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FSL / fslpy
1441 commits behind the upstream repository.
Michiel Cottaar authoredMichiel Cottaar authored 17.36 KiB
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict, Any, Set
from copy import deepcopy
from . import parse
import pickle
import os.path as op
from . import utils
class MissingVariable(KeyError):
Returned when the variables of a tree or its parents do not contain a given variable
class FileTree(object):
Contains the input/output filename tree
- ``templates``: dictionary mapping short names to filename templates
- ``variables``: dictionary mapping variables in the templates to specific values (variables set to None are explicitly unset)
- ``sub_trees``: filename trees describing specific sub-directories
- ``parent``: parent FileTree, of which this sub-tree is a sub-directory
def __init__(self,
templates: Dict[str, str],
variables: Dict[str, Any],
sub_trees: Dict[str, "FileTree"]=None,
parent: Optional["FileTree"]=None):
Creates a new filename tree.
self.templates = templates
self.variables = variables
if sub_trees is None:
sub_trees = {}
self.sub_trees = sub_trees
self._parent = parent
def parent(self, ):
Parent FileTree, of which this sub-tree is a sub-directory
return self._parent
def all_variables(self, ):
All tree variables including those inherited from the parent tree
if self.parent is None:
return dict(self.variables)
res = self.parent.all_variables
return res
def get_variable(self, name: str, default=None) -> str:
Gets a variable used to fill out the template
:param name: variable name
:param default: default variables (if not set a MissingVariable error is raised if a variable is missing)
:return: value of the variable
variables = self.all_variables
if name in variables and variables[name] is not None:
return variables[name]
if default is None:
raise MissingVariable('Variable {} not found in sub-tree or parents'.format(name))
return default
def _get_template_tree(self, short_name: str) -> Tuple["FileTree", str]:
Retrieves template text from this tree, parent tree or sub_tree
:param short_name: filename reference name
:return: tuple with the containing tree and the template text
if '/' in short_name:
sub_tree, sub_name = short_name.split('/', maxsplit=1)
if sub_tree == '..':
if self.parent is None:
raise KeyError("Tried to access the parent of the top-level tree")
return self.parent._get_template_tree(sub_name)
return self.sub_trees[sub_tree]._get_template_tree(sub_name)
return self, self.templates[short_name]
def get_template(self, short_name: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]:
Returns the sub-tree that defines a given short name
- '/' characters in short_name refer to sub-trees
- '../' characters in short_name refer to parents
For example:
- "eddy/output" refers to the "output" in the "eddy" sub_tree (i.e. ``self.sub_trees['eddy'].templates['output']``)
- "../other/name" refers to the "other" sub-tree of the parent tree (i.e., ``self.parent.sub_trees['other'].templates['name']``)
:param short_name: name of the template
:return: tuple with the template and the variables corresponding to the template
tree, text = self._get_template_tree(short_name)
return text, tree.all_variables
def template_variables(self, short_name: Optional[str]=None, optional=True, required=True) -> Set[str]:
Returns the variables needed to define a template
:param short_name: name of the template (defaults to all)
:param optional: if set to False don't include the optional variables
:param required: if set to False don't include the required variables
:return: set of variable names
if not optional and not required:
return set()
if short_name is None:
all_vars = set()
required_vars = set()
for short_name in self.templates.keys():
if required or optional:
required_vars.update(self.template_variables(short_name, optional=False))
for sub_tree in self.sub_trees.values():
if required or optional:
if optional and required:
return all_vars
if required:
return required_vars
if optional:
return all_vars.difference(required_vars)
_, text = self._get_template_tree(short_name)
all_vars = set(utils.find_variables(text))
if optional and required:
return all_vars
opt_vars = set(utils.optional_variables(text))
if optional:
return opt_vars
if required:
return all_vars.difference(opt_vars)
def get(self, short_name, make_dir=False) -> str:
Gets a full filename based on its short name
:param short_name: identifier in the tree
:param make_dir: if True make sure that the directory leading to this file exists
:return: full filename
text, variables = self.get_template(short_name)
res = Path(utils.resolve(text, variables))
if make_dir:
res.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return str(res)
def get_all(self, short_name: str, glob_vars=()) -> Tuple[str]:
Gets all existing directory/file names matching a specific pattern
:param short_name: short name of the path template
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk.
