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7 years ago
Paul McCarthy
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"# Object-oriented programming\n",
"By now you might have realised that __everything__ in Python is an\n",
"object. Strings are objects, numbers are objects, functions are objects,\n",
"modules are objects - __everything__ is an object!\n",
"But this does not mean that you have to use Python in an object-oriented\n",
"fashion. You can stick with functions and statements, and get quite a lot\n",
"done. But some problems are just easier to solve, and to reason about, when\n",
"you use an object-oriented approach.\n",
"## Objects versus classes\n",
"If you are versed in C++, Java, C#, or some other object-oriented language,\n",
"then this should all hopefully sound familiar, and you can skip to the next\n",
"If you have not done any object-oriented programming before, your first step\n",
"is to understand the difference between _objects_ (also known as _instances_)\n",
"and _classes_ (also known as _types_).\n",
"If you have some experience in C, then you can start off by thinking of a\n",
"class as like a `struct` definition - it is a specification for the layout of\n",
"a chunk of memory. For example, here is a typical struct definition:\n",
"> ```\n",
"> /**\n",
"> * Struct representing a stack.\n",
"> */\n",
"> typedef struct __stack {\n",
"> uint8_t capacity; /**< the maximum capacity of this stack */\n",
"> uint8_t size; /**< the current size of this stack */\n",
"> void **top; /**< pointer to the top of this stack */\n",
"> } stack_t;\n",
"> ```\n",
"Now, an _object_ is not a definition, but rather a thing which resides in\n",
"memory. An object can have _attributes_ (pieces of information), and _methods_\n",
"(functions associated with the object). You can pass objects around your code,\n",
"manipulate their attributes, and call their methods.\n",
"Returning to our C metaphor, you can think of an object as like an\n",
"instantiation of a struct:\n",
"> ```\n",
"> stack_t stack;\n",
"> stack.capacity = 10;\n",
"> ```\n",
"The fundamental difference between a `struct` in C, and a `class` in Python\n",
"and other object oriented languages, is that you can't (easily) add functions\n",
"to a `struct` - it is just a chunk of memory. Whereas in Python, you can add\n",
"functions to your class definition, which will then be added as methods when\n",
"you create an object from that class.\n",
"Of course there are many more differences between C structs and classes (most\n",
"notably [inheritance](todo), and [protection](todo)). But if you can\n",
"understand the difference between a _definition_ of a C struct, and an\n",
"_instantiation_ of that struct, then you are most of the way towards\n",
"understanding the difference between a Python _class_, and a Python _object_.\n",
"> But just to confuse you, remember that in Python, __everything__ is an\n",
"> object - even classes!\n",
"## Defining a class\n",
"Defining a class in Python is simple. Let's take on a small project, by\n",
"developing a class which can be used in place of the `fslmaths` shell command."
