Mark Jenkinson authoredMark Jenkinson authored
optimise.cc 9.06 KiB
/* optimise.cc
Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
Copyright (C) 1999-2000 University of Oxford */
// Mathematical optimisation functions
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "optimise.h"
#include "miscmaths.h"
namespace MISCMATHS {
// The following lines are ignored by the current SGI compiler
// (version egcs-2.91.57)
// A temporary fix of including the std:: in front of all abs() etc
// has been done for now
using std::abs;
using std::sqrt;
using std::exp;
using std::log;
bool estquadmin(float &xnew, float x1, float xmid, float x2,
float y1, float ymid, float y2)
// Finds the estimated quadratic minimum's position
float ad=0.0, bd=0.0, det=0.0;
ad = (xmid - x2)*(ymid - y1) - (xmid - x1)*(ymid - y2);
bd = -(xmid*xmid - x2*x2)*(ymid - y1) + (xmid*xmid - x1*x1)*(ymid - y2);
det = (xmid - x2)*(x2 -x1)*(x1 - xmid);
if ((fabs(det)>1e-15) && (ad/det < 0)) { // quadratic only has a maxima
xnew = 0.0;
return false;
if (fabs(ad)>1e-15) {
xnew = -bd/(2*ad);
return true;
} else { // near linear condition -> get closer to an end point
xnew = 0.0;
return false;
return false;
float extrapolatept(float x1, float xmid, float x2)
// xmid must be between x1 and x2
// use the golden ratio (scale similar result)
const float extensionratio = 0.3819660;
float xnew;
if (fabs(x2-xmid)>fabs(x1-xmid)) {
xnew = extensionratio * x2 + (1 - extensionratio) * xmid;
} else {
xnew = extensionratio * x1 + (1 - extensionratio) * xmid;
return xnew;
float nextpt(float x1, float xmid, float x2, float y1, float ymid, float y2)
// x1 and x2 are the bounds, xmid is between them
float xnew;
bool quadok=false;
quadok = estquadmin(xnew,x1,xmid,x2,y1,ymid,y2);
// check to see that the quadratic result is in the range
if ((!quadok) || (xnew < Min(x1,x2)) || (xnew > Max(x1,x2))) {
xnew = extrapolatept(x1,xmid,x2);
return xnew;
void findinitialbound(float &x1, float &xmid, float &x2,
float &y1, float &ymid, float &y2,
float (*func)(const ColumnVector &),
const ColumnVector &unitdir, const ColumnVector &pt)
const float extrapolationfactor = 1.6;
const float maxextrap = extrapolationfactor*2;
if (y1==0) y1 = (*func)(x1*unitdir + pt);
if (ymid==0) ymid = (*func)(xmid*unitdir + pt);
if (y1<ymid) { // swap a and b if this is the case
float tempx = x1, tempy = y1;
x1 = xmid; y1 = ymid;
xmid = tempx; ymid = tempy;
float newx2 = 0.0, newy2=0.0, maxx2=0.0;
float dir=1.0;
if (xmid<x1) dir=-1.0;
bool quadok;
x2 = xmid + extrapolationfactor*(xmid - x1);
y2 = (*func)(x2*unitdir + pt);
while (ymid > y2) { // note: must maintain y1 >= ymid
// cout << " <" << Min(x1,x2) << "," << xmid
// << "," << Max(x1,x2) << ">" << endl;
maxx2 = xmid + maxextrap*(x2 - xmid);
quadok = estquadmin(newx2,x1,xmid,x2,y1,ymid,y2);
if ((!quadok) || ((newx2 - x1)*dir<0) || ((newx2 - maxx2)*dir>0)) {
newx2 = xmid + extrapolationfactor*(x2-x1);
newy2 = (*func)(newx2*unitdir + pt);
if ((newx2 - xmid)*(newx2 - x1)<0) { // newx2 is between x1 and xmid
if (newy2 < ymid) { // found a bracket!
x2 = xmid; y2 = ymid;
xmid = newx2; ymid = newy2;
} else { // can use newx2 as a new value for x1 (as newy2 >= ymid)
x1 = newx2; y1 = newy2;
} else { // newx2 is between xmid and maxx2
if (newy2 > ymid) { // found a bracket!
