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Commit ee53cd40 authored by Matthew Webster's avatar Matthew Webster
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Sprout from master 2018-01-11 16:19:20 UTC Jesper Andersson <> 'Changed << to check for user defined flag on stream and adapt its behaviour accordingly'
parent efafd301
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# A Pound as a first character is used for declaring comments.
! A Exclamation as a first character is used for declaring comments.
# To use the definitions in this file, remove the # sign and
# provide your definition assignment.
# The following line informs ObjectManual that the
# C++ files are following the file extension of ".C".
# Usually this definition is not necessary.
#ObjectManualDefCPlusExt = .C
# The following line informs ObjectManual about the directory
# where the documentation i.e., html files will be generated. No
# relative paths or environmental variables are allowed. The
# last character of this provided directory should not be '/'.
# Also create the directory as ObjectManual will not create
# this directory for you. Please make sure that the permissions
# for this created directory are open for writing.
ObjectManualDefWriteHtmlDir = /usr/local/fsl/src/utils/refdoc/html
# The following line informs ObjectManual about the directory
# where the documentation i.e., "man" pages (files) will be
# generated. No relative paths or environmental variables are
# allowed. The last character of this provided directory should
# not be '/'. Also create the directory before its use. Please
# make sure that the permissions for this created directory are
# are open for writing.
#ObjectManualDefWriteManDir = /usr/local/fsl/src/utils/refdoc/man3
# The following line informs ObjectManual about the directory
# where the documentation i.e., "rtf" (Rich Text Format) files
# will be generated. No relative paths or environmental
# variables are allowed. The last character of this provided
# directory should not be '/'. Also create the directory
# before its use. Please make sure that the permissions for
# this created directory are are open for writing.
#ObjectManualDefWriteRTFDir = /usr/local/fsl/src/utils/refdoc/rtf
# The following line(s) can be defined to generate post
# documentation. The information assigned will be generated in
# each HTML file that is generated. Multiple definitions of
# ObjectManualGenerateAtEnd can be provided. Each definition
# can handle data up to 512 characters.
ObjectManualGenerateAtEnd = Copyright (C) 2000 University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre.
