Jesper Andersson authoredJesper Andersson authored
SpMat.h 31.22 KiB
// Implements bare-bones sparse matrix class.
// Main considerations has been efficiency when constructing
// from Compressed Column format, when multiplying with vector,
// transposing and multiplying with a vector and when concatenating.
// Other operations which have not been prioritised such as
// for example inserting elements in a random order may be
// a bit slow.
// You will notice that some "obvious" functionality like e.g.
// transpose is missing. Instead I have supplied functionality
// like A.trans_mult(x) which is equivalent to A.t()*x in NEWMAT
// lingo. The reason for this is partly to supply an api that is
// consistent with that expected by IML++. But more so because I
// believe that when a matrix is unwieldily enough to warrant
// the use of a sparse matrix class, then one should not attempt
// to represent both the matrix and its transpose.
#ifndef SpMat_h
#define SpMat_h
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "newmat.h"
#include "cg.h"
#include "bicg.h"
namespace MISCMATHS {
class SpMatException: public std::exception
std::string m_msg;
SpMatException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {}
virtual const char * what() const throw() {
return string("SpMat::" + m_msg).c_str();
~SpMatException() throw() {}
template<class T>
class Preconditioner;
template<class T>
class Accumulator;
// Class SpMat:
// Interface includes:
// Multiplication with scalar: A*=s, B=s*A, B=A*s, A and B SpMat
// Multiplication with vector: b=A*x, A SpMat, b and x ColumnVector
// Transpose and mul with vector: b=A.trans_mult(x), A SpMat, b and x ColumnVector
// Multiplication with sparse matrix: C=A*B, A, B and C SpMat
// Addition with sparse matrix: A+=B, C=A+B, A, B and C SpMat
// Horisontal concatenation: A|=B, C=A|B, A, B and C SpMat
// Vertical concatenation: A&=B, C=A&B, A, B and C SpMat
// Multiplications and addition with NEWMAT matrices are
// accomplished through type-conversions. For example
// A = B*SpMat(C), A and B SpMat, C NEWMAT
// A = B.AsNewmat()*C, B SpMat, A and C NEWMAT