This notebook will perform *python* MIGP dimension reduction, run group ICA, and then plot the group ICs.
*[Run python `MIGP`](#run-python-migp)
*[Run `melodic`](#run-python-melodic)
*[Plot group ICs](#plot-python-group-ics)
Firstly we will import the necessary packages for this notebook:
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``` python
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It will be necessary to know the location where the data was stored so that we can load the brainmask.
> **Note**: [`expanduser`]( will expand the `~` to the be users home directory
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``` python
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### Run python `MIGP`
Firstly we need to set the MIGP parameters:
> **Note:**
> 1. [`glob.glob`]( will create a list of filenames that match the glob/wildcard pattern
> 2. [`nb.load`]( from the [`nibabel`]( package will load the image into [`nibabel.Nifti1Image`]( object. This will not load the actual data though.
> 3. We use a list comprehension to loop through all the filenames and load them with [`nibabel`](
# set user parameters (equivalent to melodic defaults)
GO='pyMIGP.nii.gz'# output filename
dPCA_int=299# internal number of components - typically 2-4 times number of timepoints in each run (if you have enough RAM for that)
dPCA_out=299# number of eigenvectors to output - should be less than dPCAint and more than the final ICA dimensionality
sep_vn=False# switch on separate variance nomalisation for each input dataset
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> **Note:**
> 1. [`random.shuffle`]( will shuffle a list, in this instance it shuffles the list of [`nibabel.Nifti1Image`]( objects
> 2. [`ravel`]( will unfold a n-d array into vector. Similar to the `:` operator in Matlab
> 3. [`reshape`]( works similarly to reshape in Matlab, but be careful becase the default order is different from Matlab.
> 4. [`.T`]( does a transpose in `numpy`
> 5. The final element of an array is indexed with `-1` in `numpy`, as opposed to `end` in Matlab
> 6. [`svds`]( and [`eigs`]( come from the [`scipy.sparse.linalg`]( package
> 7. [`svds`]( and [`eigs`]( are very similar to their Matlab counterparts, but be careful because Matlab `svds` returns $U$, $S$, and $V$, whereas python `svds` returns $U$, $S$, and $V^T$
> 8. We index into the output of `eigs(W@W.T, dPCA_int)[1]` to only return the 2nd output (index 1)
Generate a command line string and run group ```melodic``` on the Matlab MIGP dimension reduced data with a dimension of 10 components. We disable MIGP because it was already run separately in Matlab.
> **Note**:
> 1. Here we use python [f-strings](, formally known as literal string interpolation, which allow for easy formatting
> 2. [`op.join`]( will join path strings using the platform-specific directory separator
> 1. Here we use the `!` operator to execute the command in the shell
> 2. The `{}` will expand the contained python variable in the shell
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``` python
# run melodic
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### Plot group ICs
Now we can load and plot the group ICs generated by ```melodic```.
This function will be used to plot ICs:
> **NOTE:**
> 1. Here we use [`plot_stat_map`]( from the [`nilearn`]( package to plot the orthographic images
> 2. [`subplots`]( from `matplotlib.pyplot` creates a figure and multiple subplots
> 3. [`find_xyz_cut_coords`]( from the [`nilearn`]( package will find the image coordinates of the center of the largest activation connected component
> 4. [`zip`]( takes iterables and aggregates them in a tuple. Here it is used to iterate through two lists simultaneously
> 5. [`iter_img`]( from the [`nilearn`]( package creates an iterator from an image that steps through each volume/time-point of the image