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Paul McCarthy authoredordered dict. 18.63 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Utility functions for loading/querying the contents of
# a FEAT analysis directory.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides a few utility functions for loading/querying the
contents of a FEAT analysis directory. They are primarily for use by the
:class:`.FEATImage` class, but are available for other uses if needed. The
following functions are provided:
.. autosummary::
The following functions return the names of various files of interest:
.. autosummary::
import collections
import logging
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import as fslimage
import fsl.utils.path as fslpath
import fsl.utils.transform as transform
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def isFEATImage(path):
"""Returns ``True`` if the given path looks like it is the input data to
a FEAT analysis, ``False`` otherwise.
dirname = op.dirname( path)
filename = op.basename(path)
return filename.startswith('filtered_func_data') and isFEATDir(dirname)
def isFEATDir(path):
"""Returns ``True`` if the given path looks like a FEAT directory, or
looks like the input data for a FEAT analysis, ``False`` otherwise. A
FEAT directory:
- Must be named ``*.feat``.
- Must contain a file called ``filtered_func_data.nii.gz``.
- Must contain a file called ``design.fsf``.
- Must contain a file called ``design.mat``.
- Must contain a file called ``design.con``.
:arg path: A file / directory path.
path = op.abspath(path)
if op.isdir(path): dirname = path
else: dirname = op.dirname(path)
if not dirname.endswith('.feat'):
return False
fslimage.addExt(op.join(path, 'filtered_func_data'), mustExist=True)
except ValueError:
return False
if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.fsf')): return False
if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.mat')): return False
if not op.exists(op.join(dirname, 'design.con')): return False
return True
def hasStats(featdir):
"""Returns ``True`` if it looks like statistics have been calculated
for the given FEAT analysis, ``False`` otherwise.
getZStatFile(featdir, 0)
return True
return False
def hasMelodicDir(featdir):
"""Returns ``True`` if the data for the given FEAT directory has had
MELODIC run on it, ``False`` otherwise.
return op.exists(getMelodicFile(featdir))
def getAnalysisDir(path):
"""If the given path is contained within a FEAT directory, the path
to that FEAT directory is returned. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned.
featdir = fslpath.deepest(path, ['.feat', '.gfeat'])
if featdir is not None and isFEATDir(featdir):
return featdir
return None
def getTopLevelAnalysisDir(path):
"""If the given path is contained within a hierarchy of FEAT or MELODIC
directories, the path to the highest-level (i.e. the shallowest in the
file system) directory is returned. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned.
return fslpath.shallowest(path, ['.ica', '.gica', '.feat', '.gfeat'])
def loadDesign(featdir):
"""Loads the design matrix from a FEAT directory.
Returns a ``numpy`` array containing the design matrix data, where the
first dimension corresponds to the data points, and the second to the EVs.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
matrix = None
designmat = op.join(featdir, 'design.mat')
log.debug('Loading FEAT design matrix from {}'.format(designmat))
with open(designmat, 'rt') as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line.strip() == '/Matrix':
matrix = np.loadtxt(f, ndmin=2)
if matrix is None or matrix.size == 0:
raise RuntimeError('{} does not appear to be a '
'valid design.mat file'.format(designmat))
return matrix
def loadContrasts(featdir):
"""Loads the contrasts from a FEAT directory. Returns a tuple containing:
- A dictionary of ``{contrastnum : name}`` mappings (the ``contrastnum``
values are 1-indexed).
- A list of contrast vectors (each of which is a list itself).
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
matrix = None
numContrasts = 0
names = {}
designcon = op.join(featdir, 'design.con')
log.debug('Loading FEAT contrasts from {}'.format(designcon))
with open(designcon, 'rt') as f:
while True:
line = f.readline().strip()
if line.startswith('/ContrastName'):
tkns = line.split(None, 1)
num = [c for c in tkns[0] if c.isdigit()]
num = int(''.join(num))
# The /ContrastName field may not
# actually have a name specified
if len(tkns) > 1:
name = tkns[1].strip()
names[num] = name
elif line.startswith('/NumContrasts'):
numContrasts = int(line.split()[1])
elif line == '/Matrix':
matrix = np.loadtxt(f, ndmin=2)
if matrix is None or \
numContrasts != matrix.shape[0]:
raise RuntimeError('{} does not appear to be a '
'valid design.con file'.format(designcon))
# Fill in any missing contrast names
if len(names) != numContrasts:
for i in range(numContrasts):
if i + 1 not in names:
names[i + 1] = str(i + 1)
names = [names[c + 1] for c in range(numContrasts)]
contrasts = []
for row in matrix:
return names, contrasts
def loadSettings(featdir):
"""Loads the analysis settings from a FEAT directory.