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"class FSLMaths(object):\n",
" pass"
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"In this statement, we defined a new class called `FSLMaths`, which inherits\n",
"from the built-in `object` base-class (see [below](todo) for more details on\n",
"Now that we have defined our class, we can create objects - instances of that\n",
"class - by calling the class itself, as if it were a function:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"source": [
"fm1 = FSLMaths()\n",
"fm2 = FSLMaths()\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"Although these objects are not of much use at this stage. Let's do some more\n",
"## Object creation - the `__init__` method\n",
"The first thing that our `fslmaths` replacement will need is an input image.\n",
"It makes sense to pass this in when we create an `FSLMaths` object:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"source": [
"class FSLMaths(object):\n",
" def __init__(self, inimg):\n",
" self.input = inimg"
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"Here we have added a _method_ called `__init__` to our class (remember that a\n",
"_method_ is just a function which is associated with a specific object). This\n",
"method expects two arguments - `self`, and `inimg`. So now, when we create an\n",
"instance of the `FSLMaths` class, we will need to provide an input image:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
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"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import nibabel as nib\n",
"import os.path as op\n",
"input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')\n",
"inimg = nib.load(input)\n",
"fm = FSLMaths(inimg)"
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"There are a couple of things to note here:\n",
"__Our method is called__ `__init__`__, but we didn't actually call the__\n",
"`__init__` __method!__ `__init__` is a special method in Python - it is called\n",
"when an instance of a class is created. And recall that we can create an\n",
"instance of a class by calling the class in the same way that we call a\n",
"__We didn't specify the `self` argument - what gives?!?__ The `self` argument\n",
"is a special argument that is specific to methods in Python. If you are coming\n",
"from C++, Java, C# or similar, `self` in Python is equivalent to `this` in\n",
"those languages.\n",
"### The `self` argument\n",
"In a method, the `self` argument is a reference to the object that the method\n",
"was called on. So in this line of code:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"fm = FSLMaths(inimg)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"the `self` argument in `__init__` will be a reference to the `FSLMaths` object\n",
"that has been created (and is then assigned to the `fm` variable, after the\n",
"`__init__` method has finished).\n",
"But note that we do not need to provide the `self` argument - this is a quirk\n",
"specific to methods in Python - when you call a method on an object (or a\n",
"class, to create a new object), the Python runtime will take care of passing\n",
"the instance as the `self` argument to to the method.\n",
"But when you are writing a class, you _do_ need to explicitly list `self` as\n",
"the first argument to all of the methods of the class.\n",
"## Attributes\n",
"In Python, the term _attribute_ is used to refer to a piece of information\n",
"that is associated with an object. An attribute is generally a reference to\n",
"another object (which might be a string, a number, or a list, or some other\n",
"more complicated object).\n",
"Remember that we modified our `FSLMaths` class so that it is passed an input\n",
"image on creation:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class FSLMaths(object):\n",
" def __init__(self, inimg):\n",
" self.input = inimg\n",
"input = op.expanduser('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')\n",
"fm = FSLMaths(nib.load(input))"
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"Take a look at what is going on in the `__init__` method - we take the `inimg`\n",
"argument, and create a reference to it called `self.input`. We have added an\n",
"_attribute_ to the `FSLMaths` instance, called `input`, and we can access that\n",
"attribute like so:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"source": [
"print('Input for our FSLMaths instance: {}'.format(fm.input))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"And that concludes the section on adding attributes to Python objects.\n",
"Just kidding. But it really is that simple. This is one aspect of Python which\n",
"might be quite jarring to you if you are coming from a language with more\n",
"rigid semantics, such as C++ or Java. In those languages, you must pre-specify\n",
"all of the attributes and methods that are a part of a class. But Python works\n",
"a bit differently - you add attributes to an object affer it has been created.\n",
"In fact, you can even do this outside of the class definition<sup>1</sup>:"
"cell_type": "code",
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"fm = FSLMaths(inimg)\n",
"fm.another_attribute = 'Haha'\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"> <sup>1</sup>This not possible with many of the built-in types, such as\n",
"> `list` and `dict` objects, nor with types that are defined in Python\n",
"> extensions (Python modules that are written in C).\n",
"__But...__ while attributes can be added to a Python object at any time, it is\n",
"good practice (and makes for more readable and maintainable code) to add all\n",
"of an object's attributes within the `__init__` method.\n",
"## Methods\n",
"We've been dilly-dallying on this little `FSLMaths` project for a while now,\n",
"but our class still can't actually do anything. Let's start adding some\n",
"cell_type": "code",
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"source": [
"class FSLMaths(object):\n",
" \"\"\"This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. \"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, inimg):\n",
