Paul McCarthy authoredPaul McCarthy authored
- Numpy
- Contents
- The Python list versus the Numpy array
- Numpy basics
- Creating arrays
- Loading text files
- Array properties
- Descriptive statistics
- Reshaping and rearranging arrays
- Operating on arrays
- Scalar operations
- Multi-variate operations
- Matrix multiplication
- Broadcasting
- Linear algebra
- Array indexing
- Indexing multi-dimensional arrays
- Boolean indexing
- Coordinate array indexing
- Exercises
- Load an array from a file and do stuff with it
- Concatenate affine transforms
- Appendix A: Generating random numbers
- Appendix B: Importing Numpy
- Appendix C: Vectors in Numpy
- Appendix D: The Numpy matrix
- Useful references
This section introduces you to numpy
, Python's
numerical computing library.
Numpy is not actually part of the standard Python library. But it is a
fundamental part of the Python ecosystem - it forms the basis for many
important Python libraries, and it (along with its partners
, matplotlib
) is what makes Python an attractive
alternative to Matlab as a scientific computing platform.
- The Python list versus the Numpy array
- Numpy basics
- Operating on arrays
- Array indexing
- Exercises
- Appendix A: Generating random numbers
- Appendix B: Importing Numpy
- Appendix C: Vectors in Numpy
- Appendix D: The Numpy
- Useful references
The Python list versus the Numpy array
Numpy adds a new data type to the Python language - the array
specifically, the ndarray
). A Numpy array
is a N-dimensional array of
homogeneously-typed numerical data.
You have already been introduced to the Python list
, which you can easily
use to store a handful of numbers (or anything else):
data = [10, 8, 12, 14, 7, 6, 11]
You could also emulate a 2D or ND matrix by using lists of lists, for example:
xyz_coords = [[-11.4, 1.0, 22.6],
[ 22.7, -32.8, 19.1],
[ 62.8, -18.2, -34.5]]
For simple tasks, you could stick with processing your data using python
lists, and the built-in
library. And this
might be tempting, because it does look quite a lot like what you might type
into Matlab.
But BEWARE! A Python list is a terrible data structure for scientific computing!
This is a major source of confusion for people who are learning Python, and are trying to write efficient code. It is crucial to be able to distinguish between a Python list and a Numpy array.
Python list == Matlab cell array: A list in Python is akin to a cell array in Matlab - they can store anything, but are extremely inefficient, and unwieldy when you have more than a couple of dimensions.
Numpy array == Matlab matrix: These are in contrast to the Numpy array and Matlab matrix, which are both thin wrappers around a contiguous chunk of memory, and which provide blazing-fast performance (because behind the scenes in both Numpy and Matlab, it's C, C++ and FORTRAN all the way down).
So you should strongly consider turning those lists into Numpy arrays:
import numpy as np
data = np.array([10, 8, 12, 14, 7, 6, 11])
xyz_coords = np.array([[-11.4, 1.0, 22.6],
[ 22.7, -32.8, 19.1],
[ 62.8, -18.2, -34.5]])
If you look carefully at the code above, you will notice that we are still
actually using Python lists. We have declared our data sets in exactly the
same way as we did earlier, by denoting them with square brackets [
and ]
The key difference here is that these lists immediately get converted into
Numpy arrays, by passing them to the np.array
function. To clarify this
point, we could rewrite this code in the following equivalent manner:
import numpy as np
# Define our data sets as python lists
data = [10, 8, 12, 14, 7, 6, 11]
xyz_coords = [[-11.4, 1.0, 22.6],
[ 22.7, -32.8, 19.1],
[ 62.8, -18.2, -34.5]]
# Convert them to numpy arrays
data = np.array(data)
xyz_coords = np.array(xyz_coords)
Of course, in practice, we would never create a Numpy array in this way - we will be loading our data from text or binary files directly into a Numpy array, thus completely bypassing the use of Python lists and the costly list-to-array conversion. I'm emphasising this to help you understand the difference between Python lists and Numpy arrays. Apologies if you've already got it, forgiveness please.
