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#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Utility functions for loading/querying the contents of
# a FEAT analysis directory.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides a few utility functions for loading/querying the
contents of a FEAT analysis directory. They are primarily for use by the
:class:`.FEATImage` class, but are available for other uses if needed. The
following functions are provided:

.. autosummary::


The following functions return the names of various files of interest:

.. autosummary::

import                        logging
import                        glob
import os.path             as op
import numpy               as np

import      as fslimage
import fsl.utils.transform as transform
def isFEATImage(path):
    """Returns ``True`` if the given path looks like it is the input data to
    a FEAT analysis, ``False`` otherwise.
    dirname  = op.dirname( path)
    filename = op.basename(path) 
    return filename.startswith('filtered_func_data') and isFEATDir(dirname) 
def isFEATDir(path):
    """Returns ``True`` if the given path looks like a FEAT directory, or
    looks like the input data for a FEAT analysis, ``False`` otherwise.  A
    FEAT directory:
     - Must be named ``*.feat``.
     - Must contain a file called ``filtered_func_data.nii.gz``.
     - Must contain a file called ``design.fsf``.
     - Must contain a file called ``design.mat``.
     - Must contain a file called ``design.con``.

    :arg path: A file / directory path.
    path = op.abspath(path)
    if op.isdir(path): dirname = path
    else:              dirname = op.dirname(path)
    if not dirname.endswith('.feat'):
        return False
        fslimage.addExt(op.join(path, 'filtered_func_data'), mustExist=True)
    except ValueError:
        return False
    if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.fsf')): return False
    if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.mat')): return False
    if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.con')): return False
    return True
def hasMelodicDir(featdir):
    """Returns ``True`` if the data for the given FEAT directory has had
    MELODIC run on it, ``False`` otherwise.
    return op.exists(getMelodicFile(featdir))

def getAnalysisDir(path):
    """If the given path is contained within a FEAT directory, the path
    to that FEAT directory is returned. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned.

    # This is basically the opposite to
    # the getTopLevelAnalysisDir function

    path = path.strip()

    if path == op.sep or path == '':
        return None

    path = path.rstrip(op.sep)

    sufs = ['.feat', '.gfeat']

    if any([path.endswith(suf) for suf in sufs]):
        return path

    return getAnalysisDir(op.dirname(path))

def getTopLevelAnalysisDir(path):
    """If the given path is contained within a FEAT directory, or a
    MELODIC directory, the path to the latter directory is returned.
    Otherwise, ``None`` is returned.

    path = path.strip()

    # We've reached the root of the file system
    if path == op.sep or path == '':
        return None

    path   = path.rstrip(op.sep)
    parent = getTopLevelAnalysisDir(op.dirname(path))

    if parent is not None:
        return parent

    sufs = ['.ica', '.gica', '.feat', '.gfeat']

    if any([path.endswith(suf) for suf in sufs]):
        return path

    return None

    """Loads the design matrix from a FEAT directory.

    Returns a ``numpy`` array containing the design matrix data, where the
    first dimension corresponds to the data points, and the second to the EVs.

    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.

    matrix    = None 
    designmat = op.join(featdir, 'design.mat')

    log.debug('Loading FEAT design matrix from {}'.format(designmat))

    with open(designmat, 'rt') as f:

        while True:
            line = f.readline()
            if line.strip() == '/Matrix':

        matrix = np.loadtxt(f, ndmin=2)

    if matrix is None or matrix.size == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('{} does not appear to be a '
                           'valid design.mat file'.format(designmat))

    return matrix

def loadContrasts(featdir):
    """Loads the contrasts from a FEAT directory. Returns a tuple containing:
      - A dictionary of ``{contrastnum : name}`` mappings (the ``contrastnum``
        values are 1-indexed).
      - A list of contrast vectors (each of which is a list itself).

