Something went wrong on our end
Forked from
FSL / fslpy
963 commits behind the upstream repository.
Michiel Cottaar authored
There were some subtle bugs in the use of get_all, which should now be fixed. They were caused by having multiple optional variables and the result not being deterministic if these were iterated in different orders.
Michiel Cottaar authoredThere were some subtle bugs in the use of get_all, which should now be fixed. They were caused by having multiple optional variables and the result not being deterministic if these were iterated in different orders. 13.73 KiB
import re
import itertools
import glob
from typing import List, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Dict, Iterator
class Part:
Individual part of a template
3 subclasses are defined:
- :class:`Literal`: piece of text
- :class:`Required`: required variable to fill in (between curly brackets)
- :class:`Optional`: part of text containing optional variables (between square brackets)
def fill_known(self, variables) -> Sequence["Part"]:
Fills in the given variables
return [self]
def optional_variables(self, ) -> Set["Part"]:
Returns all variables in optional parts
return set()
def required_variables(self, ) -> Set["Part"]:
Returns all required variables
return set()
def contains_optionals(self, variables: Set["Part"]=None):
Returns True if this part contains the optional variables
return False
def append_variables(self, variables: List[str]):
Appends the variables in this part to the provided list in order
class Literal(Part):
def __init__(self, text: str):
Literal part is defined purely by the text it contains
:param text: part of the template
self.text = text
def __str__(self):
Returns this part of the template as a string
return self.text
class Required(Part):
def __init__(self, var_name, var_formatting=None):
Required part of template (between curly brackets)
Required variable part of template is defined by variable name and its format
:param var_name: name of variable
:param var_formatting: how to format the variable
self.var_name = var_name
self.var_formatting = var_formatting
def __str__(self):
Returns this part of the template as a string
if self.var_formatting is None:
return '{' + self.var_name + '}'
return '{' + self.var_name + ':' + self.var_formatting + '}'
def fill_known(self, variables):
if self.var_name in variables:
return Template.parse(str(self).format(**variables)).parts
return [self]
def required_variables(self, ):
return {self.var_name}
def append_variables(self, variables):
class Optional(Part):
def __init__(self, sub_template: "Template"):
Optional part of template (between square brackets)
Optional part can contain literal and required parts
:param sub_template: part of the template within square brackets
self.sub_template = sub_template
def __str__(self):
return '[' + str(self.sub_template) + ']'
def fill_known(self, variables):
new_opt = self.sub_template.fill_known(variables)
if len(new_opt.required_variables()) == 0:
return Template.parse(str(new_opt)).parts
return [Optional(new_opt)]
def optional_variables(self, ):
return self.sub_template.required_variables()
def contains_optionals(self, variables=None):
if variables is None and len(self.optional_variables()) > 0:
return True
return len(self.optional_variables().intersection(variables)) > 0
def append_variables(self, variables):
class Template:
Splits a template into its constituent parts
def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[Part]): = tuple(parts)
def parse(cls, text: str) -> "Template":
Parses a text template into its constituent parts
:param text: input template as string
:return: same template split into its parts
parts = []
for optional_parts in re.split(r'(\[.*?\])', text):
if len(optional_parts) > 0 and optional_parts[0] == '[' and optional_parts[-1] == ']':
if '[' in optional_parts[1:-1] or ']' in optional_parts[1:-1]:
raise ValueError(f'Can not parse {text}, because unmatching square brackets were found')
for required_parts in re.split(r'(\{.*?\})', optional_parts):
if len(required_parts) > 0 and required_parts[0] == '{' and required_parts[-1] == '}':
if ':' in required_parts:
var_name, var_type = required_parts[1:-1].split(':')
var_name, var_type = required_parts[1:-1], ''
parts.append(Required(var_name, var_type))
return Template(parts)
def __str__(self):
Returns the template as a string
return ''.join([str(p) for p in])
def optional_variables(self, ) -> Set[str]:
Set of optional variables
if len( == 0:
return set()
optionals = set.union(*[p.optional_variables() for p in])
return optionals.difference(self.required_variables())
def required_variables(self, ) -> Set[str]:
Set of required variables
if len( == 0:
return set()
return set.union(*[p.required_variables() for p in])
def ordered_variables(self, ) -> Tuple[str]:
Sequence of all variables in order (can contain duplicates)
ordered_vars = []
for p in
return ordered_vars
def fill_known(self, variables) -> "Template":
Fill in the known variables
Any optional parts, where all variables have been filled will be automatically replaced
prev = ''
while str(self) != prev:
prev = str(self)
self = self._fill_known_single(variables)
return self
def _fill_known_single(self, variables):
Helper method for :meth:`_fill_known`
res = []
for p in
return Template(res)
def remove_optionals(self, optionals=None) -> "Template":
Removes any optionals containing the provided variables (default: remove all)
