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Commit 6685fea3 authored by Paul McCarthy's avatar Paul McCarthy
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Removed FSLeyes references, removed all code from fsl/__init__, removed

log.memory .. all the __init__ stuff will make its way over to FSLeyes.
parent 95adcec4
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......@@ -5,65 +5,20 @@
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""The :mod:`fsl` package contains front ends to various FSL tools, including
*FSLeyes*, the Python based image viewer. The following top-level functions
are provided:
"""The :mod:`fsl` package is a library which contains convenience classes
and functions for use by FSL python tools. It is broadly split into two
.. autosummary::
The conventional way to run ``fslpy`` is as follows::
import fsl
# If no arguments are provided, the
# main() function will use sys.argv
# Or, you can pass in arguments
# programmatically
fsl.main(['fsleyes', 'MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz', '--cmap', 'hot'])
# You can ask for top level help
# Or you can ask for help on a specific tool
fsl.main(['help', 'render'])
.. note:: When the ``fsl`` package is imported, it configures a new
``logging`` level for tracking memory usage. The log level is
attached to the ``logging`` module as ``logging.MEMORY``, and
an associated log function is attached as ``logging.memory``.
.. note:: The ``fslpy`` version number (currently |version|) is set in a
single place - the :mod:`fsl.version` module.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import pkgutil
import warnings
import os
import sys
import time
import argparse
import importlib
import threading
import subprocess
import as tools
import fsl.utils.settings as fslsettings
import fsl.utils.platform as fslplatform
import fsl.version
......@@ -71,621 +26,3 @@ __version__ = fsl.version.__version__
"""The current ``fslpy`` version number. This information is stored in the
:mod:`fsl.version` module.
def main(args=None):
"""``fslpy`` entry point.
Parses command line arguments, loads the appropriate tool module, builds
and displays a GUI (if the tool has one), and/or executes the tool.
:arg args: Command line arguments. If not provided, ``sys.argv`` is used.
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
# Get a list of all available tools,
# and parse the top-level arguments
allTools = _getFSLToolNames()
fslTool, namespace, toolArgv = _parseTopLevelArgs(args, allTools)
# GUI or command-line tool?
if fslTool.interface is not None: _runGUITool(fslTool, namespace, toolArgv)
else: _runCLITool(fslTool, namespace, toolArgv)
def _runGUITool(fslTool, topLevelArgs, toolArgv):
"""Runs the given ``FSLTool``, which is assumed to be a GUI tool.
:arg fslTool: The ``FSLTool`` to run - see the :func:`_loadFSLTool`
:arg topLevelArgs: An ``argparse.Namespace`` object containing parsed
top-level arguments.
:arg toolArgv: Unparsed tool-specific command line arguments.
import wx
# Create the wx.App object befor fslTool.init,
# in case it does GUI stuff. Also create a dummy
# frame - if we don't create a dummy frame, the
# wx.MainLoop call below will just return
# immediately.
# The buildGUI function below will kill the dummy
# frame when it has created the real interface.
app = wx.App()
dummyFrame = wx.Frame(None)
# Call the tool's init
# function if there is one
if fslTool.init is not None: initVal = fslTool.init()
else: initVal = None
# We are going do all processing on the
# wx.MainLoop, so the GUI can be shown
# as soon as possible, and because it is
# difficult to force immediate GUI
# refreshes when not running on the main
# loop - this is important for, e.g.
# FSLEyes, which displays status updates
# to the user while it is loading overlays
# and setting up the interface.
# To make this work, this buildGUI
# function is called on a separate thread
# (so it is executed after wx.MainLoop
# has been called), but it schedules its
# work to be done on the wx.MainLoop.
def buildGUI():
def realBuild():
# Parse the tool-specific
# command line arguments
toolNamespace = _parseToolArgs(fslTool, toolArgv)
# Call the tool context function
if fslTool.context is not None:
ctx = fslTool.context(toolNamespace, initVal)
ctx = None
# Build the GUI
frame = _buildGUI(toolNamespace, fslTool, ctx)
# See comment about the
# dummy frame below
# Sleep a bit so the main thread (on
# which wx.MainLoop is running) can
# start.
if not topLevelArgs.skipfslcheck:
'FSLDIR' in os.environ)
def _runCLITool(fslTool, topLevelArgs, toolArgv):
"""Runs the given ``FSLTool``, which is assumed to be a command-line (i.e.
non-GUI) tool.
:arg fslTool: The ``FSLTool`` to run - see the :func:`_loadFSLTool`
:arg topLevelArgs: An ``argparse.Namespace`` object containing parsed
top-level arguments.
