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/* - FMRIB's Slice Timing Utility
Peter Bannister and Stephen Smith, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 University of Oxford */
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include "optimise.h"
#include "newmatap.h"
#include "newmatio.h"
#include "newimageall.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "kernel.h"
using namespace MISCMATHS;
using namespace NEWMAT;
using namespace NEWIMAGE;
using namespace Utilities;
string title="slicetimer (Version 1.8)\nFMRIB's Interpolation for Slice Timing\nCopyright(c) 2001-2002, University of Oxford";
string examples="slicetimer -i <timeseries> [-o <corrected_timeseries>] [options]\n";
Option<bool> help(string("-h,--help"), false,
string("display this message"),
false, no_argument);
Option<bool> verbose(string("-v,--verbose"), false,
string("switch on diagnostic messages"),
false, no_argument);
Option<bool> odd(string("--odd"), false,
string("use interleaved acquisition"),
false, no_argument);
Option<bool> down(string("--down"), false,
string("reverse slice indexing"),
false, no_argument);
Option<string> inputname(string("-i,--in"), string(""),
string("filename of input timeseries"),
true, requires_argument);
Option<string> outputname(string("-o,--out"), string(""),
string("filename of output timeseries"),
false, requires_argument);
Option<string> tcustom(string("--tcustom"), string(""),
string("filename of single-column custom interleave timing file"),
false, requires_argument);
Option<string> ocustom(string("--ocustom"), string(""),
string("filename of single-column custom interleave order file"),
false, requires_argument);
Option<int> direction(string("-d,--direction"), 3,
string("direction of slice acquisition (x=1,y=2,z=3) - default is z"),
false, requires_argument);
Option<float> repeat(string("-r,--repeat"), 3.0,
string("Specify TR of data - default is 3s"),
false, requires_argument);
int do_slice_correction()
volume4D<float> timeseries;
volumeinfo in_info;
ColumnVector voxeltimeseries, interpseries;
Matrix timings;
int no_volumes, no_slices;
float repeat_time, offset, slice_spacing, recenter;
if (inputname.set()) {
if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Reading input volume" << endl; }
if (!outputname.set())
outputname.set_value(inputname.value() + "_st");
} else if (outputname.set()) {
cerr << "Must specify an input volume (-i or --in) to generate corrected data."
<< endl;
return -1;
no_slices = timeseries.zsize();
no_volumes = timeseries.tsize();
repeat_time = timeseries.tdim();
if (repeat_time ==0){
cerr << "Zero TR in file header - fixing ... " ;
repeat_time = repeat.value();
cerr << "TR = " << repeat_time << endl;
slice_spacing = repeat_time / no_slices;
if (direction.value() == 1) timeseries. swapdimensions(3,2,1); // Flip z and x
if (direction.value() == 2) timeseries. swapdimensions(1,3,2); // Flip z and y
if (tcustom.set()) {
timings.ReSize(1, timeseries.zsize());
timings = read_ascii_matrix(tcustom.value(), timeseries.zsize(), 1);
} else if (ocustom.set()) {
timings.ReSize(1, timeseries.zsize());
timings = read_ascii_matrix(ocustom.value(), timeseries.zsize(), 1);
offset = 0.0;
ColumnVector userkernel = sinckernel1D("hanning", 7, 1201);
// if (down.value())
// recenter = (((float) no_slices)/2 + 0.5)/ no_slices;
recenter = (((float) no_slices)/2 - 0.5)/ no_slices;
for (int slice=1; slice<=no_slices; slice++) {
if (tcustom.set()) {
offset = -timings(slice, 1);
} else if (ocustom.set()) {
int local_count=1;
while (local_count <= no_slices) {
if (timings(local_count, 1) == slice) {
offset = -(local_count -1)* (slice_spacing / repeat_time);
local_count = no_slices + 1;
} else
} else if (odd.value()) { // acquisition order: 1,3,5, ..., 2,4,6 ...
if ((slice % 2) == 0) // even
offset = -( ceil((float)no_slices / 2) + ((slice -1)/ 2)) * (slice_spacing / repeat_time);
offset = -((slice -1) / 2) * (slice_spacing / repeat_time);
} else if (down.value()) {
offset = -(no_slices - slice)* (slice_spacing / repeat_time);
} else {
offset = -(slice -1)* (slice_spacing / repeat_time);
for (int x_pos = 0; x_pos < timeseries. xsize(); x_pos++)
for (int y_pos = 0; y_pos < timeseries. ysize(); y_pos++){
voxeltimeseries = timeseries.voxelts(x_pos,y_pos,slice-1);
interpseries = voxeltimeseries;
for (int time_step=1; time_step <= no_volumes; time_step++)
interpseries(time_step) = interpolate_1d(voxeltimeseries, time_step + offset + recenter);
if (verbose.value())
cerr << "Slice / Offset (s) " << slice << " / " << offset *repeat_time * -1 << endl;
if (direction.value() == 1) timeseries. swapdimensions(3,2,1); // reverse Flip z and x
if (direction.value() == 2) timeseries. swapdimensions(1,3,2); // reverse Flip z and y
save_volume4D(timeseries, outputname.value());
return 0;
int main (int argc,char** argv)
Tracer tr("main");
OptionParser options(title, examples);
try {
options.parse_command_line(argc, argv);
if ( (help.value()) || (!options.check_compulsory_arguments(true)) )
if ( inputname.unset())
cerr << endl
<< "--in or -i MUST be used."
<< endl;
} catch(X_OptionError& e) {
cerr << endl << e.what() << endl;
} catch(std::exception &e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
int retval = do_slice_correction();
if (retval!=0) {
cerr << endl << endl << "Error detected: try -h for help" << endl;
return retval;
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