    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.

    matrix       = None
    numContrasts = 0
    names        = {}
    designcon    = op.join(featdir, 'design.con')

    log.debug('Loading FEAT contrasts from {}'.format(designcon))
    with open(designcon, 'rt') as f:

        while True:
            line = f.readline().strip()

            if line.startswith('/ContrastName'):
                tkns       = line.split(None, 1)
                num        = [c for c in tkns[0] if c.isdigit()]
                num        = int(''.join(num))

                # The /ContrastName field may not 
                # actually have a name specified
                if len(tkns) > 1:
                    name       = tkns[1].strip()
                    names[num] = name

            elif line.startswith('/NumContrasts'):
                numContrasts = int(line.split()[1])

            elif line == '/Matrix':

        matrix = np.loadtxt(f, ndmin=2)

    if matrix       is None             or \
       numContrasts != matrix.shape[0]:
        raise RuntimeError('{} does not appear to be a '
                           'valid design.con file'.format(designcon))

    # Fill in any missing contrast names
    if len(names) != numContrasts:
        for i in range(numContrasts):
            if i + 1 not in names:
                names[i + 1] = str(i + 1)

    names     = [names[c + 1] for c in range(numContrasts)]
    contrasts = []

    for row in matrix:

    return names, contrasts

def loadSettings(featdir):
    """Loads the analysis settings from a FEAT directory.

    Returns a dict containing the settings specified in the ``design.fsf``
    file within the directory
    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.

    settings  = {}
    designfsf = op.join(featdir, 'design.fsf')

    log.debug('Loading FEAT settings from {}'.format(designfsf))

    with open(designfsf, 'rt') as f:

        for line in f.readlines():
            line = line.strip()

            if not line.startswith('set '):

            tkns = line.split(None, 2)

            key = tkns[1].strip()
            val = tkns[2].strip().strip("'").strip('"')

            if key.startswith('fmri(') and key.endswith(')'):
                key = key[5:-1]
    """Given a FEAT settings dictionary, returns a dictionary of
    ``{stat : threshold}`` mappings, containing the thresholds used
    in the FEAT statistical analysis.

    The following keys will be present. Threshold values will be ``None``
    if the respective statistical thresholding was not carried out:
      - ``p``: P-value thresholding
      - ``z``: Z-statistic thresholding

    :arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary (see :func:`loadSettings`).
    return {
        'p' : settings.get('prob_thresh', None),
        'z' : settings.get('z_thresh',    None)

def loadClusterResults(featdir, settings, contrast):
    """If cluster thresholding was used in the FEAT analysis, this function
    will load and return the cluster results for the specified (0-indexed)
    contrast number.
    If there are no cluster results for the given contrast, ``None`` is

    An error will be raised if the cluster file cannot be parsed.

    :arg featdir:  A FEAT directory.
    :arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary.
    :arg contrast: 0-indexed contrast number.

    :returns:      A list of ``Cluster`` instances, each of which contains
                   information about one cluster. A ``Cluster`` object has the
                   following attributes:

                     ============ =========================================
                     ``index``    Cluster index.
                     ``nvoxels``  Number of voxels in cluster.
                     ``p``        Cluster p value.
                     ``logp``     :math:`-log_{10}` of the cluster P value.
                     ``zmax``     Maximum Z value in cluster.
                     ``zmaxx``    X voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
                     ``zmaxy``    Y voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
                     ``zmaxz``    Z voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
                     ``zcogx``    X voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
                     ``zcogy``    Y voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
                     ``zcogz``    Z voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
                     ``copemax``  Maximum COPE value in cluster.
                     ``copemaxx`` X voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
                     ``copemaxy`` Y voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
                     ``copemaxz`` Z voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
                     ``copemean`` Mean COPE of all voxels in the cluster.
                     ============ =========================================
    # Cluster files are named like
    # 'cluster_zstatX.txt', where
    # X is the COPE number. And
    # the ZMax/COG etc coordinates
    # are usually in voxel coordinates
    coordXform  = np.eye(4)
    clusterFile = op.join(
        featdir, 'cluster_zstat{}.txt'.format(contrast + 1))

    if not op.exists(clusterFile):

