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/*  miscmaths.h

    Mark Jenkinson & Mark Woolrich & Christian Beckmann, FMRIB Image Analysis Group

    Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford  */


// Miscellaneous maths functions

#if !defined(__miscmaths_h)
#define __miscmaths_h

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <strstream>
#include <string>
#include "newmatap.h"
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Christian Beckmann committed
#include "kernel.h"

//#pragma interface

using namespace NEWMAT;
using namespace std;

namespace MISCMATHS {

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI            3.14159265358979323846

#define OUT(t) cout<<#t "="<<t<<endl;

  // IO/string stuff
  template <class T> string num2str(T n, int width=-1);

  bool isnum(const string& str);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(const string& filename, int nrows, int ncols);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(int nrows, int ncols, const string& filename);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(const string& filename);
  ReturnMatrix read_vest(string p_fname);
  ReturnMatrix read_binary_matrix(const string& filename);

  int write_ascii_matrix(const Matrix& mat, const string& filename, 
			 int precision=-1);
  int write_ascii_matrix(const string& filename, const Matrix& mat, 
			 int precision=-1);
  int write_vest(const Matrix& x, string p_fname, int precision=-1);
  int write_vest(string p_fname, const Matrix& x, int precision=-1);
  int write_binary_matrix(const Matrix& mat, const string& filename);

  // more basic IO calls
  string skip_alpha(ifstream& fs);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(ifstream& fs, int nrows, int ncols);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(int nrows, int ncols, ifstream& fs);
  ReturnMatrix read_ascii_matrix(ifstream& fs);
  ReturnMatrix read_binary_matrix(ifstream& fs);
  int write_ascii_matrix(const Matrix& mat, ofstream& fs, int precision=-1);
  int write_ascii_matrix(ofstream& fs, const Matrix& mat, int precision=-1);
  int write_binary_matrix(const Matrix& mat, ofstream& fs);

  // General maths

  int round(int x); 
  int round(float x);
  int round(double x);
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  template<class T> 
    inline int sign(T x){ if(x!=0) return int(x / abs(x));
    else return 1; }
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  inline double pow(double x, float y) { return std::pow(x,(double) y); }
  inline double pow(float x, double y) { return std::pow((double) x,y); }
  inline double pow(double x, int y) { return std::pow(x,(double) y); }
  inline float pow(float x, int y) { return std::pow(x,(float) y); }
  inline double pow(int x, double y) { return std::pow((double)x, y); }
  inline float pow(int x, float y) { return std::pow((float)x, y); }

  inline double sqrt(int x) { return std::sqrt((double) x); }
  inline double log(int x) { return std::log((double) x); }

  int periodicclamp(int x, int x1, int x2);

  template<class S, class T> 
   inline T Min(const S &a, const T &b) { if (a<b) return (T) a; else return b; }

  template<class S, class T>
   inline T Max(const S &a, const T &b) { if (a>b) return (T) a; else return b; }

  template<class T>
   inline T Sqr(const T& x) { return x*x; } 

  ColumnVector cross(const ColumnVector& a, const ColumnVector& b);
  ColumnVector cross(const Real *a, const Real *b);

  inline float dot(const ColumnVector& a, const ColumnVector& b)
    { return Sum(SP(a,b)); }

  double norm2(const ColumnVector& x);

  int Identity(Matrix& m);
  ReturnMatrix Identity(int num);

  int diag(Matrix& m, const float diagvals[]);
  int diag(Matrix& m, const ColumnVector& diagvals);
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  int diag(DiagonalMatrix& m, const ColumnVector& diagvals);
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Christian Beckmann committed
  ReturnMatrix diag(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix pinv(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix sqrtaff(const Matrix& mat);

  void reshape(Matrix& r, const Matrix& m, int nrows, int ncols);
  ReturnMatrix reshape(const Matrix& m, int nrows, int ncols);

