FSL 6.0.2
The current list is:
rewrite/debug of low-level newimage code (fixing broken stuff + tidying/improving)
FNIRT is still slower in v6 than v5?
update Armadillo (requiring re-validation); current version may have a bug in Cholesky decomp
BIDS / provenance (revisit what Satra's thing is like) Still relevant for 6.0.2?
interactions with Emma R to use her GitHub project version of MSM (plus some FSL library changes, e.g. newmesh)
BIDS; x5 is this relevant for 6.0.2 still? Maybe move to 6.0.3?
FSL Course computer (laptop); set deadline for changes e.g. May 14
debian package (local download, with package manager to check on dependencies, and it sets up the user environment, and deletes appropriate stuff when uninstalling) + some further testing needed
fsleyes changes ; BALSA-like scenes Will BALSA scenes be ready for 6.0.2? Maybe this should be pushed back?
docker/singularity for open toolsmoved to its own milestone -
discoursedelayed until FMRIB network works are done -
transfer to GIT (21 projects to go out of 93); branching strategy to be finalised (currently "GitHub flow") + date-based tagsmoved to its own milestone -
adding subclasses for newimage and have things like a mask subclass that enforced it to contain 0's and 1'sdelayed until 6.0.3 -
killing TCL/TK - new GUIs (modular structure in python)not ready for 6.0.2. Moved to 6.0.4 -
making new testsdelayed until 6.0.3 -
killing TCL scripts! rewrite of FEATmoved to 6.0.3 -
DICOM support for XNATDelayed for later release