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/*  MELODIC - Multivariate exploratory linear optimized decomposition into 
              independent components - misc functions

    Christian F. Beckmann, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
    Copyright (C) 1999-2008 University of Oxford */

/*  Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library
    Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance
    Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford
    University, Oxford, UK
    FMRIB Software Library, Release 4.0 (c) 2007, The University of
    Oxford (the "Software")
    The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the
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#include "melhlprfns.h"
#include "libprob.h"
#include "miscmaths/miscprob.h"
#include "miscmaths/t2z.h"
#include "miscmaths/f2z.h"

namespace Melodic{

  void update_mask(volume<float>& mask, Matrix& Data)
    Matrix DStDev=stdev(Data);
    volume4D<float> tmpMask, RawData;

    float tMmax;
    volume<float> tmpMask2;
    tmpMask2 = tmpMask[0];

    tMmax = tmpMask2.max();
    double st_mean = DStDev.Sum()/DStDev.Ncols();
    double st_std  = stdev(DStDev.t()).AsScalar();
    mask = binarise(tmpMask2,(float) max((float) st_mean-3*st_std,(float) 0.01*st_mean),tMmax);

    Data = RawData.matrix(mask);

  void del_vols(volume4D<float>& in, int howmany)
    for(int ctr=1; ctr<=howmany; ctr++){

  Matrix calc_FFT(const Matrix& Mat, const bool logpwr)
    Matrix res;
      for(int ctr=1; ctr <= Mat.Ncols(); ctr++){
	      ColumnVector tmpCol;  
	      ColumnVector FtmpCol_real;
	      ColumnVector FtmpCol_imag;
	      ColumnVector tmpPow;
	      if(tmpCol.Nrows()%2 != 0){
	        Matrix empty(1,1); empty=0;
	        tmpCol &= empty;
	      tmpPow = pow(FtmpCol_real,2)+pow(FtmpCol_imag,2);
	      tmpPow = tmpPow.Rows(2,tmpPow.Nrows());
	      if(logpwr) tmpPow = log(tmpPow);
	      if(res.Storage()==0){res= tmpPow;}else{res|=tmpPow;}
      return res;
  }  //Matrix calc_FFT()

  Matrix smoothColumns(const Matrix& inp)
    Matrix temp(inp);
    int ctr1 = temp.Nrows();
    Matrix temp2(temp);
    temp = temp.Row(4) & temp.Row(3) & temp.Row(2) & temp & temp.Row(ctr1-1) 
      & temp.Row(ctr1-2) &temp.Row(ctr1-3);
    double kern[] ={0.0045 , 0.055, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25, 0.055, 0.0045};
    double fac = 0.9090909;

    for(int cc=1;cc<=temp2.Ncols();cc++){
      for(int cr=1;cr<=temp2.Nrows();cr++){
	temp2(cr,cc) = fac*( kern[0] * temp(cr,cc) + kern[1] * temp(cr+1,cc) + 
			     kern[2] * temp(cr+2,cc) + kern[3] * temp(cr+3,cc) + 
			     kern[4] * temp(cr+4,cc) + kern[5] * temp(cr+5,cc) + 
			     kern[6] * temp(cr+6,cc));
    return temp2;
  }  //Matrix smoothColumns()

  Matrix convert_to_pbsc(Matrix& inp)
    Matrix meanimg;
    meanimg = mean(inp);
    float eps = 0.00001;

    for(int ctr=1; ctr <= inp.Ncols(); ctr++){
      if(meanimg(1,ctr) < eps) 
	meanimg(1,ctr) = eps;

    for(int ctr=1; ctr <= inp.Nrows(); ctr++){
      Matrix tmp;
      tmp << inp.Row(ctr);
      inp.Row(ctr) << 100 * SP((tmp - meanimg),pow(meanimg,-1));   

