FSL Automated Build Engineer authoredFSL Automated Build Engineer authored
Makefile 713 B
# A Makefile for the miscmaths class
include ${FSLCONFDIR}/default.mk
PROJNAME = miscmaths
OBJS = miscmaths.o optimise.o miscprob.o kernel.o histogram.o base2z.o t2z.o f2z.o minimize.o cspline.o sparse_matrix.o sparsefn.o rungekutta.o nonlin.o bfmatrix.o
LIBS = -lutils -lfslio -lniftiio -lznz -lz -lnewmat -lprob -lm
# The target "all" should ALWAYS be provided
# typically it will just be another target name
all: libmiscmaths.a
quick:${OBJS} quick.o
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ ${OBJS} quick.o ${LIBS}
libmiscmaths.a: ${OBJS}
${AR} -r libmiscmaths.a ${OBJS}