Any defined variables in `glob_vars` will be ignored.
If glob_vars is set to 'all', all undefined variables will be used to look up matches.
:return: sorted sequence of paths
text, variables = self.get_template(short_name)
return tuple(str(Path(fn)) for fn in utils.get_all(text, variables, glob_vars=glob_vars))
def get_all_vars(self, short_name: str, glob_vars=()) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str]]:
Gets all the parameters that generate existing filenames
:param short_name: short name of the path template
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk.
Any defined variables in `glob_vars` will be ignored.
If glob_vars is set to 'all', all undefined variables will be used to look up matches.
:return: sequence of dictionaries with the variables settings used to generate each filename
return tuple(self.extract_variables(short_name, fn) for fn in self.get_all(short_name, glob_vars=glob_vars))
def get_all_trees(self, short_name: str, global_vars=()) -> Tuple["FileTree"]:
Gets all the trees that generate the existing files matching the pattern
tree.get_all(short_name) == tuple(tree.get(short_name) for tree in tree.get_all_trees(short_name))
:param short_name: short name of the path template
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk.
Any defined variables in `glob_vars` will be ignored.
If glob_vars is set to 'all', all undefined variables will be used to look up matches.
:return: sequence of FileTrees used to generate each file on disk matching the pattern of `short_name`
return tuple(self.update(**vars) for vars in self.get_all_vars(short_name, glob_vars=global_vars))
def update(self, **variables) -> "FileTree":
Creates a new FileTree with updated variables
:param variables: new values for the variables
Setting a variable to None will cause the variable to be unset
:return: New FileTree with same templates for directory names and filenames, but updated variables
new_tree = deepcopy(self)
for key, value in variables.items():
if value is None:
del new_tree.variables[key]
return new_tree
def extract_variables(self, short_name: str, filename: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Extracts the variables from the given filename
:param short_name: short name of the path template
:param filename: filename matching the template
:return: variables needed to get to the given filename
Variables with None value are optional variables in the template that were not used
text, _ = self.get_template(short_name)
return utils.extract_variables(text, filename, self.variables)
def save_pickle(self, filename):
Saves the Filetree to a pickle file
:param filename: filename to store the file tree (usually ending with .pck)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)
def load_pickle(cls, filename):
Loads the Filetree from a pickle file
:param filename: filename produced from
:return: stored Filetree
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
res = pickle.load(f)
if not isinstance(res, cls):
raise IOError("Pickle file did not contain %s object" % cls)
return res
def exists(self, short_names, on_disk=False, error=False, glob_vars=()):
Checks whether the short_names are defined in the tree (and optional exist on the disk)
:param short_names: list of expected short names to exist in the tree
:param on_disk: if True checks whether the files exist on disk
:param error: if True raises a helpful error when the check fails
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
If `glob_vars` contains any defined variables, it will be ignored.
:return: True if short names exist and optionally exist on disk (False otherwise)
- ValueError if error is set and the tree is incomplete
- IOError if error is set and any files are missing from the disk
if isinstance(short_names, str):
short_names = (short_names, )
def single_test(short_name):
except KeyError:
return True
return False
missing = tuple(name for name in short_names if single_test(name))
if len(missing) > 0:
if error:
raise ValueError("Provided Filetree is missing file definitions for {}".format(missing))
return False
if on_disk:
missing = tuple(name for name in short_names if len(self.get_all(name, glob_vars=glob_vars)) == 0)
except KeyError:
if error:
return False
if len(missing) > 0:
if error:
raise IOError("Failed to find any files existing for {}".format(missing))
return False
return True
def read(cls, tree_name: str, directory='.', **variables) -> "FileTree":
Reads a FileTree from a specific file
The return type is ``cls`` unless the tree_name has been previously registered.