return Template([p for p in if not p.contains_optionals(optionals)])
def resolve(self, variables) -> str:
Resolves the template given a set of variables
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values
:return: cleaned string
clean_template = self.fill_known(variables).remove_optionals()
if len(clean_template.required_variables()) > 0:
raise KeyError("Variables %s not defined" % clean_template.required_variables())
return str(clean_template)
def get_all(self, variables, glob_vars=()) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str]]:
Gets all variables for files on disk matching the templates
:param variables: (incomplete) mapping of variable names to values
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
filled = self.fill_known(variables)
if glob_vars == 'all':
glob_vars = set.union(self.required_variables(), self.optional_variables())
if len(filled.required_variables().difference(glob_vars)) > 0:
raise KeyError("Required variables {} were not defined".format(
cleaned = filled.remove_optionals(filled.optional_variables().difference(glob_vars))
return cleaned._get_all_helper(glob_vars)
def _get_all_helper(self, glob_vars):
params = set()
optionals = self.optional_variables()
for to_fill in self.optional_subsets():
pattern = str(to_fill.fill_known({var: '*' for var in glob_vars}))
while '//' in pattern:
pattern = pattern.replace('//', '/')
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(pattern)):
extracted_vars = to_fill.extract_variables(filename)
for name in optionals:
if name not in extracted_vars:
extracted_vars[name] = None
params.add(tuple(sorted(extracted_vars.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])))
except ValueError:
return tuple([dict(p) for p in params])
def optional_subsets(self, ) -> Iterator["Template"]:
Yields template sub-sets with every combination optional variables
optionals = self.optional_variables()
for n_optional in range(len(optionals) + 1):
for exclude_optional in itertools.combinations(optionals, n_optional):
yield self.remove_optionals(exclude_optional)
def extract_variables(self, filename, known_vars=None):
Extracts the variable values from the filename
:param filename: filename
:param known_vars: already known variables
:return: dictionary from variable names to string representations (unused variables set to None)
if known_vars is not None:
template = self.fill_known(known_vars)
template = self
while '//' in filename:
filename = filename.replace('//', '/')
required = template.required_variables()
optional = template.optional_variables()
results = []
for to_fill in template.optional_subsets():
sub_re = str(to_fill.fill_known(
{var: r'(\S+)' for var in required.union(optional)},
while '//' in sub_re:
sub_re = sub_re.replace('//', '/')
sub_re = sub_re.replace('.', r'\.')
match = re.match(sub_re, filename)
if match is None:
extracted_value = {}
ordered_vars = to_fill.ordered_variables()
assert len(ordered_vars) == len(match.groups())
failed = False
for var, value in zip(ordered_vars, match.groups()):
if var in extracted_value:
if value != extracted_value[var]:
failed = True
extracted_value[var] = value
if failed or any('/' in value for value in extracted_value.values()):
for name in template.optional_variables():
if name not in extracted_value:
extracted_value[name] = None
if known_vars is not None:
if len(results) == 0:
raise ValueError("{} did not match {}".format(filename, template))
def score(variables):
The highest score is given to the set of variables that:
1. has used the largest amount of optional variables
2. has the shortest text within the variables (only used if equal at 1
number_used = len([v for v in variables.values() if v is not None])
length_hint = sum([len(v) for v in variables.values() if v is not None])
return number_used * 1000 - length_hint
best = max(results, key=score)
for var in results:
if best != var and score(best) == score(var):
raise KeyError("Multiple equivalent ways found to parse {} using {}".format(filename, template))
return best
def resolve(template, variables):
Resolves the template given a set of variables
:param template: template
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values
:return: cleaned string
return Template.parse(template).resolve(variables)
def get_all(template, variables, glob_vars=()):
Gets all variables matching the templates given the variables
:param template: template
:param variables: (incomplete) mapping of variable names to values
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
If `glob_vars` contains any defined variables, it will be ignored.
:return: sequence of variables
return Template.parse(template).get_all(variables, glob_vars)
def find_variables(template):
Finds all the variables in the template
:param template: full template
:return: sequence of variables
return Template.parse(template).ordered_variables()
def optional_variables(template):
Finds the variables that can be skipped
:param template: full template
:return: set of variables that are only present in optional parts of the string
return Template.parse(template).optional_variables()
def extract_variables(template, filename, known_vars=None):
Extracts the variable values from the filename
:param template: template matching the given filename
:param filename: filename
:param known_vars: already known variables
:return: dictionary from variable names to string representations (unused variables set to None)
return Template.parse(template).extract_variables(filename, known_vars)