Numpy basics
Let's get started.
import numpy as np
Creating arrays
Numpy has quite a few functions which behave similarly to their equivalents in Matlab:
print('np.zeros gives us zeros: ', np.zeros(5))
print('np.ones gives us ones: ', np.ones(5))
print('np.arange gives us a range: ', np.arange(5))
print('np.linspace gives us N linearly spaced numbers:', np.linspace(0, 1, 5))
print('np.random.random gives us random numbers [0-1]:', np.random.random(5))
print('np.random.randint gives us random integers: ', np.random.randint(1, 10, 5))
print('np.eye gives us an identity matrix:')
print('np.diag gives us a diagonal matrix:')
print(np.diag([1, 2, 3, 4]))
See the appendix for more information on generating random numbers in Numpy.
The zeros
and ones
functions can also be used to generate N-dimensional
z = np.zeros((3, 4))
o = np.ones((2, 10))
Note that, in a 2D Numpy array, the first axis corresponds to rows, and the second to columns - just like in Matlab.
Loading text files
The numpy.loadtxt
function is capable of loading numerical data from
plain-text files. By default it expects space-separated data:
data = np.loadtxt('04_numpy/space_separated.txt')
print('data in 04_numpy/space_separated.txt:')
But you can also specify the delimiter to expect1:
data = np.loadtxt('04_numpy/comma_separated.txt', delimiter=',')
print('data in 04_numpy/comma_separated.txt:')
1 And many other things such as file headers, footers, comments, and newline characters - see the docs for more information.
Of course you can also save data out to a text file just as easily, with
data = np.random.randint(1, 10, (10, 10))
np.savetxt('mydata.txt', data, delimiter=',', fmt='%i')
with open('mydata.txt', 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
argument to thenumpy.savetxt
function uses a specification language similar to that used in the Cprintf
function - in the example above,'%i
' indicates that the values of the array should be output as signed integers. See thenumpy.savetxt
documentation for more details on specifying the output format.
Array properties
Numpy is a bit different than Matlab in the way that you interact with
arrays. In Matlab, you would typically pass an array to a built-in function,
e.g. size(M)
, ndims(M)
, etc. In contrast, a Numpy array is a Python
object which has attributes that contain basic information about the array:
z = np.zeros((2, 3, 4))
print('Shape: ', z.shape)
print('Number of dimensions: ', z.ndim)
print('Number of elements: ', z.size)
print('Data type: ', z.dtype)
print('Number of bytes: ', z.nbytes)
print('Length of first dimension: ', len(z))
As depicted above, passing a Numpy array to the built-in
function will only give you the length of the first dimension, so you will typically want to avoid using it - instead, use thesize
attribute if you want to know how many elements are in an array, or theshape
attribute if you want to know the array shape.
Descriptive statistics
Similarly, a Numpy array has a set of methods2 which allow you to calculate basic descriptive statistics on an array:
a = np.random.random(10)
print('a: ', a)
print('min: ', a.min())
print('max: ', a.max())
print('index of min: ', a.argmin()) # remember that in Python, list indices
print('index of max: ', a.argmax()) # start from zero - Numpy is the same!
print('mean: ', a.mean())
print('variance: ', a.var())
print('stddev: ', a.std())
print('sum: ', a.sum())
print('prod: ', a.prod())
These methods can also be applied to arrays with multiple dimensions:
a = np.random.randint(1, 10, (3, 3))
print('min: ', a.min())
print('row mins: ', a.min(axis=1))
print('col mins: ', a.min(axis=0))
print('Min index : ', a.argmin())
print('Row min indices: ', a.argmin(axis=1))
Note that, for a multi-dimensional array, the argmin
and argmax
will return the (0-based) index of the minimum/maximum values into a
view of the array.