:arg toolArgv: Unparsed tool-specific command line arguments.
if fslTool.execute is None:
# Call the tool's init
# function if there is one
if fslTool.init is not None: initVal = fslTool.init()
else: initVal = None
# Parse the tool-specific
# command line arguments
namespace = _parseToolArgs(fslTool, toolArgv)
initVal = None
ctx = None
if fslTool.init is not None: initVal = fslTool.init()
if fslTool.context is not None: ctx = fslTool.context(namespace,
if not topLevelArgs.skipfslcheck:
_fslDirWarning(None, fslTool.toolName, 'FSLDIR' in os.environ)
fslTool.execute(namespace, ctx)
def runTool(toolName, args, **kwargs):
"""Runs the tool with the specified name, with the specified arguments,
in a separate process. Returns the process exit code.
:arg toolName: Name of the FSL tool to run.
:arg args: Arguments to pass to the FSL tool.
:arg kwargs: Passed through to the ```` function.
args = [toolName] + args
if log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
args = ['-vvv'] + args
# If we are running from a compiled fsleyes
# executable, we need to prepend command line
# arguments with 'cmd' - see the wrapper script
# created by:
# blob/master/
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
args = [sys.executable, 'cmd'] + args
# Otherwise we are running
# through a python interpreter
args = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import fsl; fsl.main()'] + args
log.debug('Executing {}'.format(' '.join(args)))
return, **kwargs)
def _getFSLToolNames():
"""Returns the name of every tool in the :mod:`` package. """
# Under linux/Pyinstaller 3.1, iter_modules
# doesn't seem to work, even if i include
# the source code in the frozen app directory.
# So i'm hard coding the names of the tool
# modules.
# A workaround would be to manually glob the
# fsl/tools/ directory which, if I continue
# to add the source code to the frozen app
# directory, should work for both frozen and
# unfrozen apps.
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
allTools = ['fsleyes', 'render']
allTools = [mod for _, mod, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(tools.__path__)]
return allTools
def _loadFSLTool(moduleName):
"""Inspects the given module to see if it looks like a valid FSL tool.
If it is not, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised. If it is, a container
object, a ``FSLTool`` is created and returned, containing all of the
elements of the tool.
The returned ``FSLTool`` instance contains the following attributes:
============== ========================================
``module`` The tool module.
``moduleName`` The tool module name.
``toolName`` The tool name.
``helpPage`` The tool help page URL.
``init`` An initialisation function.
``parseArgs`` A function to parse tool arguments.
``context`` A function to generate the tool context.
``interface`` A function to create the tool interface.
``execute`` A function to run the tool.
``actions`` A list of tool actions.
============== ========================================
See the :mod:`` documentation for more details.
module = importlib.import_module('{}'.format(moduleName))
# Each FSL tool module may specify several things
toolName = getattr(module, 'FSL_TOOLNAME', None)
helpPage = getattr(module, 'FSL_HELPPAGE', None)
init = getattr(module, 'FSL_INIT', None)
parseArgs = getattr(module, 'FSL_PARSEARGS', None)
context = getattr(module, 'FSL_CONTEXT', None)
interface = getattr(module, 'FSL_INTERFACE', None)
execute = getattr(module, 'FSL_EXECUTE', None)
actions = getattr(module, 'FSL_ACTIONS', [])
# But at the very least, must specify a name, and
# either a function which will create an interface,
# or a function which can be called to do some work
if not all((toolName, any((interface, execute)))):
raise TypeError('"{}" does not appear to be a valid FSL tool'.format(
# The tool must either provide an interface,
# or do some non-interactive work.
if interface and execute:
raise TypeError('"{}" does not appear to be a valid FSL tool'.format(
class FSLTool(object):
fsltool = FSLTool()
fsltool.module = module
fsltool.moduleName = moduleName
fsltool.toolName = toolName
fsltool.helpPage = helpPage
fsltool.init = init
fsltool.parseArgs = parseArgs
fsltool.context = context
fsltool.interface = interface
fsltool.execute = execute
fsltool.actions = actions
return fsltool
def _parseTopLevelArgs(argv, allTools):
"""Parses top-level command line arguments. This involves parsing arguments
which are shared across all tools. Also identifies the tool to be invoked
and configures logging verbosity. Returns a tuple containing the
- The ``FSLTool`` instance (see :func:`_loadFSLTool`).
- The :class:`argparse.Namespace` instance containing parsed arguments.
- All remaining unparsed command line arguments (to be passed to the
:func:`_parseToolArgs` function).
epilog = 'Type fslpy help <tool> for program-specific help. ' \
'Available programs:\n {}'.format('\n '.join(allTools))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Run a FSL program',
'-v', '--verbose', action='count',
help='Verbose output (can be used up to 3 times)')
'-V', '--version', action='store_true',
help='Print the current fslpy version and exit')
'-s', '--skipfslcheck', action='store_true',
help='Skip $FSLDIR check/warning')
'-n', '--noisy', metavar='MODULE', action='append',
help='Make the specified module noisy')
'-m', '--memory', action='store_true',
help='Output memory events (implied if -v is set)')
parser.add_argument('tool', help='FSL program to run', nargs='?')
