFNAME) -label "Reference Scan: " -title "Select a Varian FID file..." -width 45 -filetypes *
grid $w.epi.label -row 4 -column 1 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
grid $w.epi.filename -row 4 -column 2 -columnspan 4 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
grid $w.epi.browse -row 5 -column 2 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
grid $w.epi.rfile -columnspan 4 -row 4 -column 1 -sticky w -in $w.epi -padx 3 -pady 3
pack $w.epi -in $epif -side top -pady 3 -padx 6 -anchor nw
#-------- Procpar file --------
set parf [$w.nb subwidget par]
set parf [$w.nb getframe par]
frame $w.par
label $w.par.xlbl -text "Points per line: "
......@@ -461,7 +403,7 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
pack $w.par -in $parf -side top -anchor nw
#-------- Save Options --------
set savef [$w.nb subwidget save]
set savef [$w.nb getframe save]
frame $
label $ -text "Format: "
......@@ -517,7 +459,7 @@ proc load_varian:dialog { w } {
pack $ -in $savef -side top -anchor nw
#-------- Advanced Options --------
set advf [$w.nb subwidget adv]
set advf [$w.nb getframe adv]
frame $w.options
scrollbar $w.options.sbar -command "$w.options.text yview"
......@@ -717,7 +659,7 @@ proc load_varian:showhide { w } {
proc load_varian:avwin { w } {
#This proc is NOT NEEDED (and not called!)
global variables
if {$variables(avw)==1} {
......@@ -746,8 +688,6 @@ proc load_varian:setinput { w } {
set variables(OUTFILE) [ file rootname $variables(SELECTION) ]
$w.browser subwidget fsbox config -directory [file dirname $variables(SELECTION)]
$w.rbrowser subwidget fsbox config -directory [file dirname $variables(SELECTION)]
proc load_varian:outfile_ext { } {
......@@ -774,28 +714,18 @@ proc load_varian:outfile_ext { } {
set variables(OUTFILE) "$variables(OUTFILE).hdr"
proc load_varian:rsetfile {w filename} {
global variables
set variables(REFNAME) $filename
proc load_varian:setfile {w filename} {
global variables
proc load_varian:setfile {w filename} {
global variables
#set SELECTION if setfile called in command line mode
set variables(SELECTION) $filename
load_varian:get_seqtype $w $variables(SELECTION)
load_varian:get_nD $w $variables(SELECTION)
load_varian:get_fmap $w $variables(SELECTION)
set DIR [file dirname $variables(SELECTION)]
$w.rbrowser subwidget fsbox config -directory $DIR
set fn [ file rootname $filename ]
set variables(OUTFILE) $fn
set variables(OUTFILE) [ file rootname $filename ]
$w.obrowser subwidget fsbox config -directory [file dirname $variables(OUTFILE)]
proc load_varian:get_seqtype { w filename } {
# test for whether we are in tclsh or wish
if { [ string first tclsh [ file tail [ info nameofexecutable ] ] ] != 0 } {
package require Tix
tix configure -scheme TixGray
option add *AutoRepeat false
set USER $env(USER)
set HOME [ exec sh -c " cd ; pwd " ]
......@@ -21,22 +14,56 @@ set PROCID [ pid ]
set HOSTNAME [ exec hostname ]
set OS [ exec uname ]
# set FSLDIR from environment
set auto_path [ linsert $auto_path 0 $FSLDIR/tcl ]
# test for whether we are in tclsh or wish
if { [ info exists env(TCLTKSHELL) ] && $env(TCLTKSHELL) == "wish" } {
package require Tk
#option add *AutoRepeat false
option add *Font {Helvetica 10} widgetDefault
# uncomment below for original notebook
# option add *NoteBook.font {Helvetica 9}
# uncomment below for bold labels
# option add *Label.font {Helvetica 10 bold}
option add *NoteBook.font {Helvetica 10 bold}
option add *Foreground black
option add *highlightBackground lightgray
option add *background lightgray
option add *FileEntry.Background grey95
option add *Scrollbar.Background grey60
option add *Entry.Background grey95
option add *highlightColor grey86
option add *activeBackground grey86
option add *Checkbutton*selectColor #ffff00
option add *Radiobutton*selectColor #ffff00
option add *Listbox.background grey95
option add *activeforeground #b0b0ff
option add *troughColor grey95
option add *selectBackground #b0b0ff
option add *disabledBackground #ffb0b0
option add *disabledForeground grey77
#New options for Spinbox...
option add *Entry.validate focusout
option add *SpinBox.vcmd2 {validNum %W %V %P %s [lindex [[string range %W 0 end-2] cget -range] 0] [lindex [[string range %W 0 end-2] cget -range] 1]}
option add *SpinBox.invcmd2 { set [%W cget -textvariable] $tempSpin; %W config -validate %v }
option add *Entry.width 4
#instead of using -disabledforeground #c4c4c4 in front of all notebooks
option add *insertBackground #ffb0b0
# for running outside of FMRIB don't try to renice
if { [ file exists /usr/local/bin/nicemedx ] } {
set RENICE 1
} else {
set RENICE 0
lappend auto_path $FSLDIR/tcl/bwidget
package require BWidget
package require BWFileEntry
package require BWLabelComboBox
package require BWLabelSpinBox
if { ! [ info exists INGUI ] } {
source $FSLDIR/tcl/FSLFileDirBox.tcl
source $FSLDIR/tcl/FSLFileDirDlg.tcl
source $FSLDIR/tcl/FSLFileEntry.tcl
#Choose load_varian specific OR FSLPARALLEL
if { [ info exists LOAD_VARIAN ] && $LOAD_VARIAN == 1 } {
if { [ file exists /usr/local/bin/nicemedx ] } { set RENICE 1 } else { set RENICE 0 }
} else {
if { [ info exists env(SGE_ROOT) ] && $env(SGE_ROOT) != "" } { set FSLPARALLEL 1 }
# what type of OS?
set OSFLAVOUR unix
......@@ -51,4 +78,3 @@ if { $UNAME == "Darwin" } {
set gui_ext "_gui"
set FSLSLASH "C:/cygwin"
0% Loading or .
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