2 Python, being an object-oriented language, distinguishes between functions and methods. Hopefully we all know what a function is - a method is simply the term used to refer to a function that is associated with a specific object. Similarly, the term attribute is used to refer to some piece of information that is attached to an object, such as
, orz.dtype
Reshaping and rearranging arrays
A numpy array can be reshaped very easily, using the reshape
a = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
b = a.reshape((2, 8))
Note that this does not modify the underlying data in any way - the reshape
method returns a view of the same array, just indexed differently:
a[3, 3] = 12345
b[0, 7] = 54321
If you need to create a reshaped copy of an array, use the np.array
a = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
b = np.array(a.reshape(2, 8))
a[3, 3] = 12345
b[0, 7] = 54321
The T
attribute is a shortcut to obtain the transpose of an array.
a = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
The transpose
method allows you to obtain more complicated rearrangements
of an N-dimensional array's axes:
a = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
b = a.transpose((2, 0, 1))
print('a: ', a.shape)
print('b:', b.shape)
Note again that the
attribute andtranspose
method return views of your array.
Numpy has some useful functions which allow you to concatenate or stack
multiple arrays into one. The concatenate
function does what it says on the
a = np.zeros(3)
b = np.ones(3)
print('1D concatenation:', np.concatenate((a, b)))
a = np.zeros((3, 3))
b = np.ones((3, 3))
print('2D column-wise concatenation:')
print(np.concatenate((a, b), axis=1))
print('2D row-wise concatenation:')
# The axis parameter defaults to 0,
# so it is not strictly necessary here.
print(np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0))
The hstack
, vstack
and dstack
functions allow you to concatenate vectors
or arrays along the first, second, or third dimension respectively:
a = np.zeros(3)
b = np.ones(3)
print('a: ', a)
print('b: ', b)
hstacked = np.hstack((a, b))
vstacked = np.vstack((a, b))
dstacked = np.dstack((a, b))
print('hstacked: (shape {}):'.format(hstacked.shape))
print( hstacked)
print('vstacked: (shape {}):'.format(vstacked.shape))
print( vstacked)
print('dstacked: (shape {}):'.format(dstacked.shape))
print( dstacked)
Alternatively, you can use the stack
function and give the index of the dimension along which the array
should be stacked as the axis
keyword (so, np.vstack((a, b))
is equivalent to np.stack((a, b), axis=1)
Operating on arrays
If you are coming from Matlab, you should read this section as, while many Numpy operations behave similarly to Matlab, there are a few important behaviours which differ from what you might expect.
Scalar operations
All of the mathematical operators you know and love can be applied to Numpy arrays:
a = np.arange(1, 10).reshape((3, 3))
print('a + 2:')
print( a + 2)
print('a * 3:')
print( a * 3)
print('a % 2:')
print( a % 2)
Multi-variate operations
Many operations in Numpy operate on an element-wise basis. For example:
a = np.ones(5)
b = np.random.randint(1, 10, 5)
print('a: ', a)
print('b: ', b)
print('a + b: ', a + b)
print('a * b: ', a * b)
This also extends to higher dimensional arrays:
a = np.ones((4, 4))
b = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
print('a + b')
print(a + b)
print('a * b')
print(a * b)
Wait ... what's that you say? Oh, I couldn't understand because of all the
froth coming out of your mouth. I guess you're angry that a * b
didn't give
you the matrix product, like it would have in Matlab. Well all I can say is
that Numpy is not Matlab. Matlab operations are typically consistent with
linear algebra notation. This is not the case in Numpy. Get over it.
Get yourself a calmative.
Matrix multiplication
When your heart rate has returned to its normal caffeine-induced state, you
can use the @
operator or the dot
method, to perform matrix
a = np.arange(1, 5).reshape((2, 2))
b = a.T
print('a @ b')
print(a @ b)
matrix multiplication operator is a relatively recent addition to Python and Numpy, so you might not see it all that often in existing code. But it's here to stay, so if you don't need to worry about backwards-compatibility, go ahead and use it!
One potential source of confusion for those of you who are used to Matlab's linear algebra-based take on things is that Numpy treats row and column vectors differently - you should take a break now and skim over the appendix on vectors in Numpy.
For matrix-by-vector multiplications, a 1-dimensional Numpy array may be treated as either a row vector or a column vector, depending on where it is in the expression:
a = np.arange(1, 5).reshape((2, 2))
b = np.random.randint(1, 10, 2)
print('b:', b)
print('a @ b - b is a column vector:')
print(a @ b)
print('b @ a - b is a row vector:')
print(b @ a)
If you really can't stand using @
to denote matrix multiplication, and just
want things to be like they were back in Matlab-land, you do have the option
of using a different Numpy data type - the matrix
- which behaves a bit more
like what you might expect from Matlab. You can find a brief overview of the
data type in the appendix.
