Something went wrong on our end
Forked from
FSL / fslpy
821 commits behind the upstream repository.
Paul McCarthy authoredPaul McCarthy authored 14.18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Functions for running shell commands
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
# Author: Michiel Cottaar <>
"""This module provides some functions for running shell commands.
.. note:: The functions in this module are only known to work in Unix-like
.. autosummary::
import sys
import shlex
import logging
import threading
import contextlib
import as abc
import subprocess as sp
import os.path as op
import os
import six
from fsl.utils.platform import platform as fslplatform
import fsl.utils.fslsub as fslsub
import fsl.utils.tempdir as tempdir
import fsl.utils.path as fslpath
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DRY_RUN = False
"""If ``True``, the :func:`run` function will only log commands, but will not
execute them.
"""Global override for the FSL executable location used by :func:`runfsl`. """
class FSLNotPresent(Exception):
"""Error raised by the :func:`runfsl` function when ``$FSLDIR`` cannot
be found.
def dryrun(*args):
"""Context manager which causes all calls to :func:`run` to be logged but
not executed. See the :data:`DRY_RUN` flag.
The returned standard output will be equal to ``' '.join(args)``.
global DRY_RUN
oldval = DRY_RUN
DRY_RUN = True
DRY_RUN = oldval
def prepareArgs(args):
"""Used by the :func:`run` function. Ensures that the given arguments is a
list of strings.
if len(args) == 1:
# Argument was a command string
if isinstance(args[0], six.string_types):
args = shlex.split(args[0])
# Argument was an unpacked sequence
args = args[0]
return list(args)
real_stdout = sys.stdout
def _forwardStream(in_, *outs):
"""Creates and starts a daemon thread which forwards the given input stream
to one or more output streams. Used by the :func:`run` function to redirect
a command's standard output/error streams to more than one destination.
It is necessary to read the process stdout/ stderr on separate threads to
avoid deadlocks.
:arg in_: Input stream
:arg outs: Output stream(s)
:returns: The thread that has been started.
# not all file-likes have a mode attribute -
# if not present, assume a string stream
omodes = [getattr(o, 'mode', 'w') for o in outs]
def realForward():
for line in iter(in_.readline, b''):
for i, o in enumerate(outs):
if 'b' in omodes[i]: o.write(line)
else: o.write(line.decode('utf-8'))
t = threading.Thread(target=realForward)
t.daemon = True
return t
def run(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call a command and return its output. You can pass the command and
arguments as a single string, or as a regular or unpacked sequence.
The command can be run on a cluster by using the ``submit`` keyword
An exception is raised if the command returns a non-zero exit code, unless
the ``exitcode`` option is set to ``True``.
:arg stdout: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``True``.
If ``True``, standard output is captured and returned.
Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
:arg stderr: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
If ``True``, standard error is captured and returned.
Ignored if ``submit`` is specified.
:arg exitcode: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``False``.
If ``True``, and the command's return code is non-0, an
exception is not raised. Ignored if ``submit`` is
:arg submit: Must be passed as a keyword argument. Defaults to ``None``.
If ``True``, the command is submitted as a cluster job via
the :func:`.fslsub.submit` function. May also be a
dictionary containing arguments to that function.
:arg log: Must be passed as a keyword argument. An optional ``dict``
which may be used to redirect the command's standard output
and error. The following keys are recognised:
- tee: If ``True``, the command's standard output/error
streams are forwarded to this processes streams.
- stdout: Optional file-like object to which the command's
standard output stream can be forwarded.
- stderr: Optional file-like object to which the command's
standard error stream can be forwarded.
- cmd: Optional file-like object to which the command
itself is logged.
All other keyword arguments are passed through to the ``subprocess.Popen``
object (via :func:`_realrun`), unless ``submit=True``, in which case they
are passed through to the :func:`.fslsub.submit` function.
:returns: If ``submit`` is provided, the return value of
:func:`.fslsub` is returned. Otherwise returns a single
value or a tuple, based on the based on the ``stdout``,
``stderr``, and ``exitcode`` arguments.
returnStdout = kwargs.pop('stdout', True)
returnStderr = kwargs.pop('stderr', False)
returnExitcode = kwargs.pop('exitcode', False)
submit = kwargs.pop('submit', {})
log = kwargs.pop('log', None)
args = prepareArgs(args)
if log is None:
log = {}
tee = log.get('tee', False)
logStdout = log.get('stdout', None)
logStderr = log.get('stderr', None)
logCmd = log.get('cmd', None)
if not bool(submit):
submit = None
if submit is not None:
returnStdout = False
returnStderr = False
returnExitcode = False
if submit is True:
submit = dict()
if submit is not None and not isinstance(submit, abc.Mapping):
raise ValueError('submit must be a mapping containing '
'options for fsl.utils.fslsub.submit')
return _dryrun(
submit, returnStdout, returnStderr, returnExitcode, *args)
# submit - delegate to fslsub
if submit is not None:
return fslsub.submit(' '.join(args), **submit, **kwargs)
# Run directly - delegate to _realrun
stdout, stderr, exitcode = _realrun(
tee, logStdout, logStderr, logCmd, *args, **kwargs)
if not returnExitcode and (exitcode != 0):
raise RuntimeError('{} returned non-zero exit code: {}'.format(
args[0], exitcode))
results = []
if returnStdout: results.append(stdout)
if returnStderr: results.append(stderr)
if returnExitcode: results.append(exitcode)
if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
else: return tuple(results)
def _dryrun(submit, returnStdout, returnStderr, returnExitcode, *args):
"""Used by the :func:`run` function when the :attr:`DRY_RUN` flag is
if submit:
return ('0',)
results = []
stderr = ''
stdout = ' '.join(args)
if returnStdout: results.append(stdout)
if returnStderr: results.append(stderr)
if returnExitcode: results.append(0)
if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
else: return tuple(results)
def _realrun(tee, logStdout, logStderr, logCmd, *args, **kwargs):
"""Used by :func:`run`. Runs the given command and manages its standard
output and error streams.
