Something went wrong on our end
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FSL / fslpy
1641 commits behind the upstream repository.
Paul McCarthy authoredPaul McCarthy authored 21.63 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
import os.path as op
import os
import shlex
import textwrap
try: from unittest import mock
except ImportError: import mock
import six
import pytest
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import fsl.utils.tempdir as tempdir
import as run
import fsl.utils.fslsub as fslsub
import as fslimage
import fsl.wrappers.wrapperutils as wutils
from . import mockFSLDIR, cleardir, checkdir, testdir
from .test_run import mock_submit
def test_applyArgStyle():
kwargs = {
'name' : 'val',
'name2' : ['val1', 'val2'],
# these combinations of style+valsep should
# raise an error
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wutils.applyArgStyle(style='-=', valsep=' ', **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wutils.applyArgStyle(style='--=', valsep=' ', **kwargs)
# unsupported style/valsep
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wutils.applyArgStyle('?', **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wutils.applyArgStyle('-', valsep='b', **kwargs)
# style, valsep, expected_result.
# Order of arguments is not guaranteed
tests = [
('-', ' ', [' -name val', '-name2 val1 val2']),
('-', '"', [' -name val', '-name2 "val1 val2"']),
('-', ',', [' -name val', '-name2 val1,val2']),
('--', ' ', ['--name val', '--name2 val1 val2']),
('--', '"', ['--name val', '--name2 "val1 val2"']),
('--', ',', ['--name val', '--name2 val1,val2']),
('-=', '"', [' -name=val', '-name2="val1 val2"']),
('-=', ',', [' -name=val', '-name2=val1,val2']),
('--=', '"', ['--name=val', '--name2="val1 val2"']),
('--=', ',', ['--name=val', '--name2=val1,val2']),
for style, valsep, exp in tests:
exp = [shlex.split(e) for e in exp]
result = wutils.applyArgStyle(style, valsep=valsep, **kwargs)
assert result in (exp[0] + exp[1], exp[1] + exp[0])
def test_applyArgStyle_argmap():
kwargs = {
'name1' : 'val1',
'name2' : 'val2',
argmap = {
'name1' : 'n',
'name2' : 'm',
# order not guaranteed
exp = [shlex.split('-n val1 -m val2'),
shlex.split('-m val2 -n val1')]
assert wutils.applyArgStyle('-', argmap=argmap, **kwargs) in exp
def test_applyArgStyle_valmap():
valmap = {
'a' : wutils.SHOW_IF_TRUE,
'b' : wutils.HIDE_IF_TRUE,
# kwargs, expected
tests = [
({ }, ['']),
({ 'a' : False, }, ['']),
({ 'a' : True, }, ['-a']),
({ 'b' : False }, ['-b']),
({ 'b' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a' : False, 'b' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a' : True, 'b' : True }, ['-a']),
({ 'a' : False, 'b' : False }, ['-b']),
({ 'a' : False, 'b' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a' : True, 'b' : False }, ['-a -b', '-b -a']),
({ 'a' : True, 'b' : True }, ['-a']),
for kwargs, expected in tests:
expected = [shlex.split(e) for e in expected]
assert wutils.applyArgStyle('-', valmap=valmap, **kwargs) in expected
def test_applyArgStyle_argmap_valmap():
argmap = {'a1' : 'a', 'a2' : 'b'}
valmap = {
'a' : wutils.SHOW_IF_TRUE,
'b' : wutils.HIDE_IF_TRUE,
# kwargs, expected
tests = [
({ }, ['']),
({ 'a1' : False, }, ['']),
({ 'a1' : True, }, ['-a']),
({ 'a2' : False }, ['-b']),
({ 'a2' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a1' : True, 'a2' : True }, ['-a']),
({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : False }, ['-b']),
({ 'a1' : False, 'a2' : True }, ['']),
({ 'a1' : True, 'a2' : False }, ['-a -b', '-b -a']),
({ 'a1' : True, 'a2' : True }, ['-a']),
for kwargs, expected in tests:
expected = [shlex.split(e) for e in expected]
assert wutils.applyArgStyle(
'-', argmap=argmap, valmap=valmap, **kwargs) in expected
def test_namedPositionals():
def func1(): pass
def func2(a, b, c): pass
def func3(a, b, c, d=None, e=None): pass
def func4(*args): pass
def func5(*args, **kwargs): pass
def func6(a, b, *args): pass
def func7(a, b, *args, **kwargs): pass
tests = [
(func1, [], []),
(func2, [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']),
(func3, [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']),
(func4, [1, 2, 3], ['args0', 'args1', 'args2']),
(func5, [1, 2, 3], ['args0', 'args1', 'args2']),
(func6, [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'args0']),
(func7, [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'args0']),
for func, args, expected in tests:
result = wutils.namedPositionals(func, args)
assert list(result) == list(expected)
def test_fileOrArray():
@wutils.fileOrArray('arr1', 'other', 'output')
def func(arr1, **kwargs):
arr1 = np.loadtxt(arr1)
other = np.loadtxt(kwargs['other'])
np.savetxt(kwargs['output'], (arr1 * other))
with tempdir.tempdir():
arr1 = np.array([[1, 2], [ 3, 4]])
other = np.array([[5, 6], [ 7, 8]])