One of the coolest features of Numpy is broadcasting3.
Broadcasting allows you to perform element-wise operations on arrays which
have a different shape. For each axis in the two arrays, Numpy will implicitly
expand the shape of the smaller axis to match the shape of the larger one. You
never need to use repmat
ever again!
3Mathworks have shamelessly stolen Numpy's broadcasting behaviour and included it in Matlab versions from 2016b onwards, referring to it as implicit expansion.
Broadcasting allows you to, for example, add the elements of a 1D vector to all of the rows or columns of a 2D array:
a = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
b = np.arange(1, 4)
print('b: ', b)
print('a * b (row-wise broadcasting):')
print(a * b)
print('a * b.T (column-wise broadcasting):')
print(a * b.reshape(-1, 1))
Here we used a handy feature of the
method - if you pass-1
for the size of one dimension, it will automatically determine the size to use for that dimension.
Here is a more useful example, where we use broadcasting to de-mean the rows or columns of an array:
a = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
print('a (cols demeaned):')
print(a - a.mean(axis=0))
print('a (rows demeaned):')
print(a - a.mean(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1))
As demonstrated above, many functions in Numpy accept an
parameter, allowing you to apply the function along a specific axis. Omitting theaxis
parameter will apply the function to the whole array.
Broadcasting can sometimes be confusing, but the rules which Numpy follows to align arrays of different sizes, and hence determine how the broadcasting should be applied, are pretty straightforward. If something is not working, and you can't figure out why refer to the official documentation.
In short the broadcasting rules are:
- If the input arrays have a different number of dimensions, the ones with fewer dimensions will have new dimensions with length 1 prepended until all arrays have the same number of dimensions. So adding a 2D array shaped (3, 3) with a 1D array of length (3, ), is equivalent to adding the two 2D arrays with shapes (3, 3) and (1, 3).
- Once, all the arrays have the same number of dimensions, the arrays are combined
elementwise. Each dimension is compatible between the two arrays if they have
equal length or one has a length of 1. In the latter case the dimension will
be repeated using a procedure equivalent to Matlab's
Linear algebra
Numpy is first and foremost a library for general-purpose numerical computing.
But it does have a range of linear algebra functionality, hidden away in the
module. Here are a couple of quick examples:
import numpy.linalg as npla
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 5, 6, 7],
[0, 0, 8, 9],
[0, 0, 0, 10]])
eigvals, eigvecs = npla.eig(a)
print('eigenvalues and vectors of a:')
for val, vec in zip(eigvals, eigvecs):
print('{:2.0f} - {}'.format(val, vec))
Array indexing
Just like in Matlab, slicing up your arrays is a breeze in Numpy. If you are after some light reading, you might want to check out the comprehensive Numpy Indexing reference.
As with indexing regular Python lists, array indices start from 0, and end indices (if specified) are exclusive.
Let's whet our appetites with some basic 1D array slicing. Numpy supports the
standard Python
notation for indexing, where you can specify the start and end indices, and
the step size, via the start:stop:step
a = np.arange(10)
print('a: ', a)
print('first element: ', a[0])
print('first two elements: ', a[:2])
print('last element: ', a[a.shape[0] - 1])
print('last element again: ', a[-1])
print('last two elements: ', a[-2:])
print('middle four elements: ', a[3:7])
print('Every second element: ', a[1::2])
print('Every second element, reversed: ', a[-1::-2])
Note that slicing an array in this way returns a view, not a copy, into that array:
a = np.arange(10)
print('a:', a)
every2nd = a[::2]
print('every 2nd:', every2nd)
every2nd += 10
print('a:', a)
Indexing multi-dimensional arrays
Multi-dimensional array indexing works in much the same way as one-dimensional indexing but with, well, more dimensions. Use commas within the square brackets to separate the slices for each dimension:
a = np.arange(25).reshape((5, 5))
print(' First row: ', a[ 0, :])
print(' Last row: ', a[ -1, :])
print(' second column: ', a[ :, 1])
print(' Centre:')
print(a[1:4, 1:4])
For arrays with more than two dimensions, the ellipsis (...
