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Runs an example diffusion MRI pipeline created using fsl-pipe

# First we import the `fsl_pipe.Pipeline` object, which will contain the actual pipeline
# The other imports (In/Out/Ref/Var) will be used to mark which files each recipe requires as input or output.
from fsl_pipe import Pipeline, In, Out, Ref, Var
# Next we require a FileTree describing the directory structure of the input and output files of the pipeline.
from file_tree import FileTree

# We use FSLpy wrappers to call the FSL tools required to run the pipeline
from fsl.wrappers import bet, fslreorient2std, fslroi, fslmerge, topup, eddy, dtifit
from import runfsl, run
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import nibabel as nib
from shutil import copy

# Create an new, empty pipeline
pipe = Pipeline()

# Adds the first recipe to the pipeline using `@pipe`.
# Note that a recipe is simply a python function (`reorient_2_std` in this case).
# This job takes the "raw" files as input (as indicated by "raw: In") 
# and produced the "reoriented" files as output (as indicated by "reoriented: Out").
# You can check in the file-tree file ("data.tree") how these files are defined.
# Note that this single recipe will actually run 12 times (2 subjects x 2 phase encode directions x 3 scans).
# Each of these 12 jobs will run independently (and have its own dependency structure with other jobs).
# When on a cluster with "fsl_sub" installed, each of these jobs will be submitted with a runtime of 5 minutes.
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def reorient_2_std(raw: In, reoriented: Out):
    """Reorient raw data to standard orientations.
    WARNING: this step might create a discrepancy between the data and the bvecs. I would not recommend it in practice.
    fslreorient2std(raw, reoriented)

# Adds a second recipe to the pipeline.
# This time a job taking at most 3 minutes ("jobtime=3") and will extract the B0 image.
# We are only interested in running this job for the first scan,
# which is indicated by overriding the default values for scan (namely: 95, 96, and 97) with just 95.
# Note that by using "reoriented" as input, we implicitly create a dependency with the previous recipe.
# When running the pipeline, the relevant jobs for the recipe `reorient_2_std` are guaranteed to run before these jobs.
@pipe(submit=dict(jobtime=3), placeholders=dict(scan="95"))
def extract_b0(reoriented: In, extracted_b0: Out):
    """Extract b0 volume from diffusion-weighted data.
    The first volume is assumed to be a b0 volume.
    fslroi(reoriented, extracted_b0, 0, 1)

# In this recipy we see a novel "no_iter" parameter.
# This is used to indicate that we do not want to run this recipe separately for each value of "pe_dir".
# Instead we want to run this recipe once with all possible values of "pe_dir" passed on.
# For more information on "no_iter" see 
@pipe(submit=dict(jobtime=3), no_iter=["pe_dir"])
def merge_b0s(extracted_b0: In, merged_b0s: Out):
    """Merge the B0s, so that we can run topup.
    fslmerge("t", merged_b0s, *

# At this point we have already created a complicated dependency structure.
# If we ask the pipeline to produce "merged_b0" for a specific subject, the following jobs will be run:
# reorient_2_std(pe_dir=LR, scan=95)    reorient_2_std(pe_dir=RL, scan=95)
#                  ↓                                    ↓
#          extract_b0(pe_dir=LR)                extract_b0(pe_dir=RL)
#                              ⬊               ⬋           
#                                 merge_b0s()
# The arrows indicate the dependency structure.
# Note that "reorient_2_std" will only be run twice, because in this case we do not need the results for "scan=96" or "scan=97".

# To run topup we also need an "acqparams" file.
# Note that this recipe has no dependencies in common with the recipes above, 
# so "fsl-pipe" can run it in parallel.
# To produce the correct content for the "acqparams" file, 
# we need not just the filenames, but the actual values of "pe_dir".
# We indicate that we want these values using "pe_dir: Var()".
# Once again, we want a single run for both values of "pe_dir", 
# which we indicate by setting "no_iter" (in a different way than above).
def gen_acqparams(acqparams: Out, pe_dir: Var(no_iter=True)):
    """Generates the topup acqparams file with a line for each pe_dir."""
    mapping = {
        "LR": "1 0 0 0.05",
        "RL": "-1 0 0 0.05",
        "AP": "0 1 0 0.05",
        "PA": "0 -1 0 0.05",
    with open(acqparams, 'w') as f:
        for value in pe_dir.value:

