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melreport.h 15.9 KiB
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/*  MELODIC - Multivariate exploratory linear optimized decomposition into 
              independent components
    melreport.h - report generation

    Christian F. Beckmann, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
    Copyright (C) 1999-2008 University of Oxford */
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/*  Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library
    Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance
    Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford
    University, Oxford, UK
    FMRIB Software Library, Release 4.0 (c) 2007, The University of
    Oxford (the "Software")
    The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the
    The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for
    non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order
    that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for
    the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University
    makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any
    warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software,
    or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use
    under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims
    all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It
    further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using
    the Software.
    The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the
    University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and
    liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for
    negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the
    Software or the sale of any products based on the Software.
    No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or
    transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
    without the express permission of the University. The permission of
    the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification,
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    transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any
    copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to
    abide by these terms and conditions.
    You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software
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    defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part
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    Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of
    developing software products for sale or license to a third party or
    (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the
    final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a
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    Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the
    University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: quoting reference DE/1112. */
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Mark Jenkinson committed

#include "newimage/newimageall.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
#include "melpca.h"
#include "meloptions.h"
#include "meldata.h"
#include "melgmix.h"
#include "melodic.h"
#include "newmatap.h"
#include "newmatio.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <strstream>
#include "libvis/miscplot.h"
#include "libvis/miscpic.h"
#include "utils/options.h"
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

using namespace Utilities;
using namespace NEWIMAGE;
using namespace MISCPLOT;
using namespace MISCPIC;

namespace Melodic{
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
  class MelodicReport{
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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      MelodicReport(MelodicData &pmelodat, MelodicOptions &popts, Log &plogger):  
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
	  				const time_t tmptime = time(NULL);
		    		system(("mkdir "+ logger.appendDir("report") + " 2>/dev/null").c_str());
Matthew Webster's avatar
Matthew Webster committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
						report << "<HTML><HEAD><link REL=stylesheet TYPE=text/css href=file:" +
							(string) getenv("FSLDIR") +"/doc/fsl.css>" 
						  << "<TITLE>MELODIC report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>"
							<< endl <<endl;
						loghtml << "<HTML><HEAD><link REL=stylesheet TYPE=text/css href=file:" +
							(string) getenv("FSLDIR") +"/doc/fsl.css>" 
						  << "<TITLE>MELODIC report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>"
							<< endl <<endl;						
	  				navigator << "<link REL=stylesheet TYPE=text/css href=file:"+
							(string) getenv("FSLDIR") +"/doc/fsl.css>"  << endl;
						head << "<link REL=stylesheet TYPE=text/css href=file:"+
							(string) getenv("FSLDIR") +"/doc/fsl.css>"  << endl;
						head  <<"<TABLE BORDER=0><TR>" << endl
							<<" <TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=100%>"<< endl
							<<"<TABLE BORDER=0>"<< endl
							<<"<tr><td align=center><font size=+3><b>MELODIC Report</b>"<< endl
							<<"</font><tr><td valign=center align=center> <p>"<< endl
							<< report.getDir() << "/" << report.getLogFileName() << "<br>"
							<< ctime(&tmptime) << "</tr>"<< endl
							<<"<tr valign=bottom><td align=center>"<< endl
							<< "</tr></table>" << endl
							<< "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>" << endl
							<< "<a href= target=_top>" << endl
						  << "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=file:"<< getenv("FSLDIR")
							<< "/doc/images/fsl-logo-big.jpg WIDTH=165></a>" << endl
							<< "</TD>"<<endl<<"</TR></TABLE> <hr>"<<endl;
							report <<"<OBJECT data=head.html></OBJECT>" <<  endl;
							loghtml <<"<OBJECT data=head.html></OBJECT>" <<  endl;
				   		report <<"<OBJECT data="<<opts.guireport.value()<< "></OBJECT>"<< endl;
							loghtml <<"<OBJECT data="<<opts.guireport.value()<< "></OBJECT>"<< endl;
						report << "<IFRAME  height=80px width=100% src=nav.html frameborder=0></IFRAME><p>"<< endl;		
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
						loghtml << "<IFRAME  height=100px width=100% src=nav.html frameborder=0></IFRAME><p>"
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							<<"<IFRAME width=100% height=100% src=\"../log.txt\"></IFRAME>" <<endl;		
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
						navigator <<"<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=0><TR>" << endl
							<<"<TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=100%><FONT SIZE=-1>"<<endl
							<<"<A HREF=\"00index.html\" target=\"_top\">Main</A>&nbsp;-&nbsp;";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							navigator << "<A HREF=\"log.html\" target=\"_top\">Log</A>&nbsp;-&nbsp;";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
						navigator	<<"Components: ";
						axials_instr = opts.axials_str.value();
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
					report << "<HR><CENTER><FONT SIZE=1>This page produced automatically by "
		      	<< "<A HREF=\"\"> MELODIC</A> Version "  
		      	<< version << " - a part of <A HREF=\"\">FSL - "
		      	<< "FMRIB Software Library</A>.</FONT></CENTER>" << endl
		      	<< "</BODY></HTML>" <<endl;
					loghtml << "<HR><CENTER><FONT SIZE=1>This page produced automatically by "
		      	<< "<A HREF=\"\"> MELODIC</A> Version "  
		      	<< version << " - a part of <A HREF=\"\">FSL - "
		      	<< "FMRIB Software Library</A>.</FONT></CENTER>" << endl
		      	<< "</BODY></HTML>" <<endl;
  				navigator << "</FONT></TD>"<<endl<<"</TR></TABLE></CENTER><hr>" <<endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
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Mark Jenkinson committed