) is a handy
feature - it allows you to specify a slice comprising all elements along
more than one dimension:
a = np.arange(27).reshape((3, 3, 3))
print('All elements at x=0:')
print(a[0, ...])
print('All elements at z=2:')
print(a[..., 2])
print('All elements at x=0, z=2:')
print(a[0, ..., 2])
Boolean indexing
A numpy array can be indexed with a boolean array of the same shape. For example:
a = np.arange(10)
print('a: ', a)
print('a > 5: ', a > 4)
print('elements in a that are > 5: ', a[a > 5])
In contrast to the simple indexing we have already seen, boolean indexing will return a copy of the indexed data, not a view. For example:
a = np.arange(10)
b = a[a > 5]
print('a: ', a)
print('b: ', b)
print('Setting b[0] to 999')
b[0] = 999
print('a: ', a)
print('b: ', b)
In general, any 'simple' indexing operation on a Numpy array, where the indexing object comprises integers, slices (using the standard Python
notation), colons (:
) and/or ellipses (...
), will result in a view into the indexed array. Any 'advanced' indexing operation, where the indexing object contains anything else (e.g. boolean or integer arrays, or even python lists), will result in a copy of the data.
Logical operators ~
(not), &
(and) and |
(or) can be used to manipulate
and combine boolean Numpy arrays:
a = np.arange(10)
gt5 = a > 5
even = a % 2 == 0
print('a: ', a)
print('elements in a which are > 5: ', a[ gt5])
print('elements in a which are <= 5: ', a[~gt5])
print('elements in a which are even: ', a[ even])
print('elements in a which are odd: ', a[~even])
print('elements in a which are > 5 and even: ', a[gt5 & even])
print('elements in a which are > 5 or odd: ', a[gt5 | ~even])
Numpy also has two handy functions, all
and any
, which respectively allow
you to perform boolean and
and or
operations along the axes of an array:
a = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))
print('rows with any element divisible by 3: ', np.any(a % 3 == 0, axis=1))
print('cols with any element divisible by 3: ', np.any(a % 3 == 0, axis=0))
print('rows with all elements divisible by 3:', np.all(a % 3 == 0, axis=1))
print('cols with all elements divisible by 3:', np.all(a % 3 == 0, axis=0))
Coordinate array indexing
You can index a numpy array using another array containing coordinates into the first array. As with boolean indexing, this will result in a copy of the data. Generally, you will need to have a separate array, or list, of coordinates for each axis of the array you wish to index:
a = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
rows = [0, 2, 3]
cols = [1, 0, 2]
indexed = a[rows, cols]
for r, c, v in zip(rows, cols, indexed):
print('a[{}, {}] = {}'.format(r, c, v))
The numpy.where
function can be combined with boolean arrays to easily
generate coordinate arrays for values which meet some condition:
a = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
evenrows, evencols = np.where(a % 2 == 0)
print('even row coordinates:', evenrows)
print('even col coordinates:', evencols)
print(a[evenrows, evencols])
The challenge for each of these exercises is to complete them in as few lines of code as possible!
You can find example answers to the exercises in
Load an array from a file and do stuff with it
Load the file 04_numpy/2d_array.txt
, and calculate and print the mean for
each column. If your code doesn't work, you might want to LOOK AT YOUR
DATA, as you will have learnt if you have ever attended the FSL course.
Bonus: Find the hidden message (hint: chr)
Concatenate affine transforms
Given all of the files in 04_numpy/xfms/
, create a transformation matrix
which can transform coordinates from subject 1 functional space to subject 2
functional space4.
Write some code to transform the following coordinates from subject 1 functional space to subject 2 functional space, to test that your matrix is correct:
Subject 1 coordinates | Subject 2 coordinates |
[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] |
[ 3.21, 4.15, -9.89] |
[-5.0, -20.0, 10.0] |
[-0.87, -14.36, -1.13] |
[20.0, 25.0, 60.0] |
[29.58, 27.61, 53.37] |
4 Even though these are FLIRT transforms, this is just a toy example. Look here and here if you actually need to work with FLIRT transforms.
