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#!/usr/bin/env python
# - GIFTI file support.
# Author: Paul McCarthy  <>
#         Michiel Cottar <>
"""This class provides classes and functions for working with GIFTI files.

The GIFTI file format specification can be found at

Support is currently very basic - only the following classes/functions
are available:

  .. autosummary::

import numpy   as np
import fsl.utils.path     as fslpath
import as constants
import      as fslmesh

ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['.surf.gii']
"""List of file extensions that a file containing Gifti surface data
is expected to have.

"""A description for each of the :data:`ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS`. """

class GiftiMesh(fslmesh.Mesh):
    """Class which represents a GIFTI surface image. This is essentially
    just a 3D model made of triangles.

    For each GIFTI surface file that is loaded, the
    ``nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage`` instance is stored in the :class:`.Meta`
    store, with the absolute path to the surface file as the key.
    def __init__(self, infile, fixWinding=False, loadAll=False):
        """Load the given GIFTI file using ``nibabel``, and extracts surface
        data using the  :func:`loadGiftiSurface` function.
        :arg infile:     A GIFTI surface file (``*.surf.gii``).

        :arg fixWinding: Passed through to the :meth:`addVertices` method
                         for the first vertex set.

        :arg loadAll:    If ``True``, the ``infile`` directory is scanned
                         for other surface files which are then loaded
                         as additional vertex sets.

        .. todo:: Allow loading from a ``.topo.gii`` and ``.coord.gii`` file?
        name   = fslpath.removeExt(op.basename(infile), ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)
        infile = op.abspath(infile)

        surfimg, vertices, indices = loadGiftiSurface(infile)
        self.addVertices(vertices, infile, fixWinding=fixWinding)
        self.setMeta(infile, surfimg)
        # Find and load all other
        # surfaces in the same directory
        # as the specfiied one.
        if loadAll:
            nvertices = vertices.shape[0]
            surfFiles = relatedFiles(infile, 'surf')
            for sfile in surfFiles:

                surfimg, vertices, _ = loadGiftiSurface(sfile)

                if vertices.shape[0] != nvertices:

                self.addVertices(vertices, sfile, select=False)
                self.setMeta(    sfile, surfimg)

    def loadVertexData(self, infile, key=None):
        """Overrides the :meth:`.TriangleMesh.loadVertexData` method.

        Attempts to load data associated with each vertex of this
        ``GiftiSurface`` from the given ``dataSource``, which may be
        a GIFTI file or a plain text file which contains vertex data.
        if infile.endswith('.gii'):
            vdata = loadGiftiVertexData(infile)[1]
            self.addVertexData(key, vdata)
            return vdata
            return fslmesh.Mesh.loadVertexData(self, infile, key)
    """Extracts surface data from the given ``nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage``.

    The image is expected to contain the following``<DataArray>`` elements:

      - one comprising ``NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET`` data (the surface vertices)
      - one comprising ``NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE`` data (vertex indices
        defining the triangles).

    A ``ValueError`` will be raised if this is not the case.

    :arg filename: Name of a GIFTI file containing surface data.
                   - The loaded ``nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage`` instance

                   - A ``(N, 3)`` array containing ``N`` vertices.
                   - A ``(M, 3))`` array containing the vertex indices for
                     ``M`` triangles.
    gimg = nib.load(filename)
    pointsetCode = constants.NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET
    triangleCode = constants.NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE

    pointsets = [d for d in gimg.darrays if d.intent == pointsetCode]
    triangles = [d for d in gimg.darrays if d.intent == triangleCode]

    if len(gimg.darrays) != 2:
        raise ValueError('{}: GIFTI surface files must contain '
                         'exactly one pointset array and one '
                         'triangle array'.format(filename))
    if len(pointsets) != 1:
        raise ValueError('{}: GIFTI surface files must contain '
                         'exactly one pointset array'.format(filename))
    if len(triangles) != 1:
        raise ValueError('{}: GIFTI surface files must contain '
                         'exactly one triangle array'.format(filename))

    vertices = pointsets[0].data
    indices  = triangles[0].data

    return gimg, vertices, indices

def loadGiftiVertexData(filename):
    """Loads vertex data from the given GIFTI file.