    inp = remmean(inp);
    return meanimg;
  }  //void convert_to_pbsc   

  RowVector varnorm(Matrix& in, int dim, float level)
    Matrix Corr;
    Corr = calc_corr(in);
    RowVector out;
    out = varnorm(in,Corr,dim,level);
    return out;
  }  //RowVector varnorm

	void varnorm(Matrix& in, const RowVector& vars)
		Matrix tmp = vars;
		in = SP(in,pow(ones(in.Nrows(),1) * tmp,-1));
  RowVector varnorm(Matrix& in, Matrix& Corr, int dim, float level)
    Matrix tmpE, white, dewhite;
    RowVector tmpD, tmpD2;

    std_pca(remmean(in,2), Corr, tmpE, tmpD);
    calc_white(tmpE,tmpD, dim, white, dewhite);
    Matrix ws = white * in;
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1<=ws.Ncols(); ctr1++)
      for(int ctr2 = 1; ctr2<=ws.Nrows(); ctr2++)
				if(std::abs(ws(ctr2,ctr1)) < level)
    tmpD = stdev(in - dewhite*ws);
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1<=tmpD.Ncols(); ctr1++)
      if(tmpD(ctr1) < 0.01){
				tmpD(ctr1) = 1.0;
				in.Column(ctr1) = 0.0*in.Column(ctr1);
    return tmpD;
  }  //RowVector varnorm

  Matrix SP2(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, bool econ)
    Matrix Res;
    Res = in;
      ColumnVector tmp;
      for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
	tmp = in.Column(ctr);
	tmp = tmp * weights(1,ctr);
	Res.Column(ctr) = tmp;
      Res = ones(in.Nrows(),1)*weights.Row(1);
      Res = SP(in,Res);
    return Res;
  }  //Matrix SP

  Matrix corrcoef(const Matrix& in1, const Matrix& in2){
		Matrix tmp = in1;
		tmp |= in2;
		Matrix out;
		return out.SubMatrix(1,in1.Ncols(),in1.Ncols()+1,out.Ncols());

  Matrix corrcoef(const Matrix& in1, const Matrix& in2, const Matrix& part){
	Matrix tmp1 = in1, tmp2 = in2, out;	
		tmp1 = tmp1 - part * pinv(part) * tmp1;
		tmp2 = tmp2 - part * pinv(part) * tmp2;
	out = corrcoef(tmp1,tmp2);
	return out;

  Matrix calc_corr(const Matrix& in, bool econ)
    Matrix Res;
    Res = zeros(in.Nrows(),in.Nrows());
      ColumnVector tmp;
      for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
	tmp = in.Column(ctr);
	tmp = tmp - mean(tmp).AsScalar();
	Res += (tmp * tmp.t()) / in.Ncols();
      Res = cov(in.t());
    return Res;
  }  //Matrix calc_corr

  Matrix calc_corr(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, bool econ)
    Matrix Res;
    Res = zeros(in.Nrows(),in.Nrows());
    Matrix localweights;
    if(weights.Storage() == 0)
      localweights = ones(1,in.Ncols());
      localweights = weights;
      ColumnVector tmp;
      for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
	tmp = in.Column(ctr);
	tmp = tmp - mean(tmp).AsScalar();
	tmp = tmp * localweights(1,ctr);
	Res += (tmp * tmp.t()) / in.Ncols();
      Res = SP2(in,localweights);
      Res = calc_corr(Res, 0); 
    return Res;
  }  //Matrix calc_corr

  float calc_white(const Matrix& tmpE, const RowVector& tmpD, const RowVector& PercEV,  int dim, Matrix& param, Matrix& paramS, Matrix& white, Matrix& dewhite)

//	tmpD2= tmpD | tmpPD.AsRow().Columns(tmpPE.Ncols()-param.Ncols()+1,tmpPE.Ncols());
//  cerr << tmpPD.AsRow().Columns(tmpPE.Ncols()-param.Ncols()+1,tmpPE.Ncols()) << endl;


//	Matrix tmpPE;
//	tmpPE = SP(param,ones(param.Nrows(),1)*pow(stdev(param,1)*std::sqrt((float)param.Nrows()),-1));