Appendix A: Generating random numbers
module is where you should go if you want to introduce a little randomness
into your code. You have already seen a couple of functions for generating
uniformly distributed real or integer data:
import numpy.random as npr
print('Random floats between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive):')
print(npr.random((3, 3)))
print('Random integers in a specified range:')
print(npr.randint(1, 100, (3, 3)))
You can also draw random data from other distributions - here are just a few examples:
print('Gaussian (mean: 0, stddev: 1):')
print(npr.normal(0, 1, (3, 3)))
print('Gamma (shape: 1, scale: 1):')
print(npr.normal(1, 1, (3, 3)))
print('Chi-square (dof: 10):')
print(npr.chisquare(10, (3, 3)))
The numpy.random
module also has a couple of other handy functions for
random sampling of existing data:
data = np.arange(5)
print('data: ', data)
print('two random values: ', npr.choice(data, 2))
print('random permutation: ', npr.permutation(data))
# The numpy.random.shuffle function
# will shuffle an array *in-place*.
print('randomly shuffled: ', data)
Appendix B: Importing Numpy
For interactive exploration/experimentation, you might want to import Numpy like this:
from numpy import *
This makes your Python session very similar to Matlab - you can call all of the Numpy functions directly:
e = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
z = zeros((100, 100))
d = diag([2, 3, 4, 5])
But if you are writing a script or application using Numpy, I implore you to import Numpy (and its commonly used sub-modules) like this instead:
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy.linalg as npla
The downside to this is that you will have to prefix all Numpy functions with
, like so:
e = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
z = np.zeros((100, 100))
d = np.diag([2, 3, 4, 5])
r = npr.random(5)
There is a big upside, however, in that other people who have to read/use your code will like you a lot more. This is because it will be easier for them to figure out what the hell your code is doing. Namespaces are your friend - use them!
Appendix C: Vectors in Numpy
One aspect of Numpy which might trip you up, and which can be quite
frustrating at times, is that Numpy has no understanding of row or column
vectors. An array with only one dimension is neither a row, nor a column
vector - it is just a 1D array. If you have a 1D array, and you want to use
it as a row vector, you need to reshape it to a shape of (1, N)
. Similarly,
to use a 1D array as a column vector, you must reshape it to have shape
(N, 1)
In general, when you are mixing 1D arrays with 2- or N-dimensional arrays, you need to make sure that your arrays have the correct shape. For example:
r = np.random.randint(1, 10, 3)
print('r is a row: ', r)
print('r.T should be a column: ', r.T, ' ... huh?')
print('Ok, make n a 2D array with one row: ', r.reshape(1, -1))
print('We could also use the np.atleast_2d function:', np.atleast_2d(r))
print('Now we can transpose r to get a column:')
Appendix D: The Numpy By now you should be aware that a Numpy array
does not behave in quite the
same way as a Matlab matrix. The primary difference between Numpy and Matlab
is that in Numpy, the *
operator denotes element-wise multiplication,
whereas in Matlab, *
denotes matrix multiplication.
Numpy does support the @
operator for matrix multiplication, but if this is
a complete show-stopper for you - if you just can't bring yourself to write
A @ B
to denote the matrix product of A
and B
- if you must have your
code looking as Matlab-like as possible, then you should look into the Numpy
data type.
The matrix
is an alternative to the array
which essentially behaves more
like a Matlab matrix:
objects always have exactly two dimensions. -
a * b
denotes matrix multiplication, rather than elementwise multiplication. -
objects have.H
attributes, which are convenient ways to access the conjugate transpose and inverse of the matrix respectively.
Note however that use of the matrix
type is not widespread, and if you use
it you will risk confusing others who are familiar with the much more commonly
used array
, and who need to work with your code. In fact, the official Numpy
documentation recommends against using the matrix
But if you are writing some very maths-heavy code, and you want your code to
be as clear and concise, and maths/Matlab-like as possible, then the matrix
type is there for you. Just make sure you document your code well to make it
clear to others what is going on!