Jesper Andersson authoredJesper Andersson authored
bfmatrix.h 11.34 KiB
// Declarations for class BFMatrix.
// The purpose of class BFmatrix is to have a class from which
// to derive 2 other classes; FullBFMatrix and SparseBFMatrix.
// The reason for this is that the two classes SplineField and
// DCTField will return Hessian matrices that are either Sparse
// (SplineField) or full (DCTField). By defining a pure virtual
// class BFMatrix with a minimal (only what is needed for non-
// linear reg.) functionality I will be able to write code that
// is independent of type of matrix returned, and hence of type
// field.
// The syntax for the (little) functionality is sort of a mixture
// of Newmat and SparseMatrix. Mostly SparseMatrix actually.
// I hope this will not complicate the use of the nonlin package
// for those who are only interested in the full (normal) case.
// At one point SparseMatrix was replaced by SpMat as the underlying
// sparse matrix representation in SparseBFMatrix. SpMat was written
// with an API that largely mimicks that of NEWMAT. This is the
// "historical" reason why a wrapper class was written, rather than
// using templatisation which would have been possible given the
// similarities in API between SpMat and NEWMAT.
#ifndef BFMatrix_h
#define BFMatrix_h
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "newmat.h"
#include "SpMat.h"
#include "cg.h"
#include "bicg.h"
namespace MISCMATHS {
class BFMatrixException: public std::exception
std::string m_msg;
BFMatrixException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {}
virtual const char * what() const throw() {
return string("BFMatrix::" + m_msg).c_str();
~BFMatrixException() throw() {}
class BFMatrix
virtual void print(const NEWMAT::Matrix& m, const std::string& fname) const;
// Constructors, destructors and stuff
BFMatrix() {}
BFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {}
virtual ~BFMatrix() {}
// Access as NEWMAT::Matrix
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const = 0;
// Basic properties
virtual unsigned int Nrows() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int Ncols() const = 0;
// Print matrix (for debugging)
virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const = 0;
// Setting, deleting or resizing the whole sparse matrix.
virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>& M) = 0;
virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) = 0;
// Accessing
inline double operator()(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return(Peek(r,c));}
virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const = 0;
// Assigning
virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0;
virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0;
virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0;
// Transpose
virtual boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> Transpose() const = 0;
// Concatenation. Note that desired polymorphism prevents us from using BFMatrix->NEWMAT::Matrix conversion
// Concatenate two matrices yielding a third
// AB = [*this B] in Matlab lingo
virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0;
virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0;
// AB = [*this; B] in Matlab lingo
virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0;
virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0;
// Concatenate another matrix to *this
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B) = 0;
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) = 0;
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B) = 0;
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) = 0;
// Multiply by scalar
virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s) = 0;
// Multiply by vector
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& v) const = 0;
// Add another matrix to this one
virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s=1.0) = 0;
// Given A*x=b, solve for x.
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b,
double tol=1e-6,
int miter=200) const = 0;
class SparseBFMatrix : public BFMatrix
boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> > mp;
// Constructors, destructor and assignment
: mp(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>())) {}
SparseBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)
: mp(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(m,n))) {}
SparseBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const unsigned int *irp, const unsigned int *jcp, const double *sp)
: mp(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(m,n,irp,jcp,sp))) {}
SparseBFMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>& M)
: mp(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(M))) {}
SparseBFMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M)
: mp(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(M))) {}
virtual ~SparseBFMatrix() {}
virtual const SparseBFMatrix& operator=(const SparseBFMatrix& M) {
mp = boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(*(M.mp))); return(*this);
// Access as NEWMAT::Matrix
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const {NEWMAT::Matrix ret; ret = mp->AsNEWMAT(); ret.Release(); return(ret);}
// Basic properties
virtual unsigned int Nrows() const {return(mp->Nrows());}
virtual unsigned int Ncols() const {return(mp->Ncols());}
// Print matrix (for debugging)
virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const {print(mp->AsNEWMAT(),fname);}
// Setting, deleting or resizing the whole sparse matrix.
virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(M));}
virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(M));}
virtual void SetMatrixPtr(boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >& mptr) {mp = mptr;}
virtual void Clear() {mp = boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>());}
virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::SpMat<double> >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>(m,n));}
// Accessing values
virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return(mp->Peek(r,c));}
// Setting and inserting values
virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->Set(x,y,val);}
virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->Set(x,y,val);}
virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->AddTo(x,y,val);}
// Transpose.
virtual boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> Transpose() const;
// Concatenation of two matrices returning a third
// AB = [*this B] in Matlab lingo
virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
// AB = [*this; B] in Matlab lingo
virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
// Concatenation of another matrix to *this
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B);
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B);
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B);
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B);
// Multiply by scalar
virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s) {(*mp)*=s;}
// Multiply by vector
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& invec) const;
// Add another matrix to this one
virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s=1.0);
// Given A*x=b, solve for x
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b,
MISCMATHS::MatrixType type,
double tol,
int miter) const;
class FullBFMatrix : public BFMatrix
boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix> mp;
// Constructors, destructor and assignment
FullBFMatrix() {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix());}
FullBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(m,n));}
FullBFMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M.AsNEWMAT()));}
FullBFMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M));}
virtual ~FullBFMatrix() {}
virtual const FullBFMatrix& operator=(const FullBFMatrix& M) {
mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(*(M.mp))); return(*this);
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const {NEWMAT::Matrix ret; ret = *mp; ret.Release(); return(ret);}
virtual const NEWMAT::Matrix& ReadAsMatrix() const {return(*mp);}
// Basic properties
virtual unsigned int Nrows() const {return(mp->Nrows());}
virtual unsigned int Ncols() const {return(mp->Ncols());}
// Print matrix (for debugging)
virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const {print(*mp,fname);}
// Setting, deleting or resizing the whole matrix.
virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat<double>& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M.AsNEWMAT()));}
virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M));}
virtual void SetMatrixPtr(boost::shared_ptr<NEWMAT::Matrix>& mptr) {mp = mptr;}
virtual void Clear() {mp->ReSize(0,0);}
virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp->ReSize(m,n);}
// Accessing values
virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return((*mp)(r,c));}
// Setting and inserting values.
virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)=val;}
virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)=val;}
virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)+=val;}
// Transpose.
virtual boost::shared_ptr<BFMatrix> Transpose() const;
// Concatenation of two matrices returning a third
virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const;
// Concatenation of another matrix to *this
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B);
virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B);
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B);
virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B);
// Multiply by scalar
virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s);
// Multiply by vector
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& invec) const;
// Add another matrix to this one
virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s);
// Given A*x=b, solve for x
virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b,
MISCMATHS::MatrixType type,
double tol,
int miter) const;
} // End namespace MISCMATHS
#endif // End #ifndef BFMatrix_h