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NIfTI images and python

The nibabel module is used to read and write NIfTI images and also some other medical imaging formats (e.g., ANALYZE, GIFTI, MINC, MGH). nibabel is included within the FSL python environment.

Building upon nibabel, the fslpy library contains a number of FSL-specific classes and functions which you may find useful. But let's start with nibabel - fslpy is introduced in a different practical (advanced_topics/08_fslpy.ipynb).


Reading images

It is easy to read an image:

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import os.path as op
filename =  op.expandvars('${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz')
imobj = nib.load(filename, mmap=False)

# display header object
imhdr = imobj.header

# extract data (as a numpy array)
imdat = imobj.get_fdata()

Make sure you use the full filename, including the .nii.gz extension. fslpy provides FSL-like automatic file suffix detection though.

We use the expandvars() function above to insert the FSLDIR environmental variable into our string. This function is discussed more fully in the file management practical.

Reading the data off the disk is not done until get_fdata() is called.


The option mmap=False disables memory mapping, which would otherwise be invoked for uncompressed NIfTI files but not for compressed files. Since some functionality behaves differently on memory mapped objects, it is advisable to turn this off unless you specifically want it.

Once the data is read into a numpy array then it is easily manipulated.

The get_fdata method will return floating point data, regardless of the underlying image data type. If you want the image data in the type that it is stored (e.g. integer ROI labels), then use imdat = np.asanyarray(imobj.dataobj) instead.

Header info

There are many methods available on the header object - for example, look at dir(imhdr) or help(imhdr) or the nibabel webpage about NIfTI images

Voxel sizes

Dimensions of the voxels, in mm, can be found from:

voxsize = imhdr.get_zooms()

Coordinate orientations and mappings

Information about the NIfTI qform and sform matrices can be extracted like this:

sform = imhdr.get_sform()
sformcode = imhdr['sform_code']
qform = imhdr.get_qform()
qformcode = imhdr['qform_code']

You can also get both code and matrix together like this:

affine, code = imhdr.get_qform(coded=True)
print(affine, code)

Writing images

If you have created a modified image by making or modifying a numpy array then you need to put this into a NIfTI image object in order to save it to a file. The easiest way to do this is to copy all the header info from an existing image like this:

newdata = imdat * imdat
newhdr = imhdr.copy()
newobj = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(newdata, None, header=newhdr), "mynewname.nii.gz")

where newdata is the numpy array (the above is a random example only) and imhdr is the existing image header (as above).

It is possible to also just pass in an affine matrix rather than a copied header, but we strongly recommend against this if you are processing an existing image as otherwise you run the risk of swapping the left-right orientation. Those that have used save_avw in matlab may well have been bitten in this way in the past. Therefore, copy a header from one of the input images whenever possible, and just use the affine matrix option if you are creating an entirely separate image, like a simulation.

If the voxel size of the image is different, then extra modifications will be required. Take a look at the fslpy practical for some extra image manipulation options, including cropping and resampling (advanced_topics/08_fslpy.ipynb).


Write some code to read in a 4D fMRI image (you can find one here if you don't have one handy), calculate the tSNR and then save the 3D result.

The tSNR of a time series signal is simply its mean divided by its standard deviation.

# Calculate tSNR