        # If the analysis was performed in standard
        # space (e.g. a higher level group analysis),
        # the cluster file will instead be called
        # 'cluster_zstatX_std.txt', so we'd better
        # check for that too.
        clusterFile = op.join(
            featdir, 'cluster_zstat{}_std.txt'.format(contrast + 1))

        # In higher levle analysis run in some standard
        # space, the cluster coordinates are in standard
        # space. We transform them to voxel coordinates.
        # later on.
        coordXform = fslimage.Image(

        if not op.exists(clusterFile):
            return None

    log.debug('Loading cluster results for contrast {} from {}'.format(
        contrast, clusterFile))

    # The cluster.txt file is converted
    # into a list of Cluster objects,
    # each of which encapsulates
    # information about one cluster.
    class Cluster(object):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            for name, val in kwargs.items():
                attrName, atype = colmap[name]
                if val is not None:
                    val = atype(val)
                setattr(self, attrName, val)

    # This dict provides a mapping between 
    # Cluster object attribute names, and
    # the corresponding column name in the
    # cluster.txt file. And the value type
    # is thrown in as well, for good measure.
    colmap = {
        'Cluster Index'    : ('index',    int),  
        'Voxels'           : ('nvoxels',  int), 
        'P'                : ('p',        float), 
        '-log10(P)'        : ('logp',     float), 
        'Z-MAX'            : ('zmax',     float), 
        'Z-MAX X (vox)'    : ('zmaxx',    int), 
        'Z-MAX Y (vox)'    : ('zmaxy',    int), 
        'Z-MAX Z (vox)'    : ('zmaxz',    int), 
        'Z-COG X (vox)'    : ('zcogx',    float), 
        'Z-COG Y (vox)'    : ('zcogy',    float), 
        'Z-COG Z (vox)'    : ('zcogz',    float),
        'Z-MAX X (mm)'     : ('zmaxx',    int), 
        'Z-MAX Y (mm)'     : ('zmaxy',    int), 
        'Z-MAX Z (mm)'     : ('zmaxz',    int), 
        'Z-COG X (mm)'     : ('zcogx',    float), 
        'Z-COG Y (mm)'     : ('zcogy',    float), 
        'Z-COG Z (mm)'     : ('zcogz',    float), 
        'COPE-MAX'         : ('copemax',  float),
        'COPE-MAX X (vox)' : ('copemaxx', int), 
        'COPE-MAX Y (vox)' : ('copemaxy', int), 
        'COPE-MAX Z (vox)' : ('copemaxz', int),
        'COPE-MAX X (mm)'  : ('copemaxx', int), 
        'COPE-MAX Y (mm)'  : ('copemaxy', int), 
        'COPE-MAX Z (mm)'  : ('copemaxz', int), 
        'COPE-MEAN'        : ('copemean', float)}

    # An error will be raised if the
    # cluster file does not exist (e.g.
    # if the specified contrast index
    # is invalid)
    with open(clusterFile, 'rt') as f:

        # Get every line in the file,
        # removing leading/trailing
        # whitespace, and discarding
        # empty lines
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
        lines = filter(lambda l: l != '', lines)

        # the first line should contain column
        # names, and each other line should
        # contain the data for one cluster
        colNames     = lines[0]
        clusterLines = lines[1:]

        # each line should be tab-separated
        colNames     =  colNames.split('\t')
        clusterLines = [cl      .split('\t') for cl in clusterLines]

        # No clusters
        if len(clusterLines) == 0:
            return None

        # Turn each cluster line into a
        # Cluster instance. An error will
        # be raised if the columm names
        # are unrecognised (i.e. not in
        # the colmap above), or if the
        # file is poorly formed.
        clusters = [Cluster(**dict(zip(colNames, cl))) for cl in clusterLines]

        # Make sure all coordinates are in voxels -
        # for first level analyses, the coordXform
        # will be an identity transform (the coords
        # are already in voxels). But for higher
        # level, the coords are in mm, and need to
        # be transformed to voxels.
        for c in clusters:

            zmax    = [c.zmaxx,    c.zmaxy,    c.zmaxz]
            zcog    = [c.zcogx,    c.zcogy,    c.zcogz]
            copemax = [c.copemaxx, c.copemaxy, c.copemaxz]

            zmax    = transform.transform([zmax],    coordXform)[0].round()
            zcog    = transform.transform([zcog],    coordXform)[0].round()
            copemax = transform.transform([copemax], coordXform)[0].round()

            c.zmaxx,   c.zmaxy,    c.zmaxz    = zmax
            c.zcogx,   c.zcogy,    c.zcogz    = zcog
            c.copemax, c.copemaxy, c.copemaxz = copemax
    """Returns the name of the file in the FEAT directory which contains
    the model input data (typically called ``filtered_func_data.nii.gz``).