//	RE |= tmpPE;
//	RowVector tmpD2;
//	tmpD2 = tmpD | stdev(param,1).AsRow()*std::sqrt((float)param.Nrows());
//	RD << abs(diag(tmpD2.t()));
//    RD << RD.SymSubMatrix(N-dim+1,N);

	Matrix RE;
    DiagonalMatrix RD;
    int N = tmpE.Ncols();
    dim = std::min(dim,N);

//	cerr << stdev(param) << endl;
    RE = tmpE.Columns(std::min(N-dim+1+param.Ncols(),N-2),N);
	RE |= param;

//	cerr << paramS.Nrows() << " x " << paramS.Ncols() << endl;
//	cerr << paramS << endl;
	RowVector tmpD2;
	tmpD2 = tmpD | pow(paramS,2).AsRow();
    RD << abs(diag(tmpD2.t()));

//	cerr << " " <<tmpD2.Ncols() << " " << N << " " << dim << endl;
    RD << RD.SymSubMatrix(N-dim+1+param.Ncols(),N+param.Ncols());    

    float res = 1.0;    
    white = sqrt(abs(RD.i()))*RE.t();
    dewhite = RE*sqrt(RD);

    if(dim < N)
      res = PercEV(dim);
    return res;
  }  //Matrix calc_white

  float calc_white(const Matrix& tmpE, const RowVector& tmpD, const RowVector& PercEV, int dim, Matrix& white, Matrix& dewhite)
    Matrix RE;
    DiagonalMatrix RD;
    int N = tmpE.Ncols();
    dim = std::min(dim,N);
    RE = tmpE.Columns(N-dim+1,N);
    RD << abs(diag(tmpD.t()));
    RD << RD.SymSubMatrix(N-dim+1,N);    

    float res = 1.0;    
    white = sqrt(abs(RD.i()))*RE.t();
    dewhite = RE*sqrt(RD);
    if(dim < N)
      res = PercEV(dim);
    return res;
  }  //Matrix calc_white

  void calc_white(const Matrix& tmpE, const RowVector& tmpD, int dim, Matrix& white, Matrix& dewhite)
    RowVector tmp(tmpE.Ncols());
    float tmp2;
    tmp2 = calc_white(tmpE,tmpD, tmp, dim, white, dewhite); 
  }  //Matrix calc_white

  void calc_white(const Matrix& tmpE, const RowVector& tmpD, int dim, Matrix& param, Matrix& paramS, Matrix& white, Matrix& dewhite)
    RowVector tmp(tmpE.Ncols());
    float tmp2;
    tmp2 = calc_white(tmpE,tmpD, tmp, dim, param, paramS, white, dewhite); 
  }  //Matrix calc_white

  void calc_white(const Matrix& Corr, int dim, Matrix& white, Matrix& dewhite)
    Matrix RE;
    DiagonalMatrix RD;
    SymmetricMatrix tmp;
    RowVector tmp2;
    tmp << Corr;
    tmp2 = diag(RD).t();
    calc_white(RE,tmp2, dim, white, dewhite); 
  }  //Matrix calc_white
  void std_pca(const Matrix& Mat, const Matrix& weights, Matrix& Corr, Matrix& evecs, RowVector& evals)
      Corr << calc_corr(Mat, weights);
      Corr << calc_corr(Mat);
    SymmetricMatrix tmp;
    tmp << Corr;
    DiagonalMatrix tmpD;
    evals = tmpD.AsRow();
  }  //void std_pca

  void std_pca(const Matrix& Mat, Matrix& Corr, Matrix& evecs, RowVector& evals)
    Matrix weights;
  }  //void std_pca

  void em_pca(const Matrix& Mat, Matrix& evecs, RowVector& evals, int num_pc, int iter)
    Matrix guess;
    guess = normrnd(Mat.Nrows(),num_pc);
  }  //void em_pca

  void em_pca(const Matrix& Mat, Matrix& guess, Matrix& evecs, RowVector& evals, int num_pc, int iter)
    Matrix C;
    if(guess.Ncols() < num_pc){
      C.Columns(1,guess.Ncols()) = guess;
      C = guess;