" \"\"\"Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input\n",
" image.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" self.input = inimg\n",
" self.operations = []\n",
" def add(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Add the specified value to the current image. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('add', value))\n",
" def mul(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Multiply the current image by the specified value. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('mul', value))\n",
" def div(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Divide the current image by the specified value. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('div', value))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Woah woah, [slow down egg-head, you're going a mile a\n",
"minute!]( We've modified\n",
"`__init__` so that a second attribute called `operations` is added to our\n",
"object - this `operations` attribute is simply a list.\n",
"Then, we added a handful of methods - `add`, `mul`, and `div` - which each\n",
"append a tuple to that `operations` list.\n",
"> Note that, just like in the `__init__` method, the first argument that will\n",
"> be passed to the `add` method is `self` - a reference to the object that the\n",
"> method has been called on.\n",
"The idea behind this design is that our `FSLMaths` class will not actually do\n",
"anything when we call the `add`, `mul` or `div` methods. Instead, it will\n",
"\"stage\" each operation, and then perform them all in one go. So let's add\n",
"another method, `run`, which actually does the work:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import nibabel as nib\n",
"class FSLMaths(object):\n",
" \"\"\"This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. \"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, inimg):\n",
" \"\"\"Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input\n",
" image.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" self.input = inimg\n",
" self.operations = []\n",
" def add(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Add the specified value to the current image. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('add', value))\n",
" def mul(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Multiply the current image by the specified value. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('mul', value))\n",
" def div(self, value):\n",
" \"\"\"Divide the current image by the specified value. \"\"\"\n",
" self.operations.append(('div', value))\n",
" def run(self, output=None):\n",
" \"\"\"Apply all staged operations, and return the final result, or\n",
" save it to the specified output file.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" data = self.input.get_data()\n",
" for operation, value in self.operations:\n",
" # if value is a string, we assume that\n",
" # it is a path to an image. Otherwise,\n",
" # we assume that it is a scalar value.\n",
" if isinstance(image, str):\n",
" image = nib.load(value)\n",
" value = image.get_data()\n",
" if operation == 'add':\n",
" data = data + value\n",
" elif operation == 'mul':\n",
" data = data * value\n",
" elif operation == 'div':\n",
" data = data / value\n",
" # turn final output into a nifti,\n",
" # and save it to disk if an\n",
" # 'output' has been specified.\n",
" outimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(data, inimg.affine)\n",
" if output is not None:\n",
", output)\n",
" return outimg"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We now have a useable (but not very useful) `FSLMaths` class!"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')\n",
"inimg = nib.load(input)\n",
"fm = FSLMaths(inimg)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Appendix: The `object` base-class\n",
"In older code bases, you might see class definitions that look like this,\n",
"without explicitly inheriting from the `object` base class:\n",
"> ```\n",
"> class MyClass:\n",
"> ...\n",
"> ```\n",
"This syntax is a [throwback to older versions of\n",
"- in Python 3 there is actually no difference between defining a class in this\n",
"way, and defining a class in the way we have shown in this tutorial.\n",
"But if you are writing code which needs to run on both Python 2 and 3, you\n",
"_must_ define your classes to explicitly inherit from the `object` base class.\n",
"## Appendix: `__init__` versus `__new__`\n",
"In Python, object creation is actually a two-stage process - _creation_, and\n",
"then _initialisation_. The `__init__` method gets called during the\n",
"_initialisation_ stage - its job is to initialise the state of the object. But\n",
"note that, by the time `__init__` gets called, the object has already been\n",
"You can also define a method called `__new__` if you need to control the\n",
"creation stage, although this is very rarely needed. A brief explanation on\n",
"the difference between `__new__` and `__init__` can be found\n",
"and you may also wish to take a look at the [official Python\n",
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%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Object-oriented programming
By now you might have realised that __everything__ in Python is an
object. Strings are objects, numbers are objects, functions are objects,
modules are objects - __everything__ is an object!
But this does not mean that you have to use Python in an object-oriented
fashion. You can stick with functions and statements, and get quite a lot
done. But some problems are just easier to solve, and to reason about, when
you use an object-oriented approach.
## Objects versus classes
If you are versed in C++, Java, C#, or some other object-oriented language,
then this should all hopefully sound familiar, and you can skip to the next
If you have not done any object-oriented programming before, your first step
is to understand the difference between _objects_ (also known as _instances_)
and _classes_ (also known as _types_).
