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Commit e7fb9644 authored by Saad Jbabdi's avatar Saad Jbabdi
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%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Fit a model to some data
# Model is:
# prediction = M0 * exp(-R2*TE)*(1-exp(-R1*TR))
# where M0,R1,R2 are unknown parameters and TE/TR are experimental parameters
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize
TEs = np.array([10,40,50,60,80]) # TE values in ms
TRs = np.array([.8,1,1.5,2]) # TR in seconds (I know this is bad)
# All combinations of TEs/TRs
comb = np.array([(x,y) for x in TEs for y in TRs])
TEs,TRs = comb[:,0],comb[:,1]
# function for our model
def forward(p):
M0,R1,R2 = p
return M0*np.exp(-R2*TEs)*(1-np.exp(-R1*TRs))
# simulate data using model
true_p = [100,1/.8,1/50]
data = forward(true_p)
snr = 50
noise_std = 100/snr
noise = np.random.randn(data.size)*noise_std
data = data + noise
%% Output
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x125da2160>]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Now for the fitting
# we need a cost function:
# always a good idea to calculate gradient
def forward_deriv(p):
M0,R1,R2 = p
E1,E2 = np.exp(-R1*TRs),np.exp(-R2*TEs)
dE1 = -TRs*E1
dE2 = -TEs*E2
# f = M0*E2*(1-E1)
dfdM0 = E2*(1-E1)
dfdR1 = M0*E2*(-dE1)
dfdR2 = M0*dE2*(1-E1)
return np.array([dfdM0,dfdR1,dfdR2])
def forward_deriv2(p):
M0,R1,R2 = p
E1,E2 = np.exp(-R1*TRs),np.exp(-R2*TEs)
dE1 = -TRs*E1
dE2 = -TEs*E2
ddE1 = (TRs**2)*E1
ddE2 = (TEs**2)*E2
#dfdM0 = E2*(1-E1)
dfdM0dM0 = np.zeros(E1.shape)
dfdM0dR1 = E2*(-dE1)
dfdM0dR2 = dE2*(1-E1)
#dfdR1 = M0*E2*(-dE1)
dfdR1dM0 = E2*(-dE1)
dfdR1dR1 = M0*E2*(-ddE1)
dfdR1dR2 = M0*(dE2)*(-dE1)
#dfdR2 = M0*dE2*(1-E1)
dfdR2dM0 = dE2*(1-E1)
dfdR2dR1 = M0*dE2*(-dE1)
dfdR2dR2 = M0*ddE2*(1-E1)
return np.array([[dfdM0dM0,dfdM0dR1,dfdM0dR2],
# cost function is mean square error divided by 2
def cf(p):
pred = forward(p)
return np.mean((pred-data)**2)/2.0
def cf_grad(p):
pred = forward(p)
deriv = forward_deriv(p)
return np.mean( deriv * (pred-data)[None,:],axis=1)
def cf_hess(p):
pred = forward(p)
deriv = forward_deriv(p)
deriv2 = forward_deriv2(p)
H = np.zeros((len(p),len(p)))
for i in range(H.shape[0]):
for j in range(H.shape[1]):
H[i,j] = np.mean(deriv2[i,j]*(pred-data) + deriv[i]*deriv[j])
return H
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# get ready to minimize
p0 = [200,1/1,1/70] # some random guess
method = 'trust-ncg'
kw_args = {'x0':p0,'method':method,'jac':cf_grad,'hess':cf_hess}
result = minimize(cf,**kw_args)
print('fitted = {}'.format(result.x))
print('true = {}'.format(true_p))
%% Output
fitted = [9.90012687e+01 1.28692542e+00 1.97590584e-02]
true = [100, 1.25, 0.02]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Play with model fitting
% experimental parameters
TEs = [10 40 50 60 80];
TRs = [.8 1 1.5 2];
[TEs,TRs] = meshgrid(TEs,TRs);
TEs = TEs(:)'; TRs = TRs(:)';
% forward model
forward = @(p)( p(1)*exp(-p(3)*TEs).*(1-exp(-p(2)*TRs)));
% simulate data
true_p = [100,1/.8,1/50];
data = forward(true_p);
snr = 50;
noise_std = 100/snr;
noise = randn(size(data))*noise_std;
data = data+noise;
% cost function is mean squared error (MSE)
cf = @(x)( mean( (forward(x)-data).^2 ) );
% initial guess
p0 = [200,1/1,1/70];
% using fminsearch (Nelder-Mead)
p = fminsearch(@(x) cf(x),p0);
% plot result
figure,hold on
%% The below uses fminunc, which allows morre flexibility
% (like choosing the algorithm or providing gradients and Hessians)
options = optimoptions('fminunc','Display','off','Algorithm','quasi-newton');
[x,fval] = fminunc(cf,p0,options);
figure,hold on
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