// splinterpolator.h
// Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
// Copyright (C) 2008 University of Oxford
#ifndef splinterpolator_h
#define splinterpolator_h
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

Jesper Andersson
#include <thread>

Jesper Andersson
#include <iomanip>
#include "armawrap/newmat.h"
#include "utils/threading.h"
#include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h"
enum ExtrapolationType {Zeros, Constant, Mirror, Periodic};
class SplinterpolatorException: public std::exception
SplinterpolatorException(const std::string& msg) noexcept : m_msg(std::string("Splinterpolator::") + msg) {}
~SplinterpolatorException() noexcept {}
virtual const char *what() const noexcept { return(m_msg.c_str()); }
std::string m_msg;
// Class Splinterpolator:
template<class T>
class Splinterpolator
// Constructors
: _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0), _nthr(1) {}
Splinterpolator(const T *data_or_coefs,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
const std::vector<ExtrapolationType>& et,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
Utilities::NoOfThreads nthr=Utilities::NoOfThreads(1),
double prec=1e-8,
bool data_are_coefs=false)
: _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0), _nthr(nthr._n)

Jesper Andersson

Jesper Andersson
Splinterpolator(const T *data_or_coefs,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
ExtrapolationType et=Zeros,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
Utilities::NoOfThreads nthr=Utilities::NoOfThreads(1),
double prec=1e-8,
bool data_are_coefs=false)
: _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0), _nthr(nthr._n)
std::vector<ExtrapolationType> ett(dim.size(),et);
// Copy construction. May be removed in future
Splinterpolator(const Splinterpolator<T>& src)
: _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0) { assign(src); }
~Splinterpolator() { if(_own_coef) delete [] _coef; }
Splinterpolator& operator=(const Splinterpolator& src)
{ if(_own_coef) delete [] _coef; assign(src); return(*this); }
// Copy the spline coefficients into dest.
void Copy(std::vector<T>& dest)
unsigned int N = 1;
for (auto d : _dim) {
N *= d;
auto coefs = coef_ptr();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
dest[i] = coefs[i];
// Set new data in Splinterpolator.
void Set(const T *data_or_coefs,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
const std::vector<ExtrapolationType>& et,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
double prec=1e-8,
bool data_are_coefs=false)
if (_own_coef) delete [] _coef;
void Set(const T *data_or_coefs,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
ExtrapolationType et,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
double prec=1e-8,
bool data_are_coefs=false)
std::vector<ExtrapolationType> vet(dim.size(),Zeros);
// Return interpolated value
T operator()(const std::vector<float>& coord) const;
T operator()(double x, double y=0, double z=0, double t=0) const
if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): Cannot interpolate un-initialized object");
if (_ndim>4 || (t && _ndim<4) || (z && _ndim<3) || (y && _ndim<2)) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): input has wrong dimensionality");
double coord[5] = {x,y,z,t,0.0};
// Return interpolated value along with first derivative in one direction (useful for distortion correction)
T operator()(const std::vector<float>& coord, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const;
T operator()(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const;
T operator()(double x, double y, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const { return((*this)(x,y,0.0,dd,dval)); }
T operator()(double x, T *dval) const { return((*this)(x,0.0,0.0,0,dval)); }
// Return interpolated value along with selected derivatives
T ValAndDerivs(const std::vector<float>& coord, const std::vector<unsigned int>& deriv, std::vector<T>& rderiv) const;
T ValAndDerivs(const std::vector<float>& coord, std::vector<T>& rderiv) const
std::vector<unsigned int> deriv(_ndim,1);
T ValAndDerivs(double x, double y, double z, std::vector<T>& rderiv) const;
// Return continous derivative at voxel centres (only works for order>1)
T Deriv(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx, unsigned int ddir) const;
T Deriv1(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,0));}
T Deriv2(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,1));}
T Deriv3(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,2));}
T Deriv4(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,3));}
T Deriv5(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,4));}
T DerivXYZ(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, unsigned int dd) const;
T DerivX(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,0));}
T DerivY(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,1));}
T DerivZ(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,2));}
void Grad3D(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, T *xg, T *yg, T *zg) const;
void Grad(const std::vector<unsigned int>& indx, std::vector<T>& grad) const;
// Return continous addition (since previous voxel) of integral at voxel centres
T IntX() const;
T IntY() const;
T IntZ() const;
// The "useful" functionality pretty much ends here.
// Remaining functions are mainly for debugging/diagnostics.
unsigned int NDim() const { return(_ndim); }
unsigned int Order() const { return(_order); }
ExtrapolationType Extrapolation(unsigned int dim) const
if (dim >= _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("Extrapolation: Invalid dimension");
const std::vector<unsigned int>& Size() const { return(_dim); }
unsigned int Size(unsigned int dim) const { if (dim > 4) return(0); else return(_dim[dim]);}
T Coef(unsigned int x, unsigned int y=0, unsigned int z=0) const
std::vector<unsigned int> indx(3,0);
indx[0] = x; indx[1] = y; indx[2] = z;
T Coef(std::vector<unsigned int> indx) const;
NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix CoefAsNewmatMatrix() const;
NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix KernelAsNewmatMatrix(double sp=0.1, unsigned int deriv=0) const;
// Here we declare nested helper-class SplineColumn
class SplineColumn
// Constructor
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