The return type of any sub-tree is ``FileTree`` unless the tree_name has been previously registered.
:param tree_name: file containing the filename tree.
Can provide the filename of a tree file or the name for a tree in the ``filetree.tree_directories``.
:param directory: parent directory of the full tree (defaults to current directory)
:param variables: variable settings
:return: dictionary from specifier to filename
if op.exists(tree_name):
filename = tree_name
elif op.exists(tree_name + '.tree'):
filename = tree_name + '.tree'
filename = parse.search_tree(tree_name)
filename = Path(filename)
templates = {}
nspaces_level = []
sub_trees = {}
file_variables = {}
with open(str(filename), 'r') as f:
for full_line in f:
# ignore anything behind the first #-character
line = full_line.split('#')[0]
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
if line.strip()[:2] == '->':
nspaces = line.index('->')
if len(nspaces_level) == 0:
sub_dir = directory
elif nspaces > nspaces_level[-1]:
sub_dir = current_filename
elif nspaces < nspaces_level[-1]:
if nspaces not in nspaces_level:
raise ValueError('line %s dropped to a non-existent level' % line)
new_level = nspaces_level.index(nspaces)
current_filename = current_filename.parents[len(nspaces_level) - new_level - 1] / filename
nspaces_level = nspaces_level[:new_level + 1]
sub_dir = current_filename.parents[0]
sub_dir = current_filename.parents[0]
_, sub_tree, short_name = parse.read_subtree_line(line, sub_dir)
if short_name in sub_trees:
raise ValueError("Name of sub_tree {short_name} used multiple times in {tree_name}.tree".format(**locals()))
sub_trees[short_name] = sub_tree
elif '=' in line:
key, value = line.split('=')
if len(key.split()) != 1:
raise ValueError("Variable assignment could not be parsed: {line}".format(**locals()))
file_variables[key.strip()] = value.strip()
nspaces, filename, short_name = parse.read_line(line)
if short_name in templates:
raise ValueError("Name of directory/file {short_name} used multiple times in {tree_name}.tree".format(**locals()))
if len(nspaces_level) == 0:
current_filename = PurePath(directory) / filename
elif nspaces > nspaces_level[-1]:
# increase the level
current_filename = current_filename / filename
elif nspaces < nspaces_level[-1]:
# decreased the level
if nspaces not in nspaces_level:
raise ValueError('line %s dropped to a non-existent level' % full_line)
new_level = nspaces_level.index(nspaces)
current_filename = current_filename.parents[len(nspaces_level) - new_level - 1] / filename
nspaces_level = nspaces_level[:new_level + 1]
current_filename = current_filename.parents[0] / filename
templates[short_name] = str(current_filename)
res = get_registered(tree_name, cls)(templates, variables=file_variables, sub_trees=sub_trees)
for tree in sub_trees.values():
tree._parent = res
return res
_registered_subtypes = {}
def register_tree(name: str, tree_subtype: type):
Registers a tree_subtype under name
Loading a tree with given name will lead to the `tree_subtype` rather than FileTree to be returned
:param name: name of tree filename
:param tree_subtype: tree subtype
global _registered_subtypes
if not issubclass(tree_subtype, FileTree):
raise ValueError("Only sub-classes of FileTree can be registered")
_registered_subtypes[name] = tree_subtype
def get_registered(name, default=FileTree) -> type:
Get the previously registered subtype for ``name``
:param name: name of the sub-tree
:param default: type to return if the name has not been registered
:return: FileTree or sub-type thereof
if name in _registered_subtypes:
return _registered_subtypes[name]
name = op.split(name)[1]
if name in _registered_subtypes:
return _registered_subtypes[name]
while name.endswith('.tree'):
name = name[:-5]
if name in _registered_subtypes:
return _registered_subtypes[name]
return default