# Now, we finally have all the information to run topup.
# There are a three more tricks here regarding sub-trees:
# 1. In the file-tree file ("data.tree") we can see that the "topup" directory structure contains a weird line:
#        ->topup (fieldmap)
#    This line indicates that file-tree should insert here the templates defined in the topup file-tree
#    (
#    These templates will be identifies by the prefix "fieldmap/".
#    Sub-trees are explained in detail at 
# 2. The basename is neither an input, nor an outpuf file, but we would still like to know its value.
#    To indicate you want to access a filename, but not make it part of the depenency structure, you can use "Ref".
# 3. Up untill this point the keyword arguments used in the python functions matched 
#    the template identifiers we wanted to use.
#    Here this is no longer the case, so we explicitly set the template identifier using In/Out/Ref(<template identifier>).
def run_topup(
        merged_b0s: In, acqparams: In,
        topup_basename: Ref("fieldmap/basename"), 
        outfile: Out("fieldmap/fieldcoef"),
        unwarped_b0: Out,
    topup(merged_b0s, acqparams, out=topup_basename, iout=unwarped_b0)

# Let's have some simple recipes again
def run_bet(unwarped_b0: In, nodif_brain: Out, nodif_brain_mask: Out):
    """Extracts brain from the unwarped B0"""
    bet(unwarped_b0, nodif_brain, mask=True)

# Here the "reoriented" input is a 2x3 DataArray,
# because it depends on both "pe_dir" and "scan", which are both in "no_iter".
# There is an overview of what data types are passed into the recipes at
@pipe(submit=dict(jobtime=3), no_iter=("pe_dir", "scan"))
def merge_data(reoriented: In, pe_dir: Var, eddy_input: Out, eddy_index: Out):
    """Merge all DWI data for eddy."""
    filenames = []
    ndata = []
    for value in pe_dir.value:
        row = reoriented.sel(dict(pe_dir=value)) # select the row corresponding to this phase encode direction
        ndata.append(sum([nib.load(fn).shape[3] for fn in])) # number of volumes with this phase encoding
    #fslmerge("t", eddy_input, *filenames)
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    with open(eddy_index, "w") as f:
        for index, nvols in enumerate(ndata):
            f.write("\n".join([str(index + 1)] * nvols) + "\n")
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# We add the following recipe twice.
# Once for the bvals and once for the bvecs.
@pipe(submit=dict(jobtime=3), kwargs=dict(in_files=In("raw_bvals"), out_file=Out("bvals")))
@pipe(submit=dict(jobtime=3), kwargs=dict(in_files=In("raw_bvecs"), out_file=Out("eddy_input_bvecs")))
def merge_text_files(in_files, out_file, pe_dir: Var(no_iter=True), scan: Var(no_iter=True)):
    """Merge bvals and bvecs."""
    filenames = []
    for value in pe_dir.value:
        row = in_files.sel(dict(pe_dir=value))
    res = run("paste", *filenames)
    with open(out_file, "w") as f:
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# Finally, we reached the stage to add the cuda recipe.
# We want to send this job to a cluster core with a GPU cuda core enable,
# which is indicated in fsl_sub using "coprocessor='cuda'".
# See for other available submit flags.
# Note that even though "fieldmap/fieldcoef" is not used in the call to eddy,
# we still need to include it here to create the correct dependency structure with topup.
@pipe(submit=dict(coprocessor="cuda", jobtime=60))
def run_eddy(
    eddy_input: In, eddy_index: In, 
    topup_basename: Ref("fieldmap/basename"),
    fieldcoef: In("fieldmap/fieldcoef"),
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    nodif_brain_mask: In,
    acqparams: In,
    bvals: In,
    eddy_input_bvecs: In,
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    basename: Ref("eddy/basename"),
    result: Out("eddy/image"),
    result_bvecs: Out("eddy/rotated_bvecs"),
        eddy_input, nodif_brain_mask, eddy_index, acqparams, 
        eddy_input_bvecs, bvals, basename, topup=topup_basename
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def collect_data(
    eddy_input: In("eddy/image"), data: Out,
    raw_bvecs: In("eddy/rotated_bvecs"), bvecs: Out,
    """Collect all preprocessed data in single directory."""
    copy(eddy_input, data)
    copy(raw_bvecs, bvecs)

# We want to run this job separately for each value of "Var",
# so in this case we do not use "no_iter".
def extract_shell(
    data: In, bvals: In, bvecs: In, shell: Var,
    data_shell: Out, bvals_shell: Out, bvecs_shell: Out,
        "select_dwi_vols", data, bvals, data_shell, shell.value,
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        "-b", "0", "-obv", bvecs

# So far, we have added jobs at the point we defined the python functions using `@pipe`.
# However, we can also add already existing python functions as recipes.
def run_dtifit(
    data_shell: In, bvals_shell: In, bvecs_shell: In, nodif_brain_mask: In,
    basename: Ref("dti/basename"), FA: Out("dti/FA"),
    dtifit(data_shell, basename, nodif_brain_mask, bvecs_shell, bvals_shell)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Actually load the file-tree
    # Note that we did not need to define the input or output directory structure to build the pipeline so far.
    tree ="data.tree")

    # Run the default pipeline command line interface