    Matrix tmp, tmp2;
    for(int ctr=1; ctr <= iter; ctr++){
      // E-Step
      tmp = C.t()*C;
      tmp = tmp.i();
      tmp = tmp * C.t();
      tmp = tmp * Mat;
      // M-Step
      tmp2 = tmp * tmp.t();
      tmp2 = tmp2.i();
      tmp2 = Mat*tmp.t()*tmp2;
      C = tmp2;
    Matrix Evc, tmpC;
    RowVector Evl;
    tmp = C.t() * Mat;
    evals = Evl;
    evecs = C * Evc;
  }  //void em_pca

  float rankapprox(const Matrix& Mat, Matrix& cols, Matrix& rows, int dim)
    Matrix Corr, Evecs, tmpWM, tmpDWM, tmp;
    RowVector Evals;
    std_pca(Mat.t(), Corr, Evecs, Evals);
    calc_white(Corr, dim, tmpWM, tmpDWM);
    tmp = tmpWM * Mat.t();
    cols = tmp.t();
    rows << tmpDWM;
		float res;
		res = sum(Evals.Columns(1,dim),2).AsScalar()/sum(Evals,2).AsScalar()*100;
		return res;
  } // rankapprox

  RowVector krfact(const Matrix& Mat, Matrix& cols, Matrix& rows)
		Matrix out; RowVector res(Mat.Ncols());
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= Mat.Ncols(); ctr1++){
			Matrix tmpVals(cols.Nrows(),rows.Nrows());
			for(int ctr2 = 1; ctr2 <= rows.Nrows(); ctr2++)
	  		tmpVals.Column(ctr2) << Mat.SubMatrix(cols.Nrows() * 
				(ctr2 - 1) + 1,cols.Nrows()*ctr2 ,ctr1,ctr1);
			Matrix tmpcols, tmprows;
	 		res(ctr1) =rankapprox(tmpVals, tmpcols, tmprows);
			cols.Column(ctr1) = tmpcols;
			rows.Column(ctr1) = tmprows;
		return res;
  } // krfact

  RowVector krfact(const Matrix& Mat, int colnum, Matrix& cols, Matrix& rows)
		RowVector res;
    cols = zeros(colnum,Mat.Ncols());
    rows = zeros(int(Mat.Nrows() / colnum),Mat.Ncols());
    res = krfact(Mat,cols,rows);
		return res;
  } // krfact

  Matrix krprod(const Matrix& cols, const Matrix& rows)
    Matrix out;
    out = zeros(cols.Nrows()*rows.Nrows(),cols.Ncols());
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= cols.Ncols(); ctr1++)
      for(int ctr2 = 1; ctr2 <= rows.Nrows(); ctr2++)
	  out.SubMatrix(cols.Nrows()*(ctr2-1)+1,cols.Nrows()*ctr2,ctr1,ctr1) << cols.Column(ctr1) * rows(ctr2,ctr1);
    return out;
  } // krprod

  Matrix krapprox(const Matrix& Mat, int size_cols, int dim)
    Matrix out, cols, rows;
    out = zeros(Mat.Nrows(), Mat.Ncols());
    cols = zeros(size_cols,Mat.Ncols());
    rows = zeros(int(Mat.Nrows() / size_cols), Mat.Ncols());
    out = krprod(cols, rows);
    return out;
  } // krapprox

  void adj_eigspec(const RowVector& in, RowVector& out1, RowVector& out2, RowVector& out3, int& out4, int num_vox, float resels)
    RowVector AdjEV;
    AdjEV << in.AsRow();
    AdjEV = AdjEV.Columns(3,AdjEV.Ncols());
    AdjEV = AdjEV.Reverse();