If you have some experience in C, then you can start off by thinking of a
class as like a
definition - it is a specification for the layout of
a chunk of memory. For example, here is a typical struct definition:
> ```
> /**
> * Struct representing a stack.
> */
> typedef struct __stack {
> uint8_t capacity; /**< the maximum capacity of this stack */
> uint8_t size; /**< the current size of this stack */
> void **top; /**< pointer to the top of this stack */
> } stack_t;
> ```
Now, an _object_ is not a definition, but rather a thing which resides in
memory. An object can have _attributes_ (pieces of information), and _methods_
(functions associated with the object). You can pass objects around your code,
manipulate their attributes, and call their methods.
Returning to our C metaphor, you can think of an object as like an
instantiation of a struct:
> ```
> stack_t stack;
> stack.capacity = 10;
> ```
The fundamental difference between a
in C, and a
in Python
and other object oriented languages, is that you can't (easily) add functions
to a
- it is just a chunk of memory. Whereas in Python, you can add
functions to your class definition, which will then be added as methods when
you create an object from that class.
Of course there are many more differences between C structs and classes (most
, and
). But if you can
understand the difference between a _definition_ of a C struct, and an
of that struct, then you are most of the way towards
understanding the difference between a Python _class_, and a Python _object_.
> But just to confuse you, remember that in Python, __everything__ is an
> object - even classes!
## Defining a class
Defining a class in Python is simple. Let's take on a small project, by
developing a class which can be used in place of the
shell command.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
class FSLMaths(object):
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
In this statement, we defined a new class called
, which inherits
from the built-in
base-class (see
for more details on
Now that we have defined our class, we can create objects - instances of that
class - by calling the class itself, as if it were a function:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
fm1 = FSLMaths()
fm2 = FSLMaths()
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Although these objects are not of much use at this stage. Let's do some more
## Object creation - the `__init__` method
The first thing that our
replacement will need is an input image.
It makes sense to pass this in when we create an
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
class FSLMaths(object):
def __init__(self, inimg):
self.input = inimg
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Here we have added a _method_ called
to our class (remember that a
is just a function which is associated with a specific object). This
method expects two arguments -
, and
. So now, when we create an
instance of the
class, we will need to provide an input image:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
import nibabel as nib
import os.path as op
input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
inimg = nib.load(input)
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
There are a couple of things to note here:
__Our method is called__
__, but we didn't actually call the__
is a special method in Python - it is called
when an instance of a class is created. And recall that we can create an
instance of a class by calling the class in the same way that we call a
__We didn't specify the `self` argument - what gives?!?__
is a special argument that is specific to methods in Python. If you are coming
from C++, Java, C# or similar,
in Python is equivalent to
those languages.
### The `self` argument
In a method, the
argument is a reference to the object that the method
was called on. So in this line of code:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
argument in
will be a reference to the
that has been created (and is then assigned to the
variable, after the
method has finished).
But note that we do not need to provide the
argument - this is a quirk
specific to methods in Python - when you call a method on an object (or a
class, to create a new object), the Python runtime will take care of passing
the instance as the
argument to to the method.
But when you are writing a class, you _do_ need to explicitly list
the first argument to all of the methods of the class.
## Attributes
In Python, the term _attribute_ is used to refer to a piece of information
that is associated with an object. An attribute is generally a reference to
another object (which might be a string, a number, or a list, or some other
more complicated object).
Remember that we modified our
class so that it is passed an input
image on creation:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
class FSLMaths(object):
def __init__(self, inimg):
self.input = inimg
input = op.expanduser('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
fm = FSLMaths(nib.load(input))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Take a look at what is going on in the
method - we take the
argument, and create a reference to it called
. We have added an
to the
instance, called
, and we can access that
attribute like so:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
print('Input for our FSLMaths instance: {}'.format(fm.input))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
And that concludes the section on adding attributes to Python objects.