x2 = newx2; y2 = newy2;
} else if ((newx2 - x2)*dir<0) { // newx2 closer to xmid than old x2
x1 = xmid; y1 = ymid;
xmid = newx2; ymid = newy2;
} else {
x1 = xmid; y1 = ymid;
xmid = x2; ymid = y2;
x2 = newx2; y2 = newy2;
if ( (y2<ymid) || (y1<ymid) ) {
cerr << "findinitialbound failed to bracket: current triplet is" << endl;
float optimise1d(ColumnVector &pt, const ColumnVector dir,
const ColumnVector tol, int &iterations_done,
float (*func)(const ColumnVector &), int max_iter,
float &init_value, float boundguess)
// Golden Search Routine
// Must pass in the direction vector in N-space (dir), the initial
// N-dim point (pt), the acceptable tolerance (tol) and other
// stuff
// Note that the length of the direction vector is unimportant
float y1,y2,ymid;
float x1,x2,xmid;
// Calculate dot product of dir by tol
// st (x1-x2)*dir_tol = average number of tolerances between x1 and x2
float dir_tol = 0.0;
ColumnVector unitdir;
unitdir = dir/std::sqrt(dir.SumSquare());
for (int n=1; n<=tol.Nrows(); n++) {
if (fabs(tol(n))>1e-15) {
dir_tol += fabs(unitdir(n)/tol(n));
float unittol = fabs(1/dir_tol);
// set up initial points
xmid = 0.0;
x1 = boundguess * unittol; // initial guess (bound)
if (init_value==0.0) { init_value = (*func)(xmid*unitdir + pt); }
ymid = init_value;
y1 = (*func)(x1*unitdir + pt);
// cout << "(" << x1 << "," << y1 << ") ";
// cout << "(" << xmid << "," << ymid << ") ";
// cout << "(" << x2 << "," << y2 << ")" << endl;
float min_dist = 0.1 * unittol;
float xnew, ynew;
int it=0;
while ( ((++it)<=max_iter) && (fabs((x2-x1)/unittol)>1.0) )
// cout << " [" << Min(x1,x2) << "," << Max(x1,x2) << "]" << endl;
if (it>0) {
xnew = nextpt(x1,xmid,x2,y1,ymid,y2);
} else {
xnew = extrapolatept(x1,xmid,x2);
float dirn=1.0;
if (x2<x1) dirn=-1.0;
if (fabs(xnew - x1)<min_dist) {
xnew = x1 + dirn*min_dist;
if (fabs(xnew - x2)<min_dist) {
xnew = x2 - dirn*min_dist;
if (fabs(xnew - xmid)<min_dist) {
xnew = extrapolatept(x1,xmid,x2);
if (fabs(xmid - x1)<0.4*unittol) {
xnew = xmid + dirn*0.5*unittol;
if (fabs(xmid - x2)<0.4*unittol) {
xnew = xmid - dirn*0.5*unittol;
ynew = (*func)(xnew*unitdir + pt);
if ((xnew - xmid)*(x2 - xmid) > 0) { // is xnew between x2 and xmid ?
// swap x1 and x2 so that xnew is between x1 and xmid
float xtemp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = xtemp;
float ytemp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = ytemp;
if (ynew < ymid) {
// new interval is [xmid,x1] with xnew as best point in the middle
x2 = xmid; y2 = ymid;
xmid = xnew; ymid = ynew;
} else {
// new interval is [x2,xnew] with xmid as best point still
x1 = xnew; y1 = ynew;
iterations_done = it;
pt = xmid*unitdir + pt;
return ymid;
float optimise(ColumnVector &pt, int numopt, const ColumnVector &tol,
float (*func)(const ColumnVector &), int &iterations_done,
int max_iter, const ColumnVector& boundguess,
const string type)
// Note that numopt can be less than pt.Nrows() - e.g. 6 dof optimisation
// but with a 12 dimensional vector
// Calculate dot product of dir by tol
// st (x1-x2)*dir_tol = average number of tolerances between x1 and x2
ColumnVector inv_tol(tol.Nrows());
inv_tol = 0.0;
for (int n=1; n<=tol.Nrows(); n++) {
if (fabs(tol(n))>1e-15) {
inv_tol(n) = fabs(1.0/tol(n));
inv_tol /= (float) tol.Nrows();
Matrix dirs(pt.Nrows(),pt.Nrows());
dirs = IdentityMatrix(pt.Nrows());
ColumnVector dir(pt.Nrows()), initpt, deltaf(pt.Nrows());
int lit=0, littot=0, it=0;
float fval=0.0, fval2=0.0, bndguess, finit=0.0, fend=0.0, fextrap=0.0;
while ((++it)<=max_iter)
initpt = pt;
bndguess = boundguess(Min(it,boundguess.Nrows())); // ceiling of nrows
for (int n=1; n<=numopt; n++) {
for (int m=1; m<=pt.Nrows(); m++) { dir(m) = dirs(m,n); }
fval2 = optimise1d(pt,dir,tol,lit,func,100,fval,bndguess);
if (n==1) { finit = fval; }
littot += lit;
// check to see if the point has moved more than one average tolerance
float avtol = SP((initpt - pt),inv_tol).SumAbsoluteValue();
if (avtol < 1.0) break;
// if continuing then change the directions if using Powell's method
if (type=="powell")
// find direction of maximal change
int bestm=1;
for (int m=1; m<=numopt; m++) {
if (deltaf(m)<deltaf(bestm)) bestm=m;
fextrap=(*func)(initpt + 2*(pt-initpt));
float df=fabs(deltaf(bestm));
if ( (2 * (finit-2*fend+fextrap) * (finit-fend-df)*(finit-fend-df)) < ( (finit-fextrap)*(finit-fextrap)*df ) ) {
if (fextrap<finit) {
cerr << "Applying POWELL correction" << endl;
cerr << "finit, fend, fextrap = " << finit << " , " << fend << " , " << fextrap << endl;
// do another minimisation
fval2 = optimise1d(pt,pt-initpt,tol,lit,func,100,fval,bndguess);
cerr << "fval = " << fval << endl;
littot += lit;
// replace direction of maximum change with pt-initpt
for (int m=1; m<=pt.Nrows(); m++) {
// cout << endl << "Major iterations = " << it << endl;
iterations_done = littot;
return fval;