# No arguments at all?
# I'm not a mind-reader
if len(argv) == 0:
# find the index of the first positional
# argument, i.e. the tool name
i = -1
while True:
i = i + 1
if i >= len(argv):
if argv[i].startswith('-'):
if i > 0 and argv[i - 1] in ('-n', '--noisy'):
firstPos = i
# Separate the top level arguments
# from the tool arguments, and parse
# the top level args
fslArgv = argv[:firstPos + 1]
toolArgv = argv[ firstPos + 1:]
namespace = parser.parse_args(fslArgv)
# Version number
if namespace.version:
print('fslpy version: {}'.format(__version__))
if namespace.noisy is None:
namespace.noisy = []
# if the specified tool is 'help', it should be followed by
# one more argument, the name of the tool to print help for.
# FSLeyes prints basic usage when passed '-h'/'--help';
# to get all options, we need to pass '-fh'/'--fullhelp'.
if namespace.tool in ('help', 'fullhelp'):
# no tool name supplied
if len(toolArgv) == 0:
# unknown tool name supplied
if toolArgv[0] not in allTools:
print('\nUnknown FSL tool: {}\n'.format(toolArgv[0]))
# Only fsleyes/render support full help
if namespace.tool == 'fullhelp' and \
toolArgv[0] not in ('fsleyes', 'render'):
print('\n{} does not support fullhelp\n'.format(toolArgv[0]))
fslTool = _loadFSLTool(toolArgv[0])
# no tool specific argument parser
if fslTool.parseArgs is None:
print('No help for {}'.format(toolArgv[0]))
# Otherwise, get help from the tool. We assume that
# all the argument parser for every tool will interpret
# '--help' (and fsleyes will interpret '--fullhelp'),
# and will print some help.
# Unknown tool name supplied
elif namespace.tool not in allTools:
print('\nUnknown FSL tool: {}\n'.format(namespace.tool))
# Configure any logging verbosity
# settings specified by the user
if namespace.verbose is None:
if namespace.memory:
class MemFilter(object):
def filter(self, record):
if in namespace.noisy: return 1
elif record.levelno == logging.MEMORY: return 1
else: return 0
log.memory('Added filter for MEMORY messages')
logging.getLogger('props') .setLevel(logging.WARNING)
if namespace.verbose == 1:
# make some noisy things quiet
logging.getLogger('') .setLevel(logging.MEMORY)
logging.getLogger('props') .setLevel(logging.WARNING)
logging.getLogger('pwidgets') .setLevel(logging.WARNING)
elif namespace.verbose == 2:
logging.getLogger('props') .setLevel(logging.WARNING)
elif namespace.verbose == 3:
logging.getLogger('props') .setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
for mod in namespace.noisy:
# The trace module monkey-patches some
# things if its logging level has been
# set to DEBUG, so we import it now so
# it can set itself up.
traceLogger = logging.getLogger('props.trace')
if traceLogger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
import props.trace
fslTool = _loadFSLTool(namespace.tool)
return fslTool, namespace, toolArgv
def _parseToolArgs(tool, argv):
"""Parses tool-specific command-line arguments. Returns the result of
calling the ``FSL_PARSEARGS`` attribute of the given tool, or ``None``
if the tool does not have the function.
:arg tool: The ``FSLTool`` to be invoked.
:arg argv: Command line arguments to be parsed.
if tool.parseArgs is not None: toolNamespace = tool.parseArgs(argv)
else: toolNamespace = None
return toolNamespace
def _fslDirWarning(parent, toolName, fslEnvActive):
"""If ``fslEnvActive`` is False, displays a warning that the ``$FSLDIR``
environment variable is not set. The warning is displayed either on
stdout, or via a GUI dialog (if ``wx`` is available).
:arg parent: A ``wx`` parent for the :class:`.FSLDirDialog`, if it
is displayed.
:arg toolName: Name of the tool that is being executed.