# The following line is used for generating a pre-processed file.
# Avoid using this definition if the option used by your compiler
# is a default or "-E"
#ObjectManualDefGenerator = -E
# The following line informs ObjectManual to suppress documentation
# generation for the class name provided. Regular
# expressions can be used in assignment. Multiple definitions
# of ObjectManualDefSuppressClass can be provided.
#ObjectManualDefSuppressClass = *
#ObjectManualDefSuppressClass = *str*
#ObjectManualDefSuppressClass = *ios*
# The following line informs ObjectManual to suppress documentation
# generation for classes contained in the mentioned directory.
# Regular expressions can be used in assignment. Multiple definitions
# of ObjectManualDefSuppressDirectoryClasses can be provided.
#ObjectManualDefSuppressDirectoryClasses = /tmp
# The following line informs ObjectManual to generate only those
# classes that correspond to the assigned regular expression.
# Classes that are suppressed are ignored, once this definition is
# assigned with a regular expression. Multiple definitions of
# ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly can be provied.
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = BaseOption
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = Option
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = OptionParser
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = X_OptionError
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = X_UnknownOptions
ObjectManualDefGenerateOnly = X_MissingArguments
# The following definition allows ObjectManual to generate HTML
# file names with the assigned prefix name. The default prefix
# name in ObjectManual is ObjMan_. To generate file names with
# no prefix, declare the definition with the assignment operator
# and do not assign any value. i.e., ObjectManualDefFileNamePrefix =
#ObjectManualDefFileNamePrefix =
# The following definition are applicable for special comments rule:
# The following option defines that the class names are identified
# in the source file via the following assignment.
#ObjectManualDefClassName = ClassName
# The following definition are applicable for special comments rule:
# The following option defines that the method names are identified
# in the source file via the following assignment. However, a class
# name should always precede a method name in special comments.
#ObjectManualDefMethodName = MethodName
# The following definition allows ObjectManual to generate
# text mixed with images. To generate text that has no images
# assign value N to ObjectManualDefImages. The default behavior
# is to allow text with images.
ObjectManualDefImages = N
# To replace existing HTML documentation files or not. Possible
# values allowed are 'N' or 'Y'. If the value to this definition
# is set to 'N', then ObjectManual will not overwrite the existing
# HTML files.
#ObjectManualDefScriptFileReplace = Y
# To generate HTML files with a specific extension. By default the
# generated documentation files are named with a suffix of ".html"
# extension. If users would like to have a specific extension on
# their generated HTML files then assign this definition with the
# specific extension name. e.g., ObjectManualDefHtmlExt = .htm
#ObjectManualDefHtmlExt = .html
# To generate Hypertext links for Super or Base classes set the
# following definition. The default behaviour is to generate
# links for Super or Base classes. Sometimes, directory structure
# may tend to generate links which are not valid. In such cases
# the link generation may be avoided. To generate a link assign
# the value Y. To suppress link generation assign the value N.
#ObjectManualDefSuperClassLink = Y
# To generate Hypertext links for C++ Source files where the
# C++ class declaration was found. The default behaviour is to
# generate link for source files.
#ObjectManualDefSourceLink = Y
# To generate graphical method tree. The default behaviour is to
# generate APPLET tags that can be interpreted by the HTML browser.
# For some reason, if this behaviour is not required then set
# ObjectManualDefMethodTree with a value 'N'
ObjectManualDefMethodTree = Y
# The following definition allows the control to generate
# dependency data of each class in an HTML file. The default
# value is to generate dependency data, i.e., Y. If you don't
# want dependency data generated in class's HTML file, then set
# the following definition to N
#ObjectManualDefGenerateDependencyData = Y
# The following definition allows the customization of organization
# name. The organization name is generated as part of "man" pages.
# The length of the organization name should not be more than 512
# characters.
ObjectManualDefOrganizationName = Copyright (C) 2000 University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre.
# The following definition allows whether "man" pages should be
# generated by ObjectManual or not. To suppress generation of "man"
# pages altogether, assign the value 'N' to this definition. The
# default behaviour is to generate "man" pages.
ObjectManualDefGenerateManPages = N
# The following definition allows the file extension number of
# "man" pages. Only numeric values are allowed. Man pages generated
# by ObjectManual have the file extension number of "3". If this
# number needs to be changed then assign a numeric value to this
# definition.
#ObjectManualDefPageExtension = 3
# The following definition allows method details to be generated
# or not. By defaults, the method details information is generated.
#ObjectManualDefGenerateMethodDetails = N
# The following definition informs ObjectManual whether the
# C++ files provided as an argument need to be compiled or not. By
# default the C++ files are compiled.
ObjectManualDefCompile = N
# The following definition informs ObjectManual whether the
# class comments are to be pre-formatted or not. By default,
# ObjectManual generates class comments using the paragraph HTML
# tag. To use the "pre" HTML tag, use this definition.
#ObjectManualDefPreFormatAllowed = N
# The following definition informs ObjectManual that the C++
# classes that belong to the directory need to be suppressed from
# documentation generation. Multiple such assignments are allowed
# and also regular expressions are allowed. So to suppress
# C++ classes from /usr/include and /opt, the following two
# defintions will be provided.
#ObjectManualDefSuppressDirectoryClasses = */usr/include/*
#ObjectManualDefSuppressDirectoryClasses = */opt/*
# The following definition informs ObjectManual that the RTF
# files need to be generated or not as part of the documentation.
ObjectManualDefRTF = N
# The following definition allows you to choose between frames
# and non-frames generated output. The default is to generated
# framed output. By setting its value to N, non-framed output
# will be generated.
ObjectManualDefAllowFrames = Y
# The following definition allows XML documents to be generated.
# The option allows Y or N values. To turn off XML documents from
# getting generated, assign the defintion an N value. The default
# is to generate XML documents, i.e., a Y value.
ObjectManualDefGenerateXMLPages = N
# The following line informs ObjectManual about the directory
# where the XML documentation files will be generated. No
# relative paths or environmental variables are allowed. The
# last character of this provided directory should not be '/'.
# Also create the directory as ObjectManual will not create
# this directory for you. Please make sure that the permissions
# for this created directory are open for writing.
#ObjectManualDefWriteXMLDir = /tmp/Generated
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