Mark Jenkinson authoredMark Jenkinson authored
kernel.cc 6.88 KiB
/* kernel.cc
Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
Copyright (C) 2001 University of Oxford */
#include "kernel.h"
#include "miscmaths.h"
namespace MISCMATHS {
set<kernelstorage*, kernelstorage::comparer> kernel::existingkernels;
//////// Support function /////////
float kernelval(float x, int w, const ColumnVector& kernel)
// linearly interpolates to get the kernel at the point (x)
// given the half-width w
if (fabs(x)>w) return 0.0;
float halfnk = (kernel.Nrows()-1.0)/2.0;
float dn = x/w*halfnk + halfnk + 1.0;
int n = (int) floor(dn);
dn -= n;
if (n>(kernel.Nrows()-1)) return 0.0;
if (n<1) return 0.0;
return kernel(n)*(1.0-dn) + kernel(n+1)*dn;
inline bool in_bounds(const ColumnVector& data, int index)
{ return ( (index>=1) && (index<=data.Nrows())); }
inline bool in_bounds(const ColumnVector& data, float index)
{ return ( ((int)floor(index)>=1) && ((int)ceil(index)<=data.Nrows())); }
float sincfn(float x)
if (fabs(x)<1e-7) { return 1.0-fabs(x); }
float y=M_PI*x;
return sin(y)/y;
float hanning(float x, int w)
{ // w is half-width
if (fabs(x)>w)
return 0.0;
return (0.5 + 0.5 *cos(M_PI*x/w));
float blackman(float x, int w)
{ // w is half-width
if (fabs(x)>w)
return 0.0;
return (0.42 + 0.5 *cos(M_PI*x/w) + 0.08*cos(2.0*M_PI*x/w));
float rectangular(float x, int w)
{ // w is half-width
if (fabs(x)>w)
return 0.0;
return 1.0;
ColumnVector sinckernel1D(const string& sincwindowtype, int w, int n)
{ // w is full-width
int nstore = n;
if (nstore<1) nstore=1;
ColumnVector ker(nstore);
int hw = (w-1)/2; // convert to half-width
// set x between +/- width
float halfnk = (nstore-1.0)/2.0;
for (int n=1; n<=nstore; n++) {
float x=(n-halfnk-1)/halfnk*hw;
if ( (sincwindowtype=="hanning") || (sincwindowtype=="h") ) {
ker(n) = sincfn(x)*hanning(x,hw);
} else if ( (sincwindowtype=="blackman") || (sincwindowtype=="b") ) {
ker(n) = sincfn(x)*blackman(x,hw);
} else if ( (sincwindowtype=="rectangular") || (sincwindowtype=="r") ) {
ker(n) = sincfn(x)*rectangular(x,hw);
} else {
cerr << "ERROR: Unrecognised sinc window type - using Blackman" << endl;
ker = sinckernel1D("b",w,nstore);
return ker;
return ker;
kernel sinckernel(const string& sincwindowtype, int w, int nstore)
kernel sinck;
sinck = sinckernel(sincwindowtype,w,w,w,nstore);
return sinck;
kernel sinckernel(const string& sincwindowtype,
int wx, int wy, int wz, int nstore)
{ // widths are full-widths
kernel sinckern;
if (nstore<1) nstore=1;
// convert all widths to half-widths
int hwx = (wx-1)/2;
int hwy = (wy-1)/2;
int hwz = (wz-1)/2;
ColumnVector kx, ky, kz;
// calculate kernels
kx = sinckernel1D(sincwindowtype,wx,nstore);
ky = sinckernel1D(sincwindowtype,wy,nstore);
kz = sinckernel1D(sincwindowtype,wz,nstore);
return sinckern;
// dummy fn for now
float extrapolate_1d(const ColumnVector& data, const int index)
float extrapval;
if (in_bounds(data, index))
extrapval = data(index);
else if (in_bounds(data, index-1))
extrapval = data(data.Nrows());
else if (in_bounds(data, index+1))