      inline void analysistxt(){
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				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
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Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << "<b>Analysis methods</b> <br>"<<endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
					report << "Analysis was carried out using ";
					if(opts.approach.value() != string("tica"))
						report << "Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis"
						  <<" [Beckmann 2004] as implemented in "<<endl;
						report << "Tensorial Independent Component Analysis "
					  	<<"[Beckmann 2005] as implemented in "<< endl;
					report << " MELODIC (Multivariate"
						<<" Exploratory Linear Decomposition into Independent Components)"
						<<" Version "<< version <<", part of FSL (FMRIB's Software"
						<<" Library, <A HREF=\"\">"
	  			report << "The following data pre-processing was applied to"
						<<" the input data: "<< endl;
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Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << " masking of non-brain voxels;";
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << " voxel-wise de-meaning of the data;" << endl;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << " normalisation of the voxel-wise variance; ";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
						report << " conversion to %BOLD signal change; ";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << "<br>"<<endl;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << " Pre-processed data were whitened and projected into a " 
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		 				<< melodat.get_mix().Ncols()<< "-dimensional subspace using ";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << "probabilistic Principal Component Analysis where the"
							<<" number of dimensions was estimated using ";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("lap"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	      			report << "the Laplace approximation to the Bayesian"
							<<" evidence of the model order [Minka 2000, Beckmann 2004]. " << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	      			if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("bic"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							  report << "the <em> Bayesian Information Criterion</em>"
								  <<" (BIC) [Kass 1993]. " << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("mdl"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		  				  report << "<em> Minimum Description Length</em> (MDL)"
						    	<<" [Rissanen 1978]. " << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		  				if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("aic"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		    			report << "the <em> Akaike Information Criterion</em>"
								<<" (AIC) [Akaike 1969]. " << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		    			report << " approximations to Bayesian the"
								<<" model order [Beckmann 2004]. " << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << "Principal Component Analysis. ";
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Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << " <BR>The whitened observations were decomposed into "
						<<" sets of vectors which describe signal variation across"
						<<" the temporal domain (time-courses)";
					if(opts.approach.value() == string("tica") ||
						opts.approach.value() == string("concat"))
						report << ", the session/subject domain ";
					report <<"  and across the spatial domain (maps) by optimising for"
						<<" non-Gaussian spatial source distributions using a"
						<<" fixed-point iteration technique [Hyv&auml;rinen 1999]. " << endl;	  
	  			report << "Estimated Component maps were divided by the standard"
						<<" deviation of the residual noise";
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Christian Beckmann committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << " and thresholded by fitting a mixture model "
	 						<<"to the histogram of intensity values [Beckmann 2004]. <p>" << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report <<".<p>" << endl;
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Christian Beckmann committed
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

      inline void refstxt(){
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				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << "<b>References</b> <br>"<<endl;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			report << "[Hyv&auml;rinen 1999] A. Hyv&auml;rinen. Fast and"
						<<" Robust Fixed-Point Algorithms for Independent Component"
						<<" Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(3):"
						<<"626-634, 1999.<br> " << endl;
 						report << "[Beckmann 2004] C.F. Beckmann and S.M. Smith."
							<<" Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for Functional"
							<<" Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical"
							<<" Imaging 23(2):137-152 2004. <br>" << endl;
					if(opts.approach.value() == string("tica") || 
						opts.approach.value() == string("concat") )
						report << "[Beckmann 2005] C.F. Beckmann and S.M. Smith."
							<<" Tensorial extensions of independent component analysis"
							<< " for multisubject FMRI analysis. Neuroimage "
							<< " 25(1):294-311 2005. <br>";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed

Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			report << "[Everson 2000] R. Everson and S. Roberts."
							<<" Inferring the eigenvalues of covariance matrices from"
							<<" limited, noisy data. IEEE Trans Signal Processing,"
							<<" 48(7):2083-2091, 2000<br>"<<endl;
	    			report << "[Tipping 1999] M.E. Tipping and C.M.Bishop."
							<<" Probabilistic Principal component analysis. J Royal"
							<<" Statistical Society B, 61(3), 1999. <br>" << endl;
	    		  report << "[Beckmann 2001] C.F. Beckmann, J.A. Noble and"
							<<" S.M. Smith. Investigating the intrinsic dimensionality"
							<<" of FMRI data for ICA. In Seventh Int. Conf. on Functional"
							<<" Mapping of the Human Brain, 2001. <br>" << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	    			if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("lap"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	      			report << "[Minka 2000] T. Minka. Automatic choice of"
							  <<" dimensionality for PCA. Technical Report 514, MIT"
								<<" Media Lab Vision and Modeling Group, 2000. <BR>"<< endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	      			if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("bic"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							report << "[Kass 1995] R.E. Kass and A. E. Raftery. Bayes"
								<<" factors. Journal of the American Statistical"
								<<" Association, 90:733-795, 1995 <br>" << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
							if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("mdl"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		  				report << "[Rissanen 1978]. J. Rissanen. Modelling by"
							  <<" shortest data description. Automatica,"
								<<" 14:465-471, 1978. <br>" << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		  				if(opts.pca_est.value() == string("aic"))
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		    			report << "[Akaike 1974]. H. Akaike. A new look at"
							  <<" statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions"
								<<" on Automatic Control, 19:716-723, 1974. <br>" << endl;
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
		    			report << "[Minka 2000]. T. Minka. Automatic choice of"
								<<" dimensionality for PCA. Technical Report 514, MIT"
								<<" Media Lab Vision and Modeling Group, 2000. <BR>" << endl;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

      inline void addtxt(string what){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
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				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
	  			report << what << endl;
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Mark Jenkinson committed
      inline void addpar(string what){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
	  			report << "<p>" << what << endl;
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Mark Jenkinson committed
      inline void addlink(string where, string what){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
	  			navigator << "<A HREF=\"" << where << " \"target=\"_top\"> " << what << "</A> ";
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

      inline void addpic(string what, string link = ""){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
				if( bool(opts.genreport.value()) ){
	  			if( link.length() > 0)
	    			report << "<A HREF=\"" << link << "\"> ";

	  			report << "<img BORDER=0 SRC=\"" << what<< ".png\"><p>";
	  			if( link.length() > 0)
	    			report << "</A> ";
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Mark Jenkinson committed

      inline string getDir(){
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
				return report.getDir();
      void IC_rep(MelGMix &mmodel, int cnum, int dim, Matrix ICstats);
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
      void IC_simplerep(string prefix, int cnum, int dim);

      void PPCA_rep();
      void Smode_rep();
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

      MelodicData &melodat;
      MelodicOptions &opts;
      Log &logger;
      Log report;
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Christian Beckmann committed
			Log navigator;
			Log head;
			Log loghtml;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

      Log IChtml;
      Log IChtml2;
      string axials_instr;
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
      void IC_rep_det(MelGMix &mmodel, int cnum, int dim);
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
      string int2str(int n){
	  		ostrstream os;
	  	//    os.fill(' ');
	  	//    os.width(width);
	  		os.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield);
	  		os << n << '\0';
	  		return os.str();
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
Christian Beckmann's avatar
Christian Beckmann committed
      string float2str(float f, int width, int prec, int scientif){
	    	ostrstream os;
	    	int redw = int(std::abs(std::log10(std::abs(f))))+1;
	    	os.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield);
	    	os << f << '\0';
	    	return os.str();
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