Just kidding. But it really is that simple. This is one aspect of Python which
might be quite jarring to you if you are coming from a language with more
rigid semantics, such as C++ or Java. In those languages, you must pre-specify
all of the attributes and methods that are a part of a class. But Python works
a bit differently - you add attributes to an object affer it has been created.
In fact, you can even do this outside of the class definition
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
fm.another_attribute = 'Haha'
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
> <sup>1</sup>This not possible with many of the built-in types, such as
> `list` and `dict` objects, nor with types that are defined in Python
> extensions (Python modules that are written in C).
while attributes can be added to a Python object at any time, it is
good practice (and makes for more readable and maintainable code) to add all
of an object's attributes within the
## Methods
We've been dilly-dallying on this little
project for a while now,
but our class still can't actually do anything. Let's start adding some
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
class FSLMaths(object):
"""This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. """
def __init__(self, inimg):
"""Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input
self.input = inimg
self.operations = []
def add(self, value):
"""Add the specified value to the current image. """
self.operations.append(('add', value))
def mul(self, value):
"""Multiply the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('mul', value))
def div(self, value):
"""Divide the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('div', value))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Woah woah,
slow down egg-head, you're going a mile a
. We've modified
so that a second attribute called
is added to our
object - this
attribute is simply a list.
Then, we added a handful of methods -
, and
- which each
append a tuple to that
> Note that, just like in the `__init__` method, the first argument that will
> be passed to the `add` method is `self` - a reference to the object that the
> method has been called on.
The idea behind this design is that our
class will not actually do
anything when we call the
methods. Instead, it will
"stage" each operation, and then perform them all in one go. So let's add
another method,
, which actually does the work:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
import nibabel as nib
class FSLMaths(object):
"""This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. """
def __init__(self, inimg):
"""Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input
self.input = inimg
self.operations = []
def add(self, value):
"""Add the specified value to the current image. """
self.operations.append(('add', value))
def mul(self, value):
"""Multiply the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('mul', value))
def div(self, value):
"""Divide the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('div', value))
def run(self, output=None):
"""Apply all staged operations, and return the final result, or
save it to the specified output file.
data = self.input.get_data()
for operation, value in self.operations:
# if value is a string, we assume that
# it is a path to an image. Otherwise,
# we assume that it is a scalar value.
if isinstance(image, str):
image = nib.load(value)
value = image.get_data()
if operation == 'add':
data = data + value
elif operation == 'mul':
data = data * value
elif operation == 'div':
data = data / value
# turn final output into a nifti,
# and save it to disk if an
# 'output' has been specified.
outimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(data, inimg.affine)
if output is not None:, output)
return outimg
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
We now have a useable (but not very useful)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
inimg = nib.load(input)
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Appendix: The `object` base-class
In older code bases, you might see class definitions that look like this,
without explicitly inheriting from the
base class:
> ```
> class MyClass:
> ...
> ```
This syntax is a
throwback to older versions of
in Python 3 there is actually no difference between defining a class in this
way, and defining a class in the way we have shown in this tutorial.
But if you are writing code which needs to run on both Python 2 and 3, you
define your classes to explicitly inherit from the
base class.
## Appendix: `__init__` versus `__new__`
In Python, object creation is actually a two-stage process - _creation_, and
then _initialisation_. The
method gets called during the
stage - its job is to initialise the state of the object. But
note that, by the time
gets called, the object has already been
You can also define a method called
if you need to control the
creation stage, although this is very rarely needed. A brief explanation on
the difference between
can be found
and you may also wish to take a look at the
official Python
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# Object-oriented programming
By now you might have realised that __everything__ in Python is an
object. Strings are objects, numbers are objects, functions are objects,
modules are objects - __everything__ is an object!
But this does not mean that you have to use Python in an object-oriented
fashion. You can stick with functions and statements, and get quite a lot
done. But some problems are just easier to solve, and to reason about, when
you use an object-oriented approach.