extrapval = data(1);
extrapval = mean(data).AsScalar();
return extrapval;
// basic trilinear call
float interpolate_1d(const ColumnVector& data, const float index)
float interpval;
int low_bound = (int)floor(index);
int high_bound = (int)ceil(index);
if (in_bounds(data, index))
interpval = data(low_bound) + (index - low_bound)*(data(high_bound) - data(low_bound));
interpval = extrapolate_1d(data, round(index));
return interpval;
//////// Spline Support /////////
float hermiteinterpolation_1d(const ColumnVector& data, int p1, int p4, float t)
// Q(t) = (2t^3 - 3t^2 + 1)P_1 + (-2t^3 + 3t^2)P_4 + (t^3 - 2t^2 + t)R_1 + (t^3 - t^2)R_4
// inputs: points P_1, P_4; tangents R_1, R_4; interpolation index t;
float retval, r1 = 0.0, r4 = 0.0;
if (!in_bounds(data,p1) || !in_bounds(data,p4)) {
cerr << "Hermite Interpolation - ERROR: One or more indicies lie outside the data range. Returning ZERO" << endl;
retval = 0.0;
} else if ((t < 0) || (t > 1)) {
cerr << "Hermite Interpolation - ERROR: Interpolation index must lie between 0 and 1. Returning ZERO" << endl;
retval = 0.0;
/* } else if (t == 0.0) {
retval = data(p1);
} else if (t == 1.0) {
retval = data(p4);
} else {
r1 = 0.5 * (extrapolate_1d(data, p1) - extrapolate_1d(data, p1 - 1)) + 0.5 * (extrapolate_1d(data, p1 + 1) - extrapolate_1d(data, p1));// tangent @ P_1
r4 = 0.5 * (extrapolate_1d(data, p4) - extrapolate_1d(data, p4 - 1)) + 0.5 * (extrapolate_1d(data, p4 + 1) - extrapolate_1d(data, p4));// tangent @ P_4
float t2 = t*t; float t3 = t2*t;
retval = (2*t3 - 3*t2 + 1)*data(p1) + (-2*t3 + 3*t2)*data(p4) + (t3 - 2*t2 + t)*r1 + (t3 - t2)*r4;
// cerr << "p1, p4, t, r1, r4 = " << p1 << ", " << p4 << ", " << t << ", " << r1 << ", " << r4 << endl;
return retval;
//////// Kernel Interpolation Call /////////
float kernelinterpolation_1d(const ColumnVector& data, float index, const ColumnVector& userkernel, int width)
int widthx = (width - 1)/2;
// kernel half-width (i.e. range is +/- w)
int ix0;
ix0 = (int) floor(index);
static int wx=0;
static float *storex = 0;
if ( (wx!=widthx) || (storex==0) ) {
storex = new float[2*wx+1];
for (int d=-wx; d<=wx; d++) {
storex[d+wx] = kernelval((index-ix0+d),wx,userkernel);
float convsum=0.0, interpval=0.0, kersum=0.0;
int xj;
for (int x1=ix0-wx; x1<=ix0+wx; x1++) {
if (in_bounds(data, x1)) {
float kerfac = storex[xj];
// cerr << "x1 = " << x1 << endl;
// cerr << "data(x1) = " << data(x1) << endl;
convsum += data(x1) * kerfac;
kersum += kerfac;
if ( (fabs(kersum)>1e-9) ) {
interpval = convsum / kersum;
} else {
interpval = (float) extrapolate_1d(data, ix0);
// cerr << "interpval = " << interpval << endl;
return interpval;
////// Kernel wrappers //////
float kernelinterpolation_1d(const ColumnVector& data, float index)
ColumnVector userkernel = sinckernel1D("hanning", 7, 1201);
return kernelinterpolation_1d(data, index, userkernel, 7);
float kernelinterpolation_1d(RowVector data, float index)
ColumnVector userkernel = sinckernel1D("hanning", 7, 1201);
return kernelinterpolation_1d(data.t(), index, userkernel, 7);