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Forked from FSL / fslpy
961 commits behind the upstream repository.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.rst 29.02 KiB

This document contains the fslpy release history in reverse chronological order.

2.8.2 (Thursday 27th February 2020)


  • Fixed some subtle bugs in the :func:`.filetree.utils.get_all` function.

2.8.1 (Thursday 20th February 2020)


  • Fixed a bug where an error would be raised on attempts to load an image file without a BIDS-compatible name from a BIDS-like directory.

2.8.0 (Wednesday 29th January 2020)


  • New :meth:`.Nifti.adjust` method, for creating a copy of a :class:`.Nifti` header with adjusted shape, pixdims, and affine. This can be useful for creating a resampling reference.
  • New :func:`.affine.rescale` function, for adjusting a scaling matrix.
  • New :func:`.mghimage.voxToSurfMat` function, for creating a voxel-to-freesurfer affine transform from any image.


  • The :class:`.ImageWrapper` now maintains its own image data cache, rather than depending on nibabel.
  • Internal changes to avoid using the deprecated nibabel.dataobj_images.DataobjImage.get_data method.


  • Improved the algorithm used by the :func:`.mesh.needsFixing` function.
  • The :meth:`` method now accepts :attr:`.wrappers.LOAD` as an output specification.
  • Fixed a bug in the :class:`.Mesh` class to prevent indices from being loaded as floating point type.
  • Fixed a bug in the :func:`.resample` function.
  • Fixed a bug in the :class:`.MGHImage` class, which was causing pixdims to be overridden by scales derived from the affine.


  • :func:`.calculateMatrix` - its functionality has been moved to the :func:`.affine.rescale` function.

2.7.0 (Wednesday 6th November 2019)


  • New until option to the :func:`.idle.block` function.
  • New :meth:`.Idle.neverQueue` setting, which can be used to force all tasks passed to :func:`.idle.idle` to be executed synchronously.
  • New :meth:`.IdleLoop.synchronous` context manager, to temporarily change the value of :meth:`.IdleLoop.neverQueue`.
  • New :mod:`.bids` module, containing a few simple functions for working with BIDS datasets.
  • New :func:`.image.loadMetadata` function, and loadMeta option to the :class:`.Image` class, to automatically find and load any sidecar JSON files associated with an image file.


  • Internal reorganisation in the :mod:`.idle` module.


  • Fixed incorrect usage of setuptools.find_packages, which was causing unit tests to be installed.


  • :func:`.idle.inIdle` - replaced by :meth:`.IdleLoop.inIdle`.
  • :func:`.idle.cancelIdle` - replaced by :meth:`.IdleLoop.cancelIdle`.
  • :func:`.idle.idleReser` - replaced by :meth:`.IdleLoop.idleReset`.
  • :func:`.idle.getIdleTimeout` - replaced by :meth:`.IdleLoop.callRate`.
  • :func:`.idle.setIdleTimeout` - replaced by :meth:`.IdleLoop.callRate`.

2.6.2 (Monday 7th October 2019)


  • Added a debugging hook in the :mod:`.idle` module.
  • The :func:`.fslsub.submit` function is now more flexible in the way it accepts the command and input arguments.
  • The :func:`.run.prepareArgs` function has been renamed (from _prepareArgs).

2.6.1 (Thursday 19th September 2019)


  • fslpy is no longer tested against Python 3.5, and is now tested against Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

2.6.0 (Tuesday 10th September 2019)


  • New :meth:`.Image.iscomplex` attribute.
  • Support for a new Statistic atlas type.


  • The :class:`.Cache` class has a new lru option, allowing it to be used as a least-recently-used cache.
  • The :mod:`.filetree` module has been refactored to make it easier for the :mod:`.query` module to work with file tree hierarchies.
  • The :meth:`.LabelAtlas.get` method has a new binary flag, allowing either a binary mask, or a mask with the original label value, to be returned.
  • The :mod:`.dicom` module has been updated to work with the latest version of dcm2niix.


  • :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.proportions`, :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.maskProportions`, and :meth:`.ProbabilisticAtlas.labelProportions` have been deprecated in favour of :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.values`, :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.maskValues`, and :meth:`.StatisticAtlas.labelValues`

2.5.0 (Tuesday 6th August 2019)


  • New :meth:`.Image.getAffine` method, for retrieving an affine between any of the voxel, FSL, or world coordinate systems.
  • New :mod:`fsl.transforms` package, which contains classes and functions for working with linear and non-linear FLIRT and FNIRT transformations.
  • New static methods :meth:`.Nifti.determineShape`, :meth:`.Nifti.determineAffine`, :meth:`.Nifti.generateAffines`, and :meth:`.Nifti.identifyAffine`.
  • New prototype :mod:`fsl.transforms.x5` module, for reading/writing linear and non-linear X5 files (preliminary release, subject to change).
  • New prototype :mod:`.fsl_convert_x5` :mod:`.fsl_apply_x5` programs, for working with X5 transformations (preliminary release, subject to change).


  • The :mod:`.vest.looksLikeVestLutFile` function has been made slightly more lenient.
  • h5py has been added to the fslpy dependencies.


  • The :mod:`fsl.utils.transform` module has been deprecated; its functions can now be found in the :mod:`fsl.transforms.affine` and :mod:`fsl.transform.flirt` modules.

2.4.0 (Wednesday July 24th 2019)


  • New :mod:`.image.roi` module, for extracting an ROI of an image, or expanding its field-of-view.


  • The :mod:`.resample_image` script has been updated to support resampling of images with more than 3 dimensions.

2.3.1 (Friday July 5th 2019)


  • The :class:`.Bitmap` class now supports greyscale images and palette images.