    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
    # Assuming here that there is only
    # one file called filtered_func_data.*
    return glob.glob((op.join(featdir, 'filtered_func_data.*')))[0]

def getMelodicFile(featdir):
    """Returns the name of the file in the FEAT results which contains the
    melodic components. This file can be loaded as a :class:`.MelodicImage`.
    return op.join(featdir, 'filtered_func_data.ica', 'melodic_IC.nii.gz')

def getResidualFile(featdir):
    """Returns the name of the file in the FEAT results which contains
    the model fit residuals (typically called ``res4d.nii.gz``).

    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
    # Assuming here that there is only
    # one file called stats/res4d.*
    return glob.glob((op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'res4d.*')))[0]

def getPEFile(featdir, ev):
    """Returns the path of the PE file for the specified EV.
    :arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
    :arg ev:      The EV number (0-indexed).
    pefile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'pe{}.*'.format(ev + 1))
    return glob.glob(pefile)[0]

def getCOPEFile(featdir, contrast):
    """Returns the path of the COPE file for the specified contrast.

    :arg featdir:  A FEAT directory.
    :arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed). 
    copefile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'cope{}.*'.format(contrast + 1))
    return glob.glob(copefile)[0]

def getZStatFile(featdir, contrast):
    """Returns the path of the Z-statistic file for the specified contrast.

    :arg featdir:  A FEAT directory.
    :arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed). 
    zfile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'zstat{}.*'.format(contrast + 1))
    return glob.glob(zfile)[0]

def getClusterMaskFile(featdir, contrast):
    """Returns the path of the cluster mask file for the specified contrast.

    :arg featdir:  A FEAT directory.
    :arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed). 
    mfile = op.join(featdir, 'cluster_mask_zstat{}.*'.format(contrast + 1))
    return glob.glob(mfile)[0]

def getEVNames(settings):
    """Returns the names of every EV in the FEAT analysis which has the given
    ``settings`` (see the :func:`loadSettings` function).

    An error of some sort will be raised if the EV names cannot be determined
    from the FEAT settings.

    :arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary (see :func:`loadSettings`). 

    numEVs = int(settings['evs_real'])

    titleKeys = filter(lambda s: s.startswith('evtitle'),  settings.keys())
    derivKeys = filter(lambda s: s.startswith('deriv_yn'), settings.keys())

    def _cmp(key1, key2):
        key1 = ''.join([c for c in key1 if c.isdigit()])
        key2 = ''.join([c for c in key2 if c.isdigit()])

        return cmp(int(key1), int(key2))

    titleKeys = sorted(titleKeys, cmp=_cmp)
    derivKeys = sorted(derivKeys, cmp=_cmp)
    evnames  = []

    for titleKey, derivKey in zip(titleKeys, derivKeys):

        # Figure out the ev number from
        # the design.fsf key - skip over
        # 'evtitle' (an offset of 7)
        evnum = int(titleKey[7:])

        # Sanity check - the evnum
        # for the deriv_yn key matches
        # that for the evtitle key
        if evnum != int(derivKey[8:]):
            raise RuntimeError('design.fsf seem to be corrupt')

        title = settings[titleKey]
        deriv = settings[derivKey]

        if deriv == '0':
            evnames.append('{} - {}'.format(title, 'temporal derivative'))

    if len(evnames) != numEVs:
        raise RuntimeError('The number of EVs in design.fsf does not '
                           'match the number of EVs in design.mat')

    return evnames