:arg fslEnvActive: Set to ``True`` if ``$FSLDIR`` is set, ``False``
if fslEnvActive: return
haveGui = False
import wx
if wx.GetApp() is not None:
haveGui = True
warnmsg = 'The FSLDIR environment variable is not set - '\
'{} may not behave correctly.'.format(toolName)
# Check fslpy settings before
# prompting the user
fsldir ='fsldir')
if fsldir is not None:
os.environ['FSLDIR'] = fsldir
fslplatform.platform.fsldir = fsldir
if haveGui:
import wx
from fsl.utils.dialog import FSLDirDialog
def warn():
dlg = FSLDirDialog(parent, toolName)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fsldir = dlg.GetFSLDir()
log.debug('Setting $FSLDIR to {} (specified '
'by user)'.format(fsldir))
fslplatform.platform.fsldir = fsldir
os.environ[ 'FSLDIR'] = fsldir
fslsettings.write( 'fsldir', fsldir)
wx.CallLater(500, warn)
def _buildGUI(args, fslTool, toolCtx):
"""Builds a :mod:`wx` GUI for the tool.
:arg fslTool: The ``FSLTool`` instance (see :func:`_loadFSLTool`).
:arg toolCtx: The tool context, as returned by the
``FSLTool.context`` function.
import wx
import fsl.utils.webpage as webpage
frame = fslTool.interface(None, args, toolCtx)
menuBar = frame.GetMenuBar()
if menuBar is None:
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
fslMenu = wx.Menu()
menuBar.Insert(0, fslMenu, 'FSL')
actions = []
def help(ev):
if fslTool.helpPage is not None:
'{} Help'.format(fslTool.toolName),
for (name, func) in fslTool.actions:
actions.append((wx.ID_ANY, name, lambda ev, f=func: f(frame, toolCtx)))
lambda *ev: frame.Close()))
for wxId, name, func in actions:
menuItem = fslMenu.Append(wxId, name)
frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, func, menuItem)
return frame
# My own custom logging level for
# tracing memory related events
logging.MEMORY = 15
def _logmemory(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
"""Log function for my custom ``logging.MEMORY`` logging level. """
if self.isEnabledFor(logging.MEMORY):
self._log(logging.MEMORY, message, args, **kwargs)
logging.Logger.memory = _logmemory
logging.addLevelName(logging.MEMORY, 'MEMORY')
# Fix some logging quirks
# make numpy/matplotlib quiet
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='matplotlib')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='mpl_toolkits')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='numpy')
# There's a bug in OpenGL.GL.shaders (PyOpenGL 3.1.0. - it's been
# fixed in the development version) - it calls logging.basicConfig(),
# and thus screws up our own logging. We overcome this by configuring
# the root logger before OpenGL.GL.shaders is imported (which
# occurs when is imported).
logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)8.8s '
'%(filename)20.20s '
'%(lineno)4d: '
'%(funcName)-15.15s - '
logHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
# We want the root logger
log = logging.getLogger()
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module defines some constant values used throughout ``fsleyes``.
"""This module defines some constant values used throughout ``fslpy``.
The following constants relate to the orientation of an axis, in either
......@@ -392,14 +392,6 @@ class Image(Nifti1, props.HasProperties):
else: = 'Nibabel image'
log.memory('{}.init ({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def __del__(self):
"""Prints a log message. """
if log:
log.memory('{}.del ({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def __hash__(self):
"""Returns a number which uniquely idenfities this ``Image`` instance
......@@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ class Model(object):
self.__loBounds = self.vertices.min(axis=0)
self.__hiBounds = self.vertices.max(axis=0)
log.memory('{}.init ({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def __del__(self):
"""Prints a log message."""
if log:
log.memory('{}.del ({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def __repr__(self):
"""Rewturns a string representation of this ``Model`` instance. """
......@@ -137,13 +137,6 @@ class TensorImage(fslimage.Nifti1):
self.dataSource = l1dir = '{}[tensor]'.format(op.basename(l1dir))
log.memory('{}.init({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def __del__(self):
if log:
log.memory('{}.del({})'.format(type(self).__name__, id(self)))
def V1(self): return self.__v1
def V2(self): return self.__v2
......@@ -38,11 +38,8 @@ A few functions are also provided for calculating the display size, in pixels,
of one or more canvases which are displaying a defined coordinate system. The
canvas sizes are calculated so that their aspect ratio, relative to the
respective horizontal/vertical display axes, are maintained, and that the
canvases are sized proportionally with respect to each other. These functions
are used both by :mod:`.render`, and also by the :class:`.OrthoPanel` and
:class:`.LightBoxPanel`, for calculating canvas sizes when they are displayed
in :mod:``. The following size calculation functions are
canvases are sized proportionally with respect to each other. The following
size calculation functions are available:
.. autosummary::
......@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ class Platform(notifier.Notifier):
.. note:: The values of the :attr:`glVersion` and :attr:`glRenderer`
properties are not automatically set - they will only contain
a value if one is assigned to them. The
:func:`` function does this when it is
first called.
a value if one is assigned to them. *FSLeyes* does this during
startup, in the :func:`` function.
.. autosummary::
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