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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Jan1124Mar2322212018171098765425Feb1426Jan2315Jan23Nov26Feb23222120191817161514131210854130Jan2927262524221918cleanup of pandas practical/talkMerge branch 'rf/refactor' into 'master'MNT: Fix paths in fslpy practicalMNT: Re-render notebooksRF: Fixes to readme and some pathsRF: Widespread refactorings, with the aim of making the fsl/win-pytreatMerge pull request #1 from MichielCottaar/bug_new_holdReplace wait with hold functionDOC: remove 2020Remove date from readme, change repository URL, note about temp hostingMove talks into year-specific sub-directoryMerge branch 'enh/transform' into 'master'RF: little tweaksRF: header exampleRF: note after contentsRF: note about differences between Image and nibabelENH: new section working with fnirt warp fieldsMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Several minor additions to the talk (including pandas-profiling)Merge branch 'enh/virtual_mini_pytreat_intro_purple_monkey_dishwasher' into 'master'RF: dataRF: fixes, tweaksMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Made MATLAB consistent with python, added plotting to partial fourierMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Fixed weird bug w.r.t. ipynbs created in VS Code, switched ode to odeintRF: Previous example works fine with tuplesRF: make more readableRF: tweak introENH: add words to introENH: start virtual introMerge branch 'sean-migp' into 'master'tweaksupdated docsMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Pandas practical is now a talkFix external filenames used in notebookmove pandas practical to talks folderadded temporal concat schematicRenamed fetch_data.ipynb and updated docs