    It is assumed that the given file does not contain any
    which contains either:
      - One ``(M, N)`` data array containing ``N`` data points for ``M``

      - One or more ``(M, 1)`` data arrays each containing a single data point
        for ``M`` vertices, and all with the same intent code

    Returns a tuple containing:
      - The loaded ``nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage`` object
      - A ``(M, N)`` numpy array containing ``N`` data points for ``M``

    gimg = nib.load(filename)

    intents = set([d.intent for d in gimg.darrays])

    if len(intents) != 1:
        raise ValueError('{} contains multiple (or no) intents'
                         ': {}'.format(filename, intents))

    intent = intents.pop()

    if intent in (constants.NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET,
        raise ValueError('{} contains surface data'.format(filename))

    # Just a single array - return it as-is.
    # n.b. Storing (M, N) data in a single
    # DataArray goes against the GIFTI spec,
    # but hey, it happens.
    if len(gimg.darrays) == 1:
        vdata = gimg.darrays[0].data
        return gimg, vdata.reshape(vdata.shape[0], -1)

    # Otherwise extract and concatenate
    # multiple 1-dimensional arrays
    vdata = [ for d in gimg.darrays]

    if any([len(d.shape) != 1 for d in vdata]):
        raise ValueError('{} contains one or more non-vector '
    vdata = np.vstack(vdata).T
    vdata = vdata.reshape(vdata.shape[0], -1)

    return gimg, vdata
def relatedFiles(fname, ftype=None):
    """Given a GIFTI file, returns a list of other GIFTI files in the same
    directory which appear to be related with the given one.  Files which
    share the same prefix are assumed to be related to the given file.

    :arg fname: Name of the file to search for related files for

    :arg ftype: If provided, only files with a name ``'*.[ftype].gii'`` are
                searched for.
    # We want to return all files in the same
    # directory which have the following name:

    # [prefix].*.[type].gii
    #   where
    #     - prefix is the file prefix, and which
    #       may include periods.
    #     - we don't care about the middle
    #     - type is func, shape, label, time, or `ftype`

    # We determine the unique prefix of the
    # given file, and back-up to the most
    # recent period. Then search for other
    # files which have that same (non-unique)
    # prefix.
    prefix  = fslpath.uniquePrefix(fname)
    lastdot = prefix.rfind('.')
    prefix  = prefix[:lastdot]

    if lastdot == -1:
    if ftype is None:
        ftypes = ['func', 'shape', 'label', 'time']
        ftypes = [ftype]

    related = []

    for ftype in ftypes:
        related += list(glob.glob('{}*.{}.gii'.format(prefix, ftype)))

    return [r for r in related if r != fname]

class GiftiSurface(fslmesh.TriangleMesh):
    """Deprecated - use GiftiMesh instead. """

                            details='Use GiftiMesh instead')
    def __init__(self, infile, fixWinding=False):
        """Deprecated - use GiftiMesh instead. """
        surfimg, vertices, indices = loadGiftiSurface(infile)

        fslmesh.TriangleMesh.__init__(self, vertices, indices, fixWinding)
        name   = fslpath.removeExt(op.basename(infile), ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)
        infile = op.abspath(infile)

        self._Mesh__name       = name
        self._Mesh__dataSource = infile
        self.surfImg           = surfimg

                            details='Use GiftiMesh instead')
    def loadVertexData(self, dataSource, vertexData=None):
        """Deprecated - use GiftiMesh instead. """

        if vertexData is None:
            if dataSource.endswith('.gii'):
                vertexData = loadGiftiVertexData(dataSource)[1]
                vertexData = None

        return fslmesh.TriangleMesh.loadVertexData(
            self, dataSource, vertexData)

                        details='Use loadGiftiMesh instead')
def loadGiftiSurface(filename):
    """Deprecated - use loadGiftiMesh instead."""
    return loadGiftiMesh(filename)