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print('Gaussian (mean: 0, stddev: 1):')
print(npr.normal(0, 1, (3, 3)))

print('Gamma (shape: 1, scale: 1):')
print(npr.normal(1, 1, (3, 3)))

print('Chi-square (dof: 10):')
print(npr.chisquare(10, (3, 3)))

The `numpy.random` module also has a couple of other handy functions for
random sampling of existing data:

data = np.arange(5)

print('data:               ', data)
print('two random values:  ', npr.choice(data, 2))
print('random permutation: ', npr.permutation(data))

# The numpy.random.shuffle function
# will shuffle an array *in-place*.
print('randomly shuffled: ', data)

<a class="anchor" id="appendix-importing-numpy"></a>
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## Appendix B: Importing Numpy

For interactive exploration/experimentation, you might want to import
Numpy like this:

from numpy import *

This makes your Python session very similar to Matlab - you can call all
of the Numpy functions directly:

e = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
z = zeros((100, 100))
d = diag([2, 3, 4, 5])


But if you are writing a script or application using Numpy, I implore you to
import Numpy (and its commonly used sub-modules) like this instead:
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import numpy        as np
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy.linalg as npla

The downside to this is that you will have to prefix all Numpy functions with
`np.`, like so:

e = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
z = np.zeros((100, 100))
d = np.diag([2, 3, 4, 5])
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r = npr.random(5)

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There is a big upside, however, in that other people who have to read/use your
code will like you a lot more. This is because it will be easier for them to
figure out what the hell your code is doing. Namespaces are your friend - use

<a class="anchor" id="appendix-vectors-in-numpy"></a>
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## Appendix C: Vectors in Numpy
One aspect of Numpy which might trip you up, and which can be quite
frustrating at times, is that Numpy has no understanding of row or column
vectors.  __An array with only one dimension is neither a row, nor a column
vector - it is just a 1D array__.  If you have a 1D array, and you want to use
it as a row vector, you need to reshape it to a shape of `(1, N)`. Similarly,
to use a 1D array as a column vector, you must reshape it to have shape
`(N, 1)`.

In general, when you are mixing 1D arrays with 2- or N-dimensional arrays, you
need to make sure that your arrays have the correct shape. For example:
r = np.random.randint(1, 10, 3)

print('r is a row:                                  ', r)
print('r.T should be a column:                      ', r.T, ' ... huh?')
print('Ok, make n a 2D array with one row:          ', r.reshape(1, -1))
print('We could also use the np.atleast_2d function:', np.atleast_2d(r))
print('Now we can transpose r to get a column:')
<a class="anchor" id="appendix-the-numpy-matrix"></a>
## Appendix D: The Numpy `matrix`

By now you should be aware that a Numpy `array` does not behave in quite the
same way as a Matlab matrix. The primary difference between Numpy and Matlab
is that in Numpy, the `*` operator denotes element-wise multiplication,
whereas in Matlab, `*` denotes matrix multiplication.

Numpy does support the `@` operator for matrix multiplication, but if this is
a complete show-stopper for you - if you just can't bring yourself to write
`A @ B` to denote the matrix product of `A` and `B` - if you _must_ have your
code looking as Matlab-like as possible, then you should look into the Numpy
data type.

The `matrix` is an alternative to the `array` which essentially behaves more
like a Matlab matrix:

* `matrix` objects always have exactly two dimensions.
* `a * b` denotes matrix multiplication, rather than elementwise
* `matrix` objects have `.H` and `.I` attributes, which are convenient ways to
  access the conjugate transpose and inverse of the matrix respectively.

Note however that use of the `matrix` type is _not_ widespread, and if you use
it you will risk confusing others who are familiar with the much more commonly
used `array`, and who need to work with your code. In fact, the official Numpy
documentation [recommends against using the `matrix`

But if you are writing some very maths-heavy code, and you want your code to
be as clear and concise, and maths/Matlab-like as possible, then the `matrix`
type is there for you. Just make sure you document your code well to make it
clear to others what is going on!

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<a class="anchor" id="useful-references"></a>
## Useful references

* [The Numpy manual](
* [Linear algebra in `numpy.linalg`](
* [Broadcasting in Numpy](
* [Indexing in Numpy](
* [Random sampling in `numpy.random`](
* [Python slicing](
* [Numpy for Matlab users](