:arg tee: If ``True``, the command's standard output and error
streams are forwarded to this process' standard output/
:arg logStdout: Optional file-like object to which the command's standard
output stream can be forwarded.
:arg logStderr: Optional file-like object to which the command's standard
error stream can be forwarded.
:arg logCmd: Optional file-like object to which the command itself is
:arg args: Command to run
:arg kwargs: Passed through to the ``subprocess.Popen`` object.
:returns: A tuple containing:
- the command's standard output as a string.
- the command's standard error as a string.
- the command's exit code.
proc = sp.Popen(args, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, **kwargs)
with tempdir.tempdir(changeto=False) as td:
# We always direct the command's stdout/
# stderr to two temporary files
stdoutf = op.join(td, 'stdout')
stderrf = op.join(td, 'stderr')
with open(stdoutf, 'wb') as stdout, \
open(stderrf, 'wb') as stderr: # noqa
outstreams = [stdout]
errstreams = [stderr]
# if tee, we duplicate the command's
# stdout/stderr to this process'
# stdout/stderr
if tee:
# And we also duplicate to caller-
# provided streams if they're given.
if logStdout is not None: outstreams.append(logStdout)
if logStderr is not None: errstreams.append(logStderr)
# log the command if requested
if logCmd is not None:
cmd = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
if 'b' in getattr(logCmd, 'mode', 'w'):
stdoutt = _forwardStream(proc.stdout, *outstreams)
stderrt = _forwardStream(proc.stderr, *errstreams)
# Wait until the forwarding threads
# have finished cleanly, and the
# command has terminated.
# Read in the command's stdout/stderr
with open(stdoutf, 'rb') as f: stdout =
with open(stderrf, 'rb') as f: stderr =
exitcode = proc.returncode
stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8')
return stdout, stderr, exitcode
def runfsl(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call a FSL command and return its output.
This function searches for the command in the following
locations (ordered by priority):
2. ``$FSLDEVDIR/bin``
3. ``$FSLDIR/bin``
If found, the full path to the command is then passed to :func:`run`.
prefixes = []
if FSL_PREFIX is not None:
if fslplatform.fsldevdir is not None:
prefixes.append(op.join(fslplatform.fsldevdir, 'bin'))
if fslplatform.fsldir is not None:
prefixes.append(op.join(fslplatform.fsldir, 'bin'))
if not prefixes:
raise FSLNotPresent('$FSLDIR is not set - FSL cannot be found!')
args = prepareArgs(args)
for prefix in prefixes:
cmdpath = op.join(prefix, args[0])
if fslplatform.fslwsl:
wslargs = wslcmd(cmdpath, *args)
if wslargs is not None:
args = wslargs
elif op.isfile(cmdpath):
args[0] = cmdpath
# error if the command cannot
# be found in a FSL directory
raise FileNotFoundError('FSL tool {} not found (checked {})'.format(
args[0], ', '.join(prefixes)))
return run(*args, **kwargs)
def wslcmd(cmdpath, *args):
Convert a command + arguments into an equivalent set of arguments that will run the command
under Windows Subsystem for Linux
:param cmdpath: Fully qualified path to the command. This is essentially a WSL path not a Windows
one since FSLDIR is specified as a WSL path, however it may have backslashes
as path separators due to previous use of ``os.path.join``
:param args: Sequence of command arguments (the first of which is the unqualified command name)
:return: If ``cmdpath`` exists and is executable in WSL, return a sequence of command arguments
which when executed will run the command in WSL. Windows paths in the argument list will
be converted to WSL paths. If ``cmdpath`` was not executable in WSL, returns None
# Check if command exists in WSL (remembering that the command path may include FSLDIR which
# is a Windows path)
cmdpath = fslpath.wslpath(cmdpath)
retcode =["wsl", "test", "-x", cmdpath])
if retcode == 0:
# Form a new argument list and convert any Windows paths in it into WSL paths
wslargs = [fslpath.wslpath(arg) for arg in args]
wslargs[0] = cmdpath
local_fsldir = fslpath.wslpath(fslplatform.fsldir)
if fslplatform.fsldevdir:
local_fsldevdir = fslpath.wslpath(fslplatform.fsldevdir)
local_fsldevdir = None
# Prepend important environment variables - note that it seems we cannot
# use WSLENV for this due to its insistance on path mapping. FIXME FSLDEVDIR?
local_path = "$PATH"
if local_fsldevdir:
local_path += ":%s/bin" % local_fsldevdir
local_path += ":%s/bin" % local_fsldir
prepargs = [
"PATH=%s" % local_path,
"FSLDIR=%s" % local_fsldir,
if local_fsldevdir:
prepargs.append("FSLDEVDIR=%s" % local_fsldevdir)
return prepargs + wslargs
# Command was not found in WSL with this path
return None
def wait(job_ids):
"""Proxy for :func:`.fslsub.wait`. """
return fslsub.wait(job_ids)