Returns a dict containing the settings specified in the ``design.fsf``
file within the directory
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
settings = collections.OrderedDict()
designfsf = op.join(featdir, 'design.fsf')
log.debug('Loading FEAT settings from {}'.format(designfsf))
with open(designfsf, 'rt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line.startswith('set '):
tkns = line.split(None, 2)
key = tkns[1].strip()
val = tkns[2].strip(' \'"')
if key.startswith('fmri(') and key.endswith(')'):
key = key[5:-1]
settings[key] = val
return settings
def getThresholds(settings):
"""Given a FEAT settings dictionary, returns a dictionary of
``{stat : threshold}`` mappings, containing the thresholds used
in the FEAT statistical analysis.
The following keys will be present. Threshold values will be ``None``
if the respective statistical thresholding was not carried out:
- ``p``: P-value thresholding
- ``z``: Z-statistic thresholding
:arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary (see :func:`loadSettings`).
return {
'p' : settings.get('prob_thresh', None),
'z' : settings.get('z_thresh', None)
def loadClusterResults(featdir, settings, contrast):
"""If cluster thresholding was used in the FEAT analysis, this function
will load and return the cluster results for the specified (0-indexed)
contrast number.
If there are no cluster results for the given contrast, ``None`` is
An error will be raised if the cluster file cannot be parsed.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
:arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary.
:arg contrast: 0-indexed contrast number.
:returns: A list of ``Cluster`` instances, each of which contains
information about one cluster. A ``Cluster`` object has the
following attributes:
============ =========================================
``index`` Cluster index.
``nvoxels`` Number of voxels in cluster.
``p`` Cluster p value.
``logp`` :math:`-log_{10}` of the cluster P value.
``zmax`` Maximum Z value in cluster.
``zmaxx`` X voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
``zmaxy`` Y voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
``zmaxz`` Z voxel coordinate of maximum Z value.
``zcogx`` X voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
``zcogy`` Y voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
``zcogz`` Z voxel coordinate of cluster centre of
``copemax`` Maximum COPE value in cluster.
``copemaxx`` X voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
``copemaxy`` Y voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
``copemaxz`` Z voxel coordinate of maximum COPE value.
``copemean`` Mean COPE of all voxels in the cluster.
============ =========================================
# Cluster files are named like
# 'cluster_zstatX.txt', where
# X is the COPE number. And
# the ZMax/COG etc coordinates
# are usually in voxel coordinates
coordXform = np.eye(4)
clusterFile = op.join(
featdir, 'cluster_zstat{}.txt'.format(contrast + 1))
if not op.exists(clusterFile):
# If the analysis was performed in standard
# space (e.g. a higher level group analysis),
# the cluster file will instead be called
# 'cluster_zstatX_std.txt', so we'd better
# check for that too.
clusterFile = op.join(
featdir, 'cluster_zstat{}_std.txt'.format(contrast + 1))
# In higher levle analysis run in some standard
# space, the cluster coordinates are in standard
# space. We transform them to voxel coordinates.
# later on.
coordXform = fslimage.Image(
if not op.exists(clusterFile):
return None
log.debug('Loading cluster results for contrast {} from {}'.format(
contrast, clusterFile))
# The cluster.txt file is converted
# into a list of Cluster objects,
# each of which encapsulates
# information about one cluster.
class Cluster(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for name, val in kwargs.items():
attrName = colmap[name]
if val is not None:
val = float(val)
setattr(self, attrName, val)