expected = np.array([[5, 12], [21, 32]])
np.savetxt('arr1.txt', arr1)
np.savetxt('other.txt', other)
# file file file
func('arr1.txt', other='other.txt', output='output.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('output.txt') == expected)
# file file array
result = func('arr1.txt', other='other.txt', output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result == expected)
# file array file
func('arr1.txt', other=other, output='output.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('output.txt') == expected)
# file array array
result = func('arr1.txt', other=other, output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result == expected)
# array file file
func(arr1, other='other.txt', output='output.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('output.txt') == expected)
# array file array
result = func(arr1, other='other.txt', output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result == expected)
# array array file
func(arr1, other=other, output='output.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('output.txt') == expected)
# array array array
result = func(arr1, other=other, output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result == expected)
def test_fileOrImage():
@wutils.fileOrImage('img1', 'img2', 'output')
def func(img1, **kwargs):
img1 = nib.load(img1).get_data()
img2 = nib.load(kwargs['img2']).get_data()
output = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img1 * img2, np.eye(4)), kwargs['output'])
with tempdir.tempdir():
img1 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [ 3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
img2 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[5, 6], [ 7, 8]]), np.eye(4))
img3 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [ 3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
expected = np.array([[5, 12], [21, 32]]), 'img1.nii'), 'img2.nii')
# file file file
func('img1.nii', img2='img2.nii', output='output.nii')
assert np.all(nib.load('output.nii').get_data() == expected)
# file file array
result = func('img1.nii', img2='img2.nii', output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result.get_data() == expected)
# file array file
func('img1.nii', img2=img2, output='output.nii')
assert np.all(nib.load('output.nii').get_data() == expected)
# file array array
result = func('img1.nii', img2=img2, output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result.get_data() == expected)
# array file file
func(img1, img2='img2.nii', output='output.nii')
assert np.all(nib.load('output.nii').get_data() == expected)
# array file array
result = func(img1, img2='img2.nii', output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result.get_data() == expected)
# array array file
func(img1, img2=img2, output='output.nii')
assert np.all(nib.load('output.nii').get_data() == expected)
# array array array
result = func(img1, img2=img2, output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert np.all(result.get_data() == expected)
# in-memory image, file, file
result = func(img3, img2='img2.nii', output='output.nii')
assert np.all(nib.load('output.nii').get_data() == expected)
# fslimage, file, load
result = func(fslimage.Image(img1), img2='img2.nii',
assert isinstance(result, fslimage.Image)
assert np.all(result[:].squeeze() == expected)
# fslimage, fslimage, load
result = func(fslimage.Image(img1), img2=fslimage.Image(img2),
assert isinstance(result, fslimage.Image)
assert np.all(result[:].squeeze() == expected)
# fslimage, nib.image, load
result = func(fslimage.Image(img1), img2=img2,
assert isinstance(result, fslimage.Image)
assert np.all(result[:].squeeze() == expected)
# nib.image, nib.image, load
result = func(img1, img2=img2, output=wutils.LOAD)['output']
assert isinstance(result, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image)
assert np.all(result.get_data()[:] == expected)
def test_fileOrThing_sequence():
@wutils.fileOrArray('arrs', 'out')
def func(arrs, out):
if isinstance(arrs, six.string_types):
arrs = [arrs]
arrs = [np.loadtxt(a) for a in arrs]
res = np.sum(arrs, axis=0)
np.savetxt(out, res)
inputs = [np.random.randint(1, 10, (3, 3)) for i in range(4)]
infiles = ['input{}.txt'.format(i) for i in range(len(inputs))]
exp = np.sum(inputs, axis=0)
with tempdir.tempdir():
for ifile, idata in zip(infiles, inputs):
np.savetxt(ifile, idata)
func(inputs, 'result.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('result.txt') == exp)
assert np.all(func(inputs, wutils.LOAD)['out'] == exp)
func(inputs[0], 'result.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('result.txt') == inputs[0])
assert np.all(func(inputs[0], wutils.LOAD)['out'] == inputs[0])
func(infiles, 'result.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('result.txt') == exp)
