Paul McCarthy authoredPaul McCarthy authored
2018 WIN PyTreat
This repository contains Jupyter notebooks and data for the 2018 WIN PyTreat.
The upstream repository can be found at:
To contribute to the practicals:
Fork the upstream repository on gitlab
Make a local clone of your fork:
git clone git@git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk:<username>/pytreat-2018-practicals
Add the upstream repository as a remote:
git remote add upstream git@git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk:fsl/pytreat-2018-practicals.git
Make your changes on your local repository
Rebase onto the upstream repository, and push your changes to your fork:
git fetch --all git rebase upstream/master git push --force origin master
In gitlab, submit a merge request from your fork back to the upstream repository.
To run these notebooks in the fslpython
environment, you must first install
source $FSLDIR/fslpython/bin/activate fslpython
conda install jupyter
pip install notedown
source deactivate
ln -s $FSLDIR/fslpython/envs/fslpython/bin/jupyter $FSLDIR/bin/fsljupyter
ln -s $FSLDIR/fslpython/envs/fslpython/bin/notedown $FSLDIR/bin/fslnotedown
is a handy tool which allows you to convert a markdown (.md
) file to a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb
) file. So you can write your practical in your text editor of choice, and then convert it into a notebook, instead of writing the practical in the web browser interface. If you install notedown as suggested in the code block above, you can run it on a markdown file like so:fslnotedown my_markdown_file.md > my_notebook.ipynb
Now you can start the notebook server from the repository root:
fsljupyter notebook