    RowVector CircleLaw;
    int NumVox = (int) floor(num_vox/(2.5*resels));

    CircleLaw = Feta(int(AdjEV.Ncols()), NumVox);

    for(int ctr=1;ctr<=CircleLaw.Ncols(); ctr++){
      if(CircleLaw(ctr)<5*10e-10){CircleLaw(ctr) = 5*10e-10;}

    /*    float slope;
    slope = CircleLaw.Columns(int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4),AdjEV.Ncols() - 
			      int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4)).Sum() /  
      AdjEV.Columns(int(AdjEV.Ncols()/4),AdjEV.Ncols() - 

    RowVector PercEV(AdjEV);
    PercEV = cumsum(AdjEV / sum(AdjEV,2).AsScalar());

    AdjEV << SP(AdjEV,pow(CircleLaw.Columns(1,AdjEV.Ncols()),-1));

    int maxEV = 1;
    float threshold = 0.98;
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i < PercEV.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ 

    RowVector NewEV;
    Matrix temp1;
    temp1 = abs(AdjEV);
    NewEV << temp1.SubMatrix(1,1,1,maxEV);

    AdjEV = (AdjEV - min(AdjEV).AsScalar())/(max(AdjEV).AsScalar() - min(AdjEV).AsScalar());

    out1 = AdjEV;
    out2 = PercEV;
    out3 = NewEV;
    out4 = maxEV;
  }  //adj_eigspec

 void adj_eigspec(const RowVector& in, RowVector& out1, RowVector& out2)
    RowVector AdjEV, PercEV;
    AdjEV = in.Reverse();
    PercEV = cumsum(AdjEV / sum(AdjEV,2).AsScalar());
    AdjEV = (AdjEV - min(AdjEV).AsScalar())/(max(AdjEV).AsScalar() - min(AdjEV).AsScalar());
    out1 = AdjEV;
    out2 = PercEV;
  }  //adj_eigspec

  RowVector Feta(int n1, int n2)
    float nu = (float) n1/n2; 
    float bm = pow((1-sqrt(nu)),2.0);
    float bp = pow((1+sqrt(nu)),2.0);

    float lrange = 0.9*bm;
    float urange = 1.1*bp;

    RowVector eta(30*n1);
    float rangestepsize = (urange - lrange) / eta.Ncols(); 
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ 
      eta(ctr_i) = lrange + rangestepsize * (ctr_i);

    RowVector teta(10*n1);
    teta = 0;
    float stepsize = (bp - bm) / teta.Ncols();
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= teta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ 
      teta(ctr_i) = stepsize*(ctr_i);
    RowVector feta(teta);
    feta = SP(pow(2*M_PI*nu*(teta + bm),-1), pow(SP(teta, bp-bm-teta),0.5));
    teta = teta + bm;

    RowVector claw(eta);
    claw = 0;
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){
      double tmpval = 0.0;
      for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= teta.Ncols(); ctr_j++){
	if(( double(teta(ctr_j))/double(eta(ctr_i)) )<1)
	  tmpval += feta(ctr_j);
      claw(ctr_i) = n1*(1-stepsize*tmpval);
    RowVector Res(n1); //invert the CDF
    Res = 0;
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i < eta.Ncols(); ctr_i++){ //Should this be <= instead of <?
	Res(int(floor(claw(ctr_i)))) = eta(ctr_i);
    return Res;
  }  //RowVector Feta

  RowVector cumsum(const RowVector& Inp)
    UpperTriangularMatrix UT(Inp.Ncols());
    RowVector Res;
    Res = Inp * UT;
    return Res;
  }  //RowVector cumsum

  int ppca_dim(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, Matrix& PPCA, RowVector& AdjEV, RowVector& PercEV, Matrix& Corr, Matrix& tmpE, RowVector &tmpD, float resels, string which)

    int maxEV = 1;
    RowVector NewEV;
    int res;
		PPCA = ppca_est(NewEV, in.Ncols(),resels);
    ColumnVector tmp = ppca_select(PPCA, res, maxEV, which);
		PPCA = tmp | PPCA;
    return res;
  }  //int ppca_dim