assert np.all(func(infiles, wutils.LOAD)['out'] == exp)
func(infiles[0], 'result.txt')
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('result.txt') == inputs[0])
assert np.all(func(infiles[0], wutils.LOAD)['out'] == inputs[0])
def test_fileOrThing_outprefix():
@wutils.fileOrImage('img', outprefix='output_base')
def basefunc(img, output_base):
img = nib.load(img).get_data()
out1 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img * 5, np.eye(4))
out2 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img * 10, np.eye(4)), '{}_times5.nii.gz' .format(output_base)), '{}_times10.nii.gz'.format(output_base))
with tempdir.tempdir() as td:
img = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
exp1 = img.get_data() * 5
exp2 = img.get_data() * 10, 'img.nii')
basefunc('img.nii', 'myout')
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_times5.nii.gz') .get_data() == exp1)
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_times10.nii.gz').get_data() == exp2)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
basefunc(img, 'myout')
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_times5.nii.gz') .get_data() == exp1)
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_times10.nii.gz').get_data() == exp2)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = basefunc(img, 'myout', myout_times5=wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(res['myout_times5'].get_data() == exp1)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = basefunc(img, 'myout', myout_times10=wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(res['myout_times10'].get_data() == exp2)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = basefunc(img, 'myout', myout=wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(res['myout_times5'] .get_data() == exp1)
assert np.all(res['myout_times10'].get_data() == exp2)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
def test_fileOrThing_outprefix_differentTypes():
@wutils.fileOrImage('img', outprefix='outpref')
def func(img, outpref):
img = nib.load(img)
img = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
text = '1234567890', '{}_image.nii.gz' .format(outpref))
with open('{}_text.txt'.format(outpref), 'wt') as f:
with tempdir.tempdir() as td:
img = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
expi = img.get_data() * 2
expt = '1234567890'
func(img, 'myout')
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_image.nii.gz') .get_data() == expi)
with open('myout_text.txt', 'rt') as f:
assert == expt
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = func(img, 'myout', myout_image=wutils.LOAD)
assert list(res.keys()) == ['myout_image']
assert np.all(res['myout_image'].get_data() == expi)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = func(img, 'myout', myout=wutils.LOAD)
assert list(res.keys()) == ['myout_image']
assert np.all(res['myout_image'].get_data() == expi)
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = func(img, 'myout', myout_text=wutils.LOAD)
assert list(res.keys()) == []
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
def test_fileOrThing_outprefix_directory():
import logging
@wutils.fileOrImage('img', outprefix='outpref')
def func(img, outpref):
img = nib.load(img)
img2 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
img4 = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(img.get_data() * 4, np.eye(4))
outdir = op.abspath('{}_imgs'.format(outpref))
os.mkdir(outdir), op.join(outdir, 'img2.nii.gz')), op.join(outdir, 'img4.nii.gz'))
with tempdir.tempdir() as td:
img = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
exp2 = img.get_data() * 2
exp4 = img.get_data() * 4
res = func(img, 'myout')
assert len(res) == 0
op.join('myout_imgs', 'img2.nii.gz'),
op.join('myout_imgs', 'img4.nii.gz'))
cleardir(td, 'myout*')
res = func(img, 'myout', myout_imgs=wutils.LOAD)
assert len(res) == 2
assert np.all(res[op.join('myout_imgs', 'img2')].get_data() == exp2)
assert np.all(res[op.join('myout_imgs', 'img4')].get_data() == exp4)
res = func(img, 'myout', **{op.join('myout_imgs', 'img2') : wutils.LOAD})
assert len(res) == 1
assert np.all(res[op.join('myout_imgs', 'img2')].get_data() == exp2)
res = func(img, 'myout', **{op.join('myout_imgs', 'img') : wutils.LOAD})
assert len(res) == 2
assert np.all(res[op.join('myout_imgs', 'img2')].get_data() == exp2)
assert np.all(res[op.join('myout_imgs', 'img4')].get_data() == exp4)
res = func(img, op.join('foo', 'myout'))
assert len(res) == 0
op.join('foo', 'myout_imgs', 'img2.nii.gz'),
op.join('foo', 'myout_imgs', 'img4.nii.gz'))
cleardir(td, 'foo')
res = func(img, op.join('foo', 'myout'), **{op.join('foo', 'myout') : wutils.LOAD})
assert len(res) == 2
assert np.all(res[op.join('foo', 'myout_imgs', 'img2')].get_data() == exp2)
assert np.all(res[op.join('foo', 'myout_imgs', 'img4')].get_data() == exp4)