## Objects versus classes
If you are versed in C++, Java, C#, or some other object-oriented language,
then this should all hopefully sound familiar, and you can skip to the next
If you have not done any object-oriented programming before, your first step
is to understand the difference between _objects_ (also known as _instances_)
and _classes_ (also known as _types_).
If you have some experience in C, then you can start off by thinking of a
class as like a
definition - it is a specification for the layout of
a chunk of memory. For example, here is a typical struct definition:
> ```
> /**
> * Struct representing a stack.
> */
> typedef struct __stack {
> uint8_t capacity; /**< the maximum capacity of this stack */
> uint8_t size; /**< the current size of this stack */
> void **top; /**< pointer to the top of this stack */
> } stack_t;
> ```
Now, an _object_ is not a definition, but rather a thing which resides in
memory. An object can have _attributes_ (pieces of information), and _methods_
(functions associated with the object). You can pass objects around your code,
manipulate their attributes, and call their methods.
Returning to our C metaphor, you can think of an object as like an
instantiation of a struct:
> ```
> stack_t stack;
> stack.capacity = 10;
> ```
The fundamental difference between a
in C, and a
in Python
and other object oriented languages, is that you can't (easily) add functions
to a
- it is just a chunk of memory. Whereas in Python, you can add
functions to your class definition, which will then be added as methods when
you create an object from that class.
Of course there are many more differences between C structs and classes (most
, and
). But if you can
understand the difference between a _definition_ of a C struct, and an
of that struct, then you are most of the way towards
understanding the difference between a Python _class_, and a Python _object_.
> But just to confuse you, remember that in Python, __everything__ is an
> object - even classes!
## Defining a class
Defining a class in Python is simple. Let's take on a small project, by
developing a class which can be used in place of the
shell command.
class FSLMaths(object):
In this statement, we defined a new class called
, which inherits
from the built-in
base-class (see
for more details on
Now that we have defined our class, we can create objects - instances of that
class - by calling the class itself, as if it were a function:
fm1 = FSLMaths()
fm2 = FSLMaths()
Although these objects are not of much use at this stage. Let's do some more
## Object creation - the `__init__` method
The first thing that our
replacement will need is an input image.
It makes sense to pass this in when we create an
class FSLMaths(object):
def __init__(self, inimg):
self.input = inimg
Here we have added a _method_ called
to our class (remember that a
is just a function which is associated with a specific object). This
method expects two arguments -
, and
. So now, when we create an
instance of the
class, we will need to provide an input image:
import nibabel as nib
import os.path as op
input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
inimg = nib.load(input)
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
There are a couple of things to note here:
__Our method is called__
__, but we didn't actually call the__
is a special method in Python - it is called
when an instance of a class is created. And recall that we can create an
instance of a class by calling the class in the same way that we call a
__We didn't specify the `self` argument - what gives?!?__
is a special argument that is specific to methods in Python. If you are coming
from C++, Java, C# or similar,
in Python is equivalent to
those languages.
### The `self` argument
In a method, the
argument is a reference to the object that the method
was called on. So in this line of code:
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
argument in
will be a reference to the
that has been created (and is then assigned to the
variable, after the
method has finished).
But note that we do not need to provide the
argument - this is a quirk
specific to methods in Python - when you call a method on an object (or a
class, to create a new object), the Python runtime will take care of passing
the instance as the
argument to to the method.
But when you are writing a class, you _do_ need to explicitly list
the first argument to all of the methods of the class.
## Attributes
In Python, the term _attribute_ is used to refer to a piece of information
that is associated with an object. An attribute is generally a reference to
another object (which might be a string, a number, or a list, or some other
more complicated object).
Remember that we modified our
class so that it is passed an input
image on creation:
class FSLMaths(object):
def __init__(self, inimg):
self.input = inimg
input = op.expanduser('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
fm = FSLMaths(nib.load(input))
Take a look at what is going on in the
method - we take the
argument, and create a reference to it called
. We have added an
to the
instance, called
, and we can access that
attribute like so:
print('Input for our FSLMaths instance: {}'.format(fm.input))
And that concludes the section on adding attributes to Python objects.