  int ppca_dim(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, Matrix& PPCA, RowVector& AdjEV, RowVector& PercEV, float resels, string which)
    RowVector tmpD;
    Matrix tmpE;
    Matrix Corr;

    int res = ppca_dim(in, weights, PPCA, AdjEV, PercEV, Corr, tmpE, tmpD, resels, which);
    return res;
  }  //int ppca_dim

  int ppca_dim(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& weights, float resels, string which)
    ColumnVector PPCA;
    RowVector AdjEV, PercEV;
    int res = ppca_dim(in,weights,PPCA,AdjEV,PercEV,resels,which);
    return res;
  }  //int ppca_dim

  ColumnVector ppca_select(Matrix& PPCAest, int& dim, int maxEV, string which)
    RowVector estimators(5);
    estimators = 1.0;
    for(int ctr=1; ctr<=PPCAest.Ncols(); ctr++){
      PPCAest.Column(ctr) = (PPCAest.Column(ctr) - 
			   min(PPCAest.Column(ctr)).AsScalar()) / 
	( max(PPCAest.Column(ctr)).AsScalar() - 
    int ctr_i = 1;
    while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&&
	  (PPCAest(ctr_i,2) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,2))&&(ctr_i<maxEV))
    ctr_i = 1;
    while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&&
	  (PPCAest(ctr_i,3) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,3))&&(ctr_i<maxEV))
    ctr_i = 1;
    while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&&
	  (PPCAest(ctr_i,4) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,4))&&(ctr_i<maxEV))
    ctr_i = 1;
    while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&&
	  (PPCAest(ctr_i,5) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,5))&&(ctr_i<maxEV))
    ctr_i = 1;
    while((ctr_i< PPCAest.Nrows()-1)&&
	  (PPCAest(ctr_i,6) < PPCAest(ctr_i+1,6))&&(ctr_i<maxEV))

    int res = 0;
    ColumnVector PPCA;
 		RowVector PercEV(PPCAest.Column(1).t());
	  PercEV = cumsum(PercEV / sum(PercEV,2).AsScalar());

		if(which == string("aut"))
			if(int(estimators(2)) < int(estimators(1)) && 
	      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(3);
				res = int(estimators(1));
	      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(2);
    if(which == string("lap")){
      res = int(estimators(1));
      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(2);
    if(which == string("bic")){
      res = int(estimators(2));
      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(3);
    if(which == string("mdl")){
      res = int(estimators(3));
      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(4);
    if(which == string("rrn")){
      res = int(estimators(4));
      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(5);
    if(which == string("aic")){
      res = int(estimators(5));
      PPCA << PPCAest.Column(6);
		if(which == string("median")){
			RowVector unsorted(estimators);	
			while(res != int(estimators(ctr_i)))			
			PPCA << PPCAest.Column(ctr_i);
    if(res==0 || which == string("mean")){//median estimator
      PPCA = mean(PPCAest.Columns(2,6),2);

    dim = res;
    return PPCA;
  }  //RowVector ppca_select

  Matrix ppca_est(const RowVector& eigenvalues, const int N1, const float N2)
    Matrix Res;
    Res = ppca_est(eigenvalues, (int) floor(N1/(2.5*N2)));
    return Res;
  }  //Matrix ppca_est

  Matrix ppca_est(const RowVector& eigenvalues, const int N)
    RowVector logLambda(eigenvalues);
    logLambda = log(eigenvalues);

    int d = logLambda.Ncols();

    RowVector k(d);
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){
    RowVector m(d);

    RowVector loggam(d);
    loggam = 0.5*k.Reverse();
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){
    loggam = cumsum(loggam); 

    RowVector l_probU(d);
    l_probU = -log(2)*k + loggam - cumsum(0.5*log(M_PI)*k.Reverse());

