The Splinterpolator
overloads can lead to ambiguities, when default arguments are used. For example, a call of the form:
std::vector<unsigned int>&,
could match either of these overloads:
Splinterpolator(const T *data,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
const std::vector<ExtrapolationType>& et,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
unsigned int nthr=1,
double prec=1e-8)
Splinterpolator(const T *data,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& dim,
const std::vector<ExtrapolationType>& et,
unsigned int order=3,
bool copy_low_order=true,
double prec=1e-8)
I don't think there is any need for the second overload in the above example, so this MR proposes to remove both of the offending constructor overloads.