Just kidding. But it really is that simple. This is one aspect of Python which
might be quite jarring to you if you are coming from a language with more
rigid semantics, such as C++ or Java. In those languages, you must pre-specify
all of the attributes and methods that are a part of a class. But Python works
a bit differently - you add attributes to an object affer it has been created.
In fact, you can even do this outside of the class definition
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
fm.another_attribute = 'Haha'
> <sup>1</sup>This not possible with many of the built-in types, such as
> `list` and `dict` objects, nor with types that are defined in Python
> extensions (Python modules that are written in C).
while attributes can be added to a Python object at any time, it is
good practice (and makes for more readable and maintainable code) to add all
of an object's attributes within the
## Methods
We've been dilly-dallying on this little
project for a while now,
but our class still can't actually do anything. Let's start adding some
class FSLMaths(object):
"""This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. """
def __init__(self, inimg):
"""Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input
self.input = inimg
self.operations = []
def add(self, value):
"""Add the specified value to the current image. """
self.operations.append(('add', value))
def mul(self, value):
"""Multiply the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('mul', value))
def div(self, value):
"""Divide the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('div', value))
Woah woah,
slow down egg-head, you're going a mile a
. We've modified
so that a second attribute called
is added to our
object - this
attribute is simply a list.
Then, we added a handful of methods -
, and
- which each
append a tuple to that
> Note that, just like in the `__init__` method, the first argument that will
> be passed to the `add` method is `self` - a reference to the object that the
> method has been called on.
The idea behind this design is that our
class will not actually do
anything when we call the
methods. Instead, it will
"stage" each operation, and then perform them all in one go. So let's add
another method,
, which actually does the work:
import nibabel as nib
class FSLMaths(object):
"""This class is the Python version of the fslmaths shell command. """
def __init__(self, inimg):
"""Create an FSLMaths object, which will work on the specified input
self.input = inimg
self.operations = []
def add(self, value):
"""Add the specified value to the current image. """
self.operations.append(('add', value))
def mul(self, value):
"""Multiply the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('mul', value))
def div(self, value):
"""Divide the current image by the specified value. """
self.operations.append(('div', value))
def run(self, output=None):
"""Apply all staged operations, and return the final result, or
save it to the specified output file.
data = self.input.get_data()
for operation, value in self.operations:
# if value is a string, we assume that
# it is a path to an image. Otherwise,
# we assume that it is a scalar value.
if isinstance(image, str):
image = nib.load(value)
value = image.get_data()
if operation == 'add':
data = data + value
elif operation == 'mul':
data = data * value
elif operation == 'div':
data = data / value
# turn final output into a nifti,
# and save it to disk if an
# 'output' has been specified.
outimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(data, inimg.affine)
if output is not None:, output)
return outimg
We now have a useable (but not very useful)
input = op.expandvars('$FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
inimg = nib.load(input)
fm = FSLMaths(inimg)
## Appendix: The `object` base-class
In older code bases, you might see class definitions that look like this,
without explicitly inheriting from the
base class:
> ```
> class MyClass:
> ...
> ```
This syntax is a
throwback to older versions of
in Python 3 there is actually no difference between defining a class in this
way, and defining a class in the way we have shown in this tutorial.
But if you are writing code which needs to run on both Python 2 and 3, you
define your classes to explicitly inherit from the
base class.
## Appendix: `__init__` versus `__new__`
In Python, object creation is actually a two-stage process - _creation_, and
then _initialisation_. The
method gets called during the
stage - its job is to initialise the state of the object. But
note that, by the time
gets called, the object has already been
You can also define a method called
if you need to control the
creation stage, although this is very rarely needed. A brief explanation on
the difference between
can be found
and you may also wish to take a look at the
official Python
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