    RowVector tmp1;
    tmp1 = -cumsum(eigenvalues).Reverse()+sum(eigenvalues,2).AsScalar();
    tmp1(1) = 0.95*tmp1(2);

    RowVector tmp2;
    tmp2 = -cumsum(logLambda).Reverse()+sum(logLambda,2).AsScalar();

    RowVector tmp3;
    tmp3 = d-k;
    tmp3(d) = 1.0;

    RowVector tmp4;
    tmp4 = SP(tmp1,pow(tmp3,-1));    
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <=d; ctr_i++){

    RowVector l_nu;
    l_nu = SP(-N/2*(d-k),log(tmp4));
    l_nu(d) = 0;

    RowVector l_lam;
    l_lam = -(N/2)*cumsum(logLambda);

    RowVector l_lhood;
    l_lhood = SP(pow(tmp3,-1),tmp2)-log(SP(pow(tmp3,-1),tmp1));

    Matrix t1,t2, t3;
    UpperTriangularMatrix triu(d);
    triu = 1.0;
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= triu.Ncols(); ctr_i++){
    t1 = (ones(d,1) * eigenvalues);
    t1 = SP(triu,t1.t() - t1);
    t2 = pow(tmp4,-1).t()*ones(1,d);
    t3 = ones(d,1)*pow(eigenvalues,-1);
    t2 = SP(triu, t2.t()-t3.t());
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= t1.Ncols(); ctr_i++){
      for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= t1.Nrows(); ctr_j++){
    for(int ctr_i = 1; ctr_i <= t2.Ncols(); ctr_i++){
      for(int ctr_j = 1; ctr_j <= t2.Nrows(); ctr_j++){
    t1 = cumsum(sum(log(t1),2).AsRow());
    t2 = cumsum(sum(log(t2),2).AsRow());

    RowVector l_Az(d);
    l_Az << (t1+t2);

    RowVector l_lap;
    l_lap = l_probU + l_nu +l_Az + l_lam + 0.5*log(2*M_PI)*(m+k)-0.5*log(N)*k;
    RowVector l_BIC;
    l_BIC = l_lam + l_nu - 0.5*log(N)*(m+k);

    RowVector l_RRN;
    l_RRN = -0.5*N*SP(k,log(SP(cumsum(eigenvalues),pow(k,-1))))+l_nu;

    RowVector l_AIC;
    l_AIC = -2*N*SP(tmp3,l_lhood)+ 2*(1+d*k+0.5*(k-1));
    l_AIC = -l_AIC;

    RowVector l_MDL;
    l_MDL = -N*SP(tmp3,l_lhood)+ 0.5*(1+d*k+0.5*(k-1))*log(N);
    l_MDL = -l_MDL;

    Matrix Res;

    Res = eigenvalues.t();
    Res |= l_lap.t();
    Res |= l_BIC.t();
    Res |= l_MDL.t();
    Res |= l_RRN.t();
    Res |= l_AIC.t();
    return Res;
  }  //Matrix ppca_est

  ColumnVector acf(const ColumnVector& in, int order)
    double meanval;
    meanval = mean(in).AsScalar();
    int tpoints = in.Nrows();
    ColumnVector y, res;
    Matrix X, tmp;

    y = in.Rows(order+1,tpoints) - meanval;
    X = zeros(order + 1, order);
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= order; ctr1++)
      X.Column(ctr1) = in.Rows(order + 1 - ctr1, tpoints - ctr1) - meanval;
    tmp = X.t()*X;
    tmp = tmp.i();
    tmp = tmp * X.t();
    res << tmp * y;
    return res;
  }  //ColumnVector acf