  int construct_rotmat_euler(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff);
  int construct_rotmat_euler(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff,
		   const ColumnVector& centre);
  int construct_rotmat_quat(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff);
  int construct_rotmat_quat(const ColumnVector& params, int n, Matrix& aff,
		   const ColumnVector& centre);
  int make_rot(const ColumnVector& angl, const ColumnVector& centre, 
	       Matrix& rot);

  int getrotaxis(ColumnVector& axis, const Matrix& rotmat);
  int rotmat2euler(ColumnVector& angles, const Matrix& rotmat);
  int rotmat2quat(ColumnVector& quaternion, const Matrix& rotmat);
  int decompose_aff(ColumnVector& params, const Matrix& affmat,
		    int (*rotmat2params)(ColumnVector& , const Matrix& ));
  int decompose_aff(ColumnVector& params, const Matrix& affmat,
		    const ColumnVector& centre,
		    int (*rotmat2params)(ColumnVector& , const Matrix& ));
  int compose_aff(const ColumnVector& params, int n, const ColumnVector& centre,
		  Matrix& aff, 
		  int (*params2rotmat)(const ColumnVector& , int , Matrix& ,
				       const ColumnVector& ) );
  float rms_deviation(const Matrix& affmat1, const Matrix& affmat2, 
		      const ColumnVector& centre, const float rmax); 
  float rms_deviation(const Matrix& affmat1, const Matrix& affmat2, 
		      const float rmax=80.0); 
  float median(const ColumnVector& x);

  // returns the first P such that 2^P >= abs(N). 
  int nextpow2(int n);

  // Auto-correlation function estimate of columns of p_ts
  // gives unbiased estimate - scales the raw correlation by 1/(N-abs(lags))
  void xcorr(const Matrix& p_ts, Matrix& ret, int lag = 0, int p_zeropad = 0);
  ReturnMatrix xcorr(const Matrix& p_ts, int lag = 0, int p_zeropad = 0);

  // removes trend from columns of p_ts
  // if p_level==0 it just removes the mean
  // if p_level==1 it removes linear trend
  // if p_level==2 it removes quadratic trend
  void detrend(Matrix& p_ts, int p_level=1);

  ReturnMatrix zeros(const int dim1, const int dim2 = -1);
  ReturnMatrix ones(const int dim1, const int dim2 = -1);
  ReturnMatrix repmat(const Matrix& mat, const int rows = 1, const int cols = 1);
  ReturnMatrix dist2(const Matrix& mat1, const Matrix& mat2);
  ReturnMatrix abs(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix sqrt(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix log(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix exp(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix tanh(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix pow(const Matrix& mat, const double exp);
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  ReturnMatrix sum(const Matrix& mat, const int dim = 1);
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  ReturnMatrix mean(const Matrix& mat, const int dim = 1);
  ReturnMatrix var(const Matrix& mat, const int dim = 1);
  ReturnMatrix max(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix max(const Matrix& mat,ColumnVector& index);
  ReturnMatrix min(const Matrix& mat);
  ReturnMatrix gt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 
  ReturnMatrix lt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 
  ReturnMatrix geqt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 
  ReturnMatrix leqt(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 
  ReturnMatrix eq(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 
  ReturnMatrix neq(const Matrix& mat1,const Matrix& mat2); 


  void remmean(const Matrix& mat, Matrix& demeanedmat, Matrix& Mean,  const int dim = 1);
  ReturnMatrix remmean(const Matrix& mat, const int dim = 1);
  ReturnMatrix stdev(const Matrix& mat, const int dim = 1);
  ReturnMatrix cov(const Matrix& mat, const int norm = 0);
  ReturnMatrix corrcoef(const Matrix& mat, const int norm = 0);
  void symm_orth(Matrix &Mat);
  void powerspectrum(const Matrix &Mat1, Matrix &Result, bool useLog);

  template <class T>
  string num2str(T n, int width)
    ostrstream os;
    if (width>0) {
      os.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield);
    os << n << '\0';
    return os.str();