def test_chained_fileOrImageAndArray():
@wutils.fileOrImage('image', 'outimage')
@wutils.fileOrArray('array', 'outarray')
def func(image, array, outimage, outarray):
image = nib.load(image)
array = np.loadtxt(array)
outimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(image.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
np.savetxt(outarray, array * 2)
image = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [ 3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
array = np.array([[5, 6, 7, 8]])
expimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(image.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
exparr = array * 2
with tempdir.tempdir():, 'image.nii')
np.savetxt('array.txt', array)
func('image.nii', 'array.txt', 'outimg.nii', 'outarr.txt')
assert np.all(nib.load('outimg.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('outarr.txt') == exparr)
func('image.nii', array, 'outimg.nii', 'outarr.txt')
assert np.all(nib.load('outimg.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('outarr.txt') == exparr)
func( image, 'array.txt', 'outimg.nii', 'outarr.txt')
assert np.all(nib.load('outimg.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('outarr.txt') == exparr)
func( image, array, 'outimg.nii', 'outarr.txt')
assert np.all(nib.load('outimg.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('outarr.txt') == exparr)
res = func(image, array, wutils.LOAD, 'outarr.txt')
assert np.all(res['outimage'].get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('outarr.txt') == exparr)
res = func(image, array, 'outimg.nii', wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(nib.load('outimg.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(res['outarray'] == exparr)
res = func(image, array, wutils.LOAD, wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(res['outimage'].get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(res['outarray'] == exparr)
def test_fileOrThing_chained_outprefix():
import logging
@wutils.fileOrImage('image', 'outimage', outprefix='out')
@wutils.fileOrArray('array', 'outarray', outprefix='out')
def func(image, array, out, **kwa):
image = nib.load(image)
array = np.loadtxt(array)
outimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(image.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
outarr = array * 2
np.savetxt('{}_array.txt'.format(out), outarr)
image = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(np.array([[1, 2], [ 3, 4]]), np.eye(4))
array = np.array([[5, 6, 7, 8]])
expimg = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(image.get_data() * 2, np.eye(4))
exparr = array * 2
with tempdir.tempdir():
func(image, array, 'myout')
assert np.all(nib.load('myout_image.nii').get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(np.loadtxt('myout_array.txt') == exparr)
res = func(image, array, wutils.LOAD)
assert np.all(res['out_image'].get_data() == expimg.get_data())
assert np.all(res['out_array'] == exparr)
def test_cmdwrapper():
def func(a, b):
return ['func', str(a), str(b)]
with run.dryrun():
assert func(1, 2)[0] == 'func 1 2'
def test_fslwrapper():
def func(a, b):
return ['func', str(a), str(b)]
with run.dryrun(), mockFSLDIR() as fsldir:
expected = '{} 1 2'.format(op.join(fsldir, 'bin', 'func'))
assert func(1, 2)[0] == expected
_test_script = textwrap.dedent("""
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "test_script running: $1 $2"
exit 0
def _test_script_func(a, b):
return ['test_script', str(a), str(b)]
def test_cmdwrapper_submit():
test_func = wutils.cmdwrapper(_test_script_func)
newpath = op.pathsep.join(('.', os.environ['PATH']))
with tempdir.tempdir(), \
mock.patch('fsl.utils.fslsub.submit', mock_submit), \
mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'PATH' : newpath}):
with open('test_script', 'wt') as f:
os.chmod('test_script', 0o755)
jid = test_func(1, 2, submit=True)
assert jid == ('12345',)
stdout, stderr = fslsub.output('12345')
assert stdout.strip() == 'test_script running: 1 2'
assert stderr.strip() == ''
def test_fslwrapper_submit():
test_func = wutils.fslwrapper(_test_script_func)
with mockFSLDIR() as fsldir, \
mock.patch('fsl.utils.fslsub.submit', mock_submit):
test_file = op.join(fsldir, 'bin', 'test_script')
with open(test_file, 'wt') as f:
os.chmod(test_file, 0o755)
jid = test_func(1, 2, submit=True)
assert jid == ('12345',)
stdout, stderr = fslsub.output('12345')
assert stdout.strip() == 'test_script running: 1 2'
assert stderr.strip() == ''
kwargs = {'name' : 'abcde', 'ram' : '4GB'}
jid = test_func(1, 2, submit=kwargs)
assert jid == ('12345',)
stdout, stderr = fslsub.output('12345')
experr = '\n'.join(['{}: {}'.format(k, kwargs[k])
for k in sorted(kwargs.keys())])
assert stdout.strip() == 'test_script running: 1 2'
assert stderr.strip() == experr