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Forked from FSL / fslpy
1788 commits behind the upstream repository.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.rst 12.96 KiB

This document contains the fslpy release history in reverse chronological order.

1.7.2 (Monday March 19th 2018)


  • Added the :meth:`.MGHImage.voxToSurfMat` and related properties, giving access to the voxel-to-surface affine for an MGH image.

1.7.1 (Monday March 12th 2018)


  • Adjusted :func:`.parseVersionString` so it accepts .dev* suffixes.


  • Remobved deprecated use of :func:`.imagewrapper.canonicalShape`.

1.7.0 (Tuesday March 6th 2018)


  • The :mod:`fsl.utils.assertions` module contains a range of functions which can be used to assert that some condition is met.
  • The :mod:`fsl.utils.ensure` module contains a range of functions (currently just one) which can be used to ensure that some condiution is met.


  • The :mod:`.settings` module now saves its files in a format that is compatible with Python 2 and 3.
  • The :func:`.tempdir` function now accepts a root argument, which specifies the location in which the temporary directory should be created.
  • An image's data source can now be set via :meth:`.Image.__init__`.
  • :meth:`.MGHImage` objects now have a :meth:`` method.
  • Adjustments to the conda package build and deployment process.
  • The :func:`.ImageWrapper.canonicalShape` function has been moved to the :mod:`.image` class.
  • The :func:`.ImageWrapper.naninfrange` function has been moved into its own :mod:`.naninfrange` module.


  • Fixed a bug in the :class:`.MutexFactory` class.


  • :func:`.ImageWrapper.canonicalShape` (moved to the :mod:`.image` module)
  • :func:`.ImageWrapper.naninfrange` function (moved to the :mod:`.naninfrange` module)

1.6.8 (Monday February 12th 2018)

  • The atlasq, immv, imcp and imglob scripts suppress some warnings.

1.6.7 (Friday February 9th 2018)

  • More further adjustments to the conda package build.
  • Adjustments to pypi source distribution - the requirements-extra.txt file was not being included.

1.6.6 (Thursday February 8th 2018)

  • Further adjustments to the conda package build.

1.6.5 (Tuesday February 6th 2018)

  • Adjustments to the conda package build.

1.6.4 (Monday February 5th 2018)

  • The :mod:`.platform` module emits a warning if it cannot import wx.

1.6.3 (Friday February 2nd 2018)

  • Minor enhancements to the :class:`.WeakFunctionRef` class.
  • Some bugfixes to the :mod:`fsl.utils.imcp` module, with respect to handling relative path names, moving file groups (e.g. .img/.hdr pairs), and non-existent directories.

1.6.2 (Tuesday January 30th 2018)

  • Updates to the conda installation process.
  • A new script is installed when fslpy is installed via pip or conda - atlasquery, which emulates the FSL atlasquery tool.

1.6.1 (Monday January 29th 2018)

  • Removed lxml as a dependency - this was necessary in older versions of trimesh.

1.6.0 (Friday January 26th 2018)

  • The new :class:`.Mesh` class is now the base class for all mesh types. It has been written to allow multiple sets of vertices to be associated with a mesh object (to support e.g. white matter, inflated, spherical models for a GIFTI/freeusrfer mesh).
  • The new :class:`.VTKMesh` class must now be used for loading VTK model files, instead of the old :class:`.TriangleMesh` class.
  • The new :class:`.Mesh` class uses the trimesh library ( to perform various geometrical operations, accessible via new :meth:`.Mesh.rayIntersection`, :meth:`.Mesh.planeIntersection`, :meth:`.Mesh.nearestVertex` methods.
  • The :class:`.Nifti` and :class:`.Mesh` classes have new methods allowing arbitrary metadata to be stored with the image, as key-value pairs. These are provided by a new mixin class, :class:`.Meta`.
  • Freesurer surface files and vertex data can now be loaded via the :class:`.FreesurferMesh` class, in the new :mod:`.freesurfer` module.
  • Freesurfer mgz / mgh image files can now be loaded via the new :mod:`.mghimage` module. Internally, these image files are converted to NIFTI - the :class:`.MGHImage` class derives from the :class:`.Image` class.
  • Meta-data access methods on the :class:`.DicomImage` class have been deprecated, as their functionality is provided by the new :class:`.Meta` mixin.
  • The :class:`.TriangleMesh` class has been deprecated in favour of the new :class:`.Mesh` class.
  • Optional dependencies wxpython, indexed_gzip, trimesh, and rtree are now listed separately, so fslpy can be used without them (although relevant functionality will be disabled if they are not present).

1.5.4 (Wednesday January 10th 2018)

  • Actually included the fix that was supposed to be in version 1.5.3.

1.5.3 (Tuesday January 9th 2018)

  • Bug fix to :meth:`.ImageWrapper.__expandCoverage` - was not correctly handling large images with lots of nan values.

1.5.2 (Tuesday January 2nd 2018)

  • Fixed issue with file.

1.5.1 (Thursday December 14th 2017)

  • Fixed bug in :func:`.dicom.scanDir` function related to data series ordering.

1.5.0 (Wednesday December 13th 2017)

  • New module :mod:`.dicom`, which provides a thin wrapper on top of Chris Rorden's dcm2niix.
  • New module :mod:`.tempdir`, which has a convenience function for creating temporary directories.
  • Fixed small issue in :meth:`.Image.dtype` - making sure that it access image data via the :class:`.ImageWrapper`, rather than via the Nifti1Image object.

1.4.2 (Tuesday December 5th 2017)

  • New function :func:`.transform.rmsdev` function, which implements the RMS deviation equation for comparing two affine transformations (FMRIB Technical Report TR99MJ1, available at
  • Some small bugfixes to the :mod:`.atlasq` and :mod:`.atlases` moduless.

1.4.1 (Thursday November 9th 2017)

  • Fixed bug in

1.4.0 (Thursday November 9th 2017)

  • The :func:`.uniquePrefix` function now raises a :exc:`~.path.PathError` instead of a :exc:`.ValueError`, when an invalid path is provided.
  • The :mod:`fsl.utils.async` module is now deprecated, as async will become a reserved word in Python 3.7. It has been renamed to fsl.utils.idle, with no other API changes.
  • For image file pairs, the hdr extension now takes precedence over the img extension, when using the :func:`` (and related) functions.
  • The :func:`fsl.utils.path.addExt` function accepts a new parameter, unambiguous which causes it to allow an ambiguous prefix, and return all matching paths.
  • New :mod:`~fsl.scripts.atlasq` application, intended to replace the FSL atlasquery tool.
  • New :mod:`~fsl.scripts.imglob` application, intended to replace the FSL imglob tool.
  • The :meth:`.Image.resample` method explicitly raises a ValueError if incompatible shapes are provided.

1.3.1 (Wednesday October 25th 2017)