# This dict provides a mapping between
# Cluster object attribute names, and
# the corresponding column name in the
# cluster.txt file.
colmap = {
'Cluster Index' : 'index',
'Voxels' : 'nvoxels',
'P' : 'p',
'-log10(P)' : 'logp',
'Z-MAX' : 'zmax',
'Z-MAX X (vox)' : 'zmaxx',
'Z-MAX Y (vox)' : 'zmaxy',
'Z-MAX Z (vox)' : 'zmaxz',
'Z-COG X (vox)' : 'zcogx',
'Z-COG Y (vox)' : 'zcogy',
'Z-COG Z (vox)' : 'zcogz',
'Z-MAX X (mm)' : 'zmaxx',
'Z-MAX Y (mm)' : 'zmaxy',
'Z-MAX Z (mm)' : 'zmaxz',
'Z-COG X (mm)' : 'zcogx',
'Z-COG Y (mm)' : 'zcogy',
'Z-COG Z (mm)' : 'zcogz',
'COPE-MAX' : 'copemax',
'COPE-MAX X (vox)' : 'copemaxx',
'COPE-MAX Y (vox)' : 'copemaxy',
'COPE-MAX Z (vox)' : 'copemaxz',
'COPE-MAX X (mm)' : 'copemaxx',
'COPE-MAX Y (mm)' : 'copemaxy',
'COPE-MAX Z (mm)' : 'copemaxz',
'COPE-MEAN' : 'copemean'}
# An error will be raised if the
# cluster file does not exist (e.g.
# if the specified contrast index
# is invalid)
with open(clusterFile, 'rt') as f:
# Get every line in the file,
# removing leading/trailing
# whitespace, and discarding
# empty lines
lines = f.readlines()
lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
lines = [l for l in lines if l != '']
# the first line should contain column
# names, and each other line should
# contain the data for one cluster
colNames = lines[0]
clusterLines = lines[1:]
# each line should be tab-separated
colNames = colNames.split('\t')
clusterLines = [cl .split('\t') for cl in clusterLines]
# No clusters
if len(clusterLines) == 0:
return None
# Turn each cluster line into a
# Cluster instance. An error will
# be raised if the columm names
# are unrecognised (i.e. not in
# the colmap above), or if the
# file is poorly formed.
clusters = [Cluster(**dict(zip(colNames, cl))) for cl in clusterLines]
# Make sure all coordinates are in voxels -
# for first level analyses, the coordXform
# will be an identity transform (the coords
# are already in voxels). But for higher
# level, the coords are in mm, and need to
# be transformed to voxels.
for c in clusters:
zmax = [c.zmaxx, c.zmaxy, c.zmaxz]
zcog = [c.zcogx, c.zcogy, c.zcogz]
copemax = [c.copemaxx, c.copemaxy, c.copemaxz]
zmax = transform.transform([zmax], coordXform)[0].round()
zcog = transform.transform([zcog], coordXform)[0].round()
copemax = transform.transform([copemax], coordXform)[0].round()
c.zmaxx, c.zmaxy, c.zmaxz = zmax
c.zcogx, c.zcogy, c.zcogz = zcog
c.copemax, c.copemaxy, c.copemaxz = copemax
return clusters
def getDataFile(featdir):
"""Returns the name of the file in the FEAT directory which contains
the model input data (typically called ``filtered_func_data.nii.gz``).
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
datafile = op.join(featdir, 'filtered_func_data')
return fslimage.addExt(datafile, mustExist=True)
def getMelodicFile(featdir):
"""Returns the name of the file in the FEAT results which contains the melodic
components (if melodic ICA was performed as part of the FEAT
analysis). This file can be loaded as a :class:`.MelodicImage`.
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
melfile = op.join(featdir, 'filtered_func_data.ica', 'melodic_IC')
return fslimage.addExt(melfile, mustExist=True)
def getResidualFile(featdir):
"""Returns the name of the file in the FEAT results which contains
the model fit residuals (typically called ``res4d.nii.gz``).
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
resfile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'res4d')
return fslimage.addExt(resfile, mustExist=True)
def getPEFile(featdir, ev):
"""Returns the path of the PE file for the specified EV.
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
:arg ev: The EV number (0-indexed).
pefile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'pe{}'.format(ev + 1))
return fslimage.addExt(pefile, mustExist=True)
def getCOPEFile(featdir, contrast):
"""Returns the path of the COPE file for the specified contrast.
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
:arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed).
copefile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'cope{}'.format(contrast + 1))
return fslimage.addExt(copefile, mustExist=True)
def getZStatFile(featdir, contrast):
"""Returns the path of the Z-statistic file for the specified contrast.
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
:arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed).
zfile = op.join(featdir, 'stats', 'zstat{}'.format(contrast + 1))
return fslimage.addExt(zfile, mustExist=True)
def getClusterMaskFile(featdir, contrast):
"""Returns the path of the cluster mask file for the specified contrast.
Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the file does not exist.
:arg featdir: A FEAT directory.
:arg contrast: The contrast number (0-indexed).
mfile = op.join(featdir, 'cluster_mask_zstat{}'.format(contrast + 1))
return fslimage.addExt(mfile, mustExist=True)
def getEVNames(settings):
"""Returns the names of every EV in the FEAT analysis which has the given
``settings`` (see the :func:`loadSettings` function).
An error of some sort will be raised if the EV names cannot be determined
from the FEAT settings.
:arg settings: A FEAT settings dictionary (see :func:`loadSettings`).
numEVs = int(settings['evs_real'])
titleKeys = [s for s in settings.keys() if s.startswith('evtitle')]
derivKeys = [s for s in settings.keys() if s.startswith('deriv_yn')]
def key(k):
return int(''.join([c for c in k if c.isdigit()]))
titleKeys = sorted(titleKeys, key=key)
derivKeys = sorted(derivKeys, key=key)
evnames = []
for titleKey, derivKey in zip(titleKeys, derivKeys):
# Figure out the ev number from
# the design.fsf key - skip over
# 'evtitle' (an offset of 7)
evnum = int(titleKey[7:])
# Sanity check - the evnum
# for the deriv_yn key matches
# that for the evtitle key
if evnum != int(derivKey[8:]):
raise RuntimeError('design.fsf seem to be corrupt')
title = settings[titleKey]
deriv = settings[derivKey]
if deriv == '0':
evnames.append('{} - {}'.format(title, 'temporal derivative'))
if len(evnames) != numEVs:
raise RuntimeError('The number of EVs in design.fsf does not '
'match the number of EVs in design.mat')
return evnames