  ColumnVector pacf(const ColumnVector& in, int maxorder)
    int tpoint = in.Nrows();
    ColumnVector res;
    res = acf(in, maxorder);
    for(int ctr1 = 1; ctr1 <= maxorder; ctr1++)
      if ( res.Column(ctr1).AsScalar() <  (1/tpoint) + 2/(float)std::pow(tpoint,0.5)) 
	res.Column(ctr1) = 0;
    return res;
  }  //ColumnVector pacf
  Matrix est_ar(const Matrix& Mat, int maxorder)
    Matrix res;
    res = zeros(maxorder, Mat.Ncols());
    ColumnVector tmp;
    for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= Mat.Ncols(); ctr++){
      tmp = pacf(Mat.Column(ctr));
      res.Column(ctr) = tmp;
    return res;
  }  //Matrix est_ar

  ColumnVector gen_ar(const ColumnVector& in, int maxorder)
    float sdev;
    sdev = stdev(in).AsScalar();
    ColumnVector x, arcoeff, scaled;
    scaled = in / sdev;
    arcoeff = pacf( scaled, maxorder);
    x = normrnd(in.Nrows(),1).AsColumn() * sdev;
    for(int ctr1=2; ctr1 <= in.Nrows(); ctr1++)
      for(int ctr2 = 1; ctr2 <= maxorder; ctr2++)
	x(ctr1) = arcoeff(ctr2) * x(std::max(1,int(ctr1-ctr2))) + x(ctr1);
    return x;
  }  //ColumnVector gen_ar

  Matrix gen_ar(const Matrix& in, int maxorder)
    Matrix res;
    res = in;
    ColumnVector tmp;
    for(int ctr=1; ctr <= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
      tmp = in.Column(ctr);
      res.Column(ctr) = gen_ar(tmp, maxorder);
    return res;
  }  //Matrix gen_ar

  Matrix gen_arCorr(const Matrix& in, int maxorder)
    Matrix res;
    res = zeros(in.Nrows(), in.Nrows());
    ColumnVector tmp;
    for(int ctr=1; ctr<= in.Ncols(); ctr++){
      tmp = in.Column(ctr);
      tmp = gen_ar(tmp, maxorder);
      res += tmp * tmp.t();
    return res;
  }  //Matrix gen_arCorr

	void basicGLM::olsfit(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& design, 
		const Matrix& contrasts, int DOFadjust)
		beta = zeros(design.Ncols(),1); 
		residu = zeros(1); sigsq = -1.0*ones(1); varcb = -1.0*ones(1); 
		t = zeros(1); z = zeros(1); p=-1.0*ones(1);
		dof = (int)-1; cbeta = -1.0*ones(1); 

			Matrix dat = data;
			Matrix tmp = design.t()*design;
			Matrix pinvdes = tmp.i()*design.t();
			beta = pinvdes * dat;
			residu = dat - design*beta;

			dof = design.Nrows() - design.Ncols()-1;
			sigsq = sum(SP(residu,residu))/dof;
			float fact = float(dof) / design.Ncols();
			f_fmf =  SP(sum(SP(design*beta,design*beta)),pow(sum(SP(residu,residu)),-1)) * fact;
			pf_fmf = f_fmf.Row(1); 
			for(int ctr1=1;ctr1<=f_fmf.Ncols();ctr1++)
				pf_fmf(1,ctr1) = 1.0-MISCMATHS::fdtr(design.Ncols(),
				int(design.Nrows() -1 -design.Ncols()),f_fmf.Column(ctr1).AsScalar());
			if(contrasts.Storage()>0 && contrasts.Ncols()==beta.Nrows()){
				cbeta = contrasts*beta;
				Matrix tmp = contrasts*pinvdes*pinvdes.t()*contrasts.t();
				varcb = diag(tmp)*sigsq;
				t = SP(cbeta,pow(varcb,-0.5));
				z = t; p=t; 
				for(int ctr1=1;ctr1<=t.Ncols();ctr1++){
					ColumnVector tmp = t.Column(ctr1);
					T2z::ComputeZStats(varcb.Column(ctr1),cbeta.Column(ctr1),dof, tmp);
					z.Column(ctr1) << tmp;
					T2z::ComputePs(varcb.Column(ctr1),cbeta.Column(ctr1),dof, tmp);
